I become light in American comics

Chapter 277 Prince’s Tactics

The red and silver body looks like steel or flowing water, and the lines engraved on the body seem to be pulsating with light and vitality of life. Although it is only the size of a human body, it still makes the demons of the dark side shudder.

Especially the demon Salaka, who once had a relationship with Ultraman.

The demon's pupils shrank, his expression of fear was like a frightened rabbit, and he kept shouting "It's him, it's him, it's him". At that moment, its mind was almost filled with words similar to "run away with a bucket", but its reason also told it that there was no point even running away.

No one can run away from this thing.

"Come on, stop yelling, it's embarrassing."

Demon Tissac glanced at it with disgust, then turned to Shen You.

"Ultraman, I was thinking before I came here that maybe we could meet."

"Interesting, I thought so too." Shen You looked around, "But something seems to be missing. Belial isn't here today?"

Shen You used his super senses to check before coming in and found the aura of these two demons. At that moment, he was a little surprised to see his old friend reunited, but when he took a closer look and found that Belial was not there, he was still a little disappointed.

Now he felt that he and Belial were more or less old acquaintances, and he still felt a little strange when he didn't see them.

Of course, people probably won't miss him.

"Belair is a coward. He won't come back to this dimension no matter what." Tissac snorted, "But first things first, I am not a weakling like Belial or Salaka."

"Hey, I'm still here!" Salaka shouted.

Tissac rolled his eyes at him: "I said you were weak, what's wrong?"

He put on a posture of "I don't intend to give you face even in front of you."

The devil blushed: "You are scolding you?"

Tissac did not hesitate: "Weak chicken, trash, scum of war, a disgrace to father and son."

Salaka was so angry that she trembled all over. She stared at it for a moment, thought about it, and finally gritted her teeth as if she had made up her mind with great courage.

But when it waved its claws, a burst of magic power was activated.

Then the pair of sharp devil ears on its head disappeared out of thin air.

Shen You: "."

Tissac: "."

What is this operation?

As long as you don't have ears, you can't hear, right?

Shen You had to admit that this behavior somewhat refreshed the lower limit of his understanding of demons.

Tisak snorted and stopped scolding his teammates. He seemed to feel that scolding such a guy would be worthless. It turned around with a stern look on its face, and transparent magic waves spread out.

The next moment, the floor under Shen You's feet suddenly changed. Countless enchanted spikes composed of unknown elements rose from the ground and stabbed suddenly from under their feet.

This attack was launched extremely quickly, silently and concealed, making it almost impossible to avoid. But of course speed is a relative concept, and Shen You could sense it the moment the magic power was transferred to his feet. The thinking instinct of the light quantum brain accelerated, and he could clearly see the spikes slowly protruding from the soles of his feet.

He swayed lightly, and when the spikes shot out everywhere, he had disappeared.

Tisak's pupils shrank.

It's really fast!

But it had heard the brothers' descriptions, and had already expected that this enemy would be unusual. Before the first move hits, it has already prepared its back move.

The next moment, majestic dark magic burst out from its hands. Like a ball of fire that exploded into a grand flower, the endless darkness and temperature were divided into countless parts, turning into a barrage of flowers and rain exploding in all directions!

Prince's tactics!

Tissac's idea is simple. Since it is too fast to keep up with the speed, use fire coverage to make up for it. The firepower, which was so dense that even water couldn't be poured in, spread in all directions and would engulf the entire room in an instant.

Of course, this move is obviously not like the option of friendly damage protection in some games. Since it is a full-screen AOE, it is naturally bombed indiscriminately.

Then the voice of Salaka shouting came from the barrage.

"Hey, look carefully, this is a teammate! A teammate! Oh my god, it really hurts."

Of course Tisak completely ignored it.

Maybe he felt that it didn't matter if his teammate was so useless that he would be killed by the explosion.

This idea may not be impossible, but it is also based on a premise.

That is, its full-screen barrage attack cannot be much slower than the enemy's speed, and it must at least be able to break through other people's defenses.

However, in Shen You's eyes at this time, the threat level of the devil's princely tactics was indeed almost non-existent if rounded off.

This trick might have made him more vigilant two months ago, but now, in Shen You's eyes, the light pollution that fills the screen is like playing thunder and lightning with a bullet time plug-in, and there is no possibility of overturning.

How do you hit an almost stationary barrage?

Oh, by the way, the version with unlimited life cheats is still enabled.

Because even if it hits, it can't break the defense.

Shen You flew slowly and lightly between the almost still barrages in his eyes, and casually reached out to grab a magical light bullet suspended in mid-air.

At this time, Tissac was still in a drinking posture, his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open. Even the sounds coming out of his mouth seemed to be infinitely stretched on the timeline, like an endless tenor.

Shen You added some ingredients to the light bomb in his hand. With the injection of light energy, the chaotic magic ball suddenly became dazzling. It seemed that light and darkness were conflicting with each other in the spherical shell, like an out-of-control reactor ready to explode at any time.

And this was a reaction under Shen You's vision.

He could clearly feel that under the real speed of time and space, this magic ball should have exploded the moment he injected light energy into it.

He avoided obstacles and passed through the barrage, flew to the demon Tissac, and stuffed the slowly exploding ball of light into the demon's mouth.

Time resumes its flow.

Tissac's own magic light bomb exploded in its mouth like a grenade. Most of the devil's body from the waist up was blasted into ashes, and even the scum could not be found.

Even after Tissac was "cut in half", the remaining light bullets it fired had time to continue shooting in their respective directions. But Salaka saw the light bombs all over the sky exploding into gorgeous light and shadow, but actually did not cause any damage to the hall.

It stands to reason that if this round of bombing continues, the entire building will be reduced to ashes on the spot.

But they are still here. Tissac's full-screen AOE explosion before his death actually didn't explode even a bit of ash.

"I can't let you make too much noise, right?" Shen You's figure seemed to shake briefly, but quickly flashed back to it and said calmly.

"After all, to people outside, what is happening inside is just a devout believer accepting instructions from the Son of God. It would be bad if the hall was blown up, right?"

In an instant, Salaka realized what had just happened.

Just now, the screen full of magic light bullets exploded in all directions.

In that extremely short moment, this guy flew to the trajectory of each luminous bomb and intercepted them.

The moment he figured this out, the devil's hands and feet felt cold on a hot day, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

How fast does this have to be?

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