I become light in American comics

Chapter 275 Misunderstanding

Unlike the Justice League, who had never heard of the title "Tex Adam", Shen You knew what he was dealing with the moment the name came up.

Just like Marvel's fictional country of Wakanda, a high-tech black uncle, DC also has a similar place called Kandak. This place is also an ancient country with a long civilization, and it specializes in a very awesome metal, a magic metal called "Eternal Alloy".

It's just that Kandak is not as lucky as the black uncles of Wakanda. They have no high technology or even sovereignty and have been in a colonial-like state for many years. This situation did not improve until their destined king returned across five thousand years.

That was Tes Adam, also known as Black Adam.

Black Adam was once chosen as the successor of the wizard Shazam. He has the power of the Six Gods and can transform into a nearly invincible magical superman through the "Shazam" spell. But his rampage made the wizard Shazam regret his choice. Shazam defeated and sealed him deep in Khandak.

In almost any version of the parallel world, Black Adam will eventually be exhumed from the tomb and step onto the throne again to become the new king of Khandak. Some say he was a brutal dictator, but it is undeniable that he did drive away the colonists and brought peace to the country. People live and work in peace and contentment, and he is the people's aspiration, the people love and are willing to be ruled by him, and Black Adam always puts his country and people first.

So it is conceivable that Western countries, which talk about liberal democracy all day long, regard him as a thorn in their side, and have tried to organize armies and superpowers to overthrow his regime more than once, but no one with too big a fist can do it.

Obviously, what this archaeologist's team unearthed was Black Adam's tomb, his sealed place.

Shen You has not gone to see it in person, but if it is a DCEU movie setting, there will be more than just Black Adam there. The movie is set in that Black Adam has an old enemy named Sabak, a super devil who is almost as strong as him. The crown used to awaken the demon was sealed in Black Adam's tomb.

In fact, to a certain extent, the scene when the tomb of Black Adam is discovered in the movie is a bit weird. There are no mechanisms or traps. The devil's crown hangs struttingly in the middle of the space, and the spell to awaken Black Adam is arrogantly carved on the ground.

Therefore, it is speculated from this result that the mentality of the old wizard who sealed them back then may be like this.

Old Wizard: I think I want to throw the Devil's Crown in this cave. You can go directly through the door and there are no traps or anything. Moreover, it is surrounded by flat rocks, so I can carve the specific instructions for the crown on the stone in detail. , in case someone finds this thing in the future and doesn’t know how to use it.

Oh, and make sure the crown floats in the spotlight, looking like a grand prize, just in case a StarCraft player comes in and can't find it. Oh, by the way, I will also hide it in the tomb of Tes Adam, and write the spell to break Adam's seal. It's best to design a fool's spell that will take effect as long as you say it, just in case a Muggle who doesn't know magic comes in.

In short, it is hard to imagine what kind of mentality the old wizard had when he created this seal. From the entry guide to the unsealing guide, everything is clearly marked in detail. It is more detailed than the instructions of some products today, for fear that someone will read it. If you don't understand, you can't break the seal.

It's hard not to doubt the sealer's true intentions when seeing this seal.

In any case, this way the person was successfully saved. Adrianna had already heard of the Justice League, and now that she was rescued, she had great trust in the heroes, so she revealed the location of the mausoleum without much doubt.

The target of the blood cultists is probably this tomb, maybe they are looking for new allies, but it is hard to say whether the target is the demon Sabak or Black Adam. Both of them belong to the dark magic side, and even Black Adam is a character who is both good and evil.

Shen You thought that maybe he could go to the cemetery to have a look when he had time, or go back and ask the old wizard. I hope he is not so demented that he cannot remember his mentality when he arranged this indescribable seal.

But first, the target let go, and they definitely need someone to take the blame.


"One mission, you have one mission!"

Sure enough, as soon as he returned, he saw the commander roaring angrily.

"I promised you to keep an eye on the outside and tighten your defenses. Where are the people? Where are the people!?"

The blood cultists suffered heavy losses this time. Almost all the expatriate teams were wiped out, and only their team, which was originally in the peripheral OB, came back in disgrace.

"Sir, it's not that we didn't work hard." Shen You said the lines he had prepared with a look of anger on his face, "We had already intercepted that woman, but we only missed it a little bit. But..."

He looked solemn and spoke in a low voice.

"There's a mole among us!"

The commander's face changed slightly: "Who?"

Shen Youxin said that it is not a question of "who", but "which ones" you should ask.

And honestly? All these are in front of you

Of course, you definitely can't say that. So Shen You said with a straight face, "Don't worry, Commander. Although this mission failed, it is not without gain. I have found the traitor in the team."

He said with a big wave of his hand. The few true believers in the team were immediately escorted up, each one was shackled, unconscious, and roughly thrown to the floor.

Only then did a few people slowly wake up, looking around blankly, their erratic eyes seeming to ask three basic questions: "Who am I, where am I and what happened?"

The few true believers did almost nothing during the whole process, and were assigned by the captain to stand guard outside. They were bored for a long time, and then one by one they suddenly fainted when their vision went dark.

When I woke up, I was tied up and thrown here.

"We had already captured the target, but these people suddenly launched a sneak attack. We were unprepared for the moment and were attacked in a panic. This gave the woman an opportunity to sneak away."

Shen You showed a heartbroken expression.

"They have been planning for a long time. They must be undercover agents planted by Sky Eye among us! No wonder Sky Eye accurately knew the information about all of us during the previous cleaning activities in Central City. There must be more undercovers inside us.

I bet there must be Sky Eye spies among the other teams that failed in this operation! It’s a pity so many brothers.”

The more the commander listened, the darker his face became. He turned to look at the bound people and asked with a cold face: "Is this really true?"

Several believers still didn't understand what was going on. The first believer to react was immediately furious and wanted to yell "You are the traitor!" angrily.

But the disguised Martian Manhunter's eyes turned red and his mind control activated. When the believer's words came to his lips, he changed to: "Yes, we are Sky Eye agents. As the saying goes, evil prevails over good, you crazy believers and your false gods can go eat shit!"

The commander narrowed his eyes and trembled with anger.

"Okay. Heaven's Eye, it's you again. Very good."

Only then did the believer come back to his senses. Seeing the leader's posture, his face turned pale. He trembled for a long time and only managed to squeeze out one sentence.


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