"What's wrong?"

After receiving the communication again, the captain of the Machine Hunter turned to look at the subordinate.

"Have the invaders been dealt with?"

"The machine hunter 'Beta' has also been destroyed." The machine hunter replied, "The third layer of defense has been breached, and the enemy continues to penetrate deeper."

The Robot Hunter Captain had a rare expression that was close to solemnity on his face.

"Who is the intruder?"

"There is a Green Lantern," the robot hunter said, "and another unidentifiable creature."

The Robot Hunter captain pondered for a moment. It didn't think that a Green Lantern could pose any threat to their factory, and the focus should be on the unknown creature.

As the predecessor of the Green Lantern Corps, each individual Machine Hunter possesses considerable combat power. An entire fleet of fully equipped machine hunters is enough to handle various matters in most interstellar sectors. And now they have been strengthened by the "grandmaster" they call them. They have designed special attack weapons against Green Lantern and also strengthened their individual strength.

This is why they didn't take the intruders too seriously at first.

But now it seems that the "unknown creature" among the invaders is becoming a major threat.

"I'm connecting with the Grandmaster." said the Captain of the Machine Hunter.

Once again connected to the so-called "grandmaster" of their superior, he listened for a moment with red light flashing in his eyes. The other machine hunters were just waiting on the side, while Desaad also looked on with a smile.

"The grandmaster said it's not a big problem." The captain of the machine hunter turned his head and said solemnly, "Let's activate the 'Hunter Commander'."


The command was issued and the communication was hung up again. Disad looked at this group of machine hunters and chuckled: "It doesn't look like the situation is very good. Should you go back and take a look?"

"Thank you, but we can handle it." The Machine Hunter captain said calmly, "The 'Hunter Commander' is a trial type of Machine Hunter warrior, a walking planet destroyer. It is equipped with weapons designed for destroying planets, regardless of invasion. What is it? They are all dead."

"This thing is also a machine hunter?"

When the large machine with a height of tens of meters broke through the earth's crust and revealed its huge body, Hal couldn't help but curse.

"A bunch of @#\u0026amp;amp;% guardians, how many things have they not told us?"

The Green Lantern Ring was driven with all its strength, and its condensed will turned into a substantial spear piercing it. The spear blooming with green light hit the outer shell of the giant machine hunter like a meteor and was broken into two pieces.

"What?" Hal was shocked, "How could that happen?"

"An energy response similar to willpower was detected." Lantern Ring said.

"What's the meaning?"

"The enemy's driving energy reaction is similar to that of a light ring."

"With my ring?" Hal was even more surprised, "But that's impossible. Only the Guardians can give the ring, no one except the Green Lantern Corps can."

Before he finished speaking, a green light blast erupted from the hand of the machine hunter. Hal hurriedly raised a bubble-like shield and wrapped himself in it. The burst of energy blasted him and his shield away, and he flew through countless layers of factory metal in one breath and disappeared without a trace.

The eyes of the leader of the machine hunters flashed with red light.

"No one can escape"


The silver fist hit the robot's face with sonic boom and lightning. The explosion of fist power caused the robot hunter to stagger back two steps, but he quickly stood still.

Shen You, who had also grown to a huge size, stood in front of it, assessing the opponent's condition.

The power of this punch is not weak, even Superman would have to stumble. But it was able to withstand the dozens of meters of iron lump. Apart from anything else, its hardness was not on the same level as the other machine hunters just now.

A heavyweight opponent.

"Biometrics.Failed, no matches."

The leader of the machine hunter locked eyes on Shen You with cold eyes.

"Execute strategy. End all life."

A green light suddenly appeared, and the green light impact hit Shen You head-on. But he dodged with his upper body slightly, then accelerated his thrust, hitting the opponent's flank with his right whip leg, and the huge force blasted on the metal body, causing sparks and green light debris.

He then turned around and kicked in the air. The red and silver figure dragged lightning, and Mach's accelerating kicks exploded with astonishing momentum. A burst of transparent impact carrying electric current exploded from this foot, sweeping across like a devastation.

The factory of the robot hunters was vulnerable to the impact of this shot. The empty buildings and buildings were instantly destroyed, and black smoke rose into the sky. The glass-like crystal structure cracked and shattered, and the air waves destroyed the alien alloy structure as easily as a heavy hammer hitting tofu.

Huge industrial facilities and mechanical structures were torn apart like rags, the gears and chains on the production line were flying in the air waves, and the unfinished body of the machine hunter was crushed to pieces in the impact.

Theoretically speaking, the entire planet is filled with machine hunters. No matter how hard they fight, there won't be an Aihara Dragon warning popping up from the roof of any building, so there is no need to restrain them.

After a series of kicks, Shen You rushed forward again, but saw that the opponent immediately adjusted his balance again and swept towards him with his arms.

Electricity appeared all over his body, and his figure suddenly accelerated. As he sprinted, he ducked and swiped away the opponent, then struck his chest armor hard with his palm. Then he dodged sideways to avoid the hand blow from the robot hunter and hit his abdomen with his knee.

The hunter leader retreated again after suffering a series of blows, but he still kept his hands up, raising both arms high and hitting Shen You's head hard. Shen You kicked his feet, and retreated behind the electric light. Taking advantage of the gap between his missed blow, he flashed up and hit his forehead with a combination of left and right punches.

Lightning and green light effects continued to explode on the iron skull, and the facial armor was dented. But then an arm swung at an extremely fast speed. Shen You raised his arm to block, but felt the power of this arm was strong and heavy, so he temporarily pulled away.

It's green light energy.

Shen You's enhanced vision has been recognized. This robot hunter leader is covered with a layer of defense similar to the Green Lantern protective field, which offsets the impact of external attacks and greatly enhances its defense.

The same applies to its mobility and arm strength. The green light energy strengthens its all-round attributes, making it extra powerful.

The armor is made of an unknown alien alloy, possibly technology from Europe and Asia, and is difficult to see through. But just judging from the energy radiation level, if you make a bold guess, the energy intensity of this thing should be enough to destroy the planet.

Hmm. But if it were placed in the Austrian series, it would not be a big deal to describe it this way.

After all, some defense forces can destroy planets with just one missile.

This robot hunter leader is a bit troublesome, but it's not impossible to handle, but it may take a little more effort.


Shen You, who was about to take action again, paused and was stunned for a moment.

It felt like an auditory hallucination, but he was sure he heard something.

He concentrated, trying to catch the sound.

"Saving is important and necessary"

Shen You quickly became convinced that this was telepathy. But it is too weak, and even weak telepaths may ignore it.

"Who is it? Where are you?" He tried to reply telepathically.

But the other party did not answer this question.

Instead, he gave him a somewhat baffling reply.



At this moment, Shen You was completely confused and didn't know what the voice was saying.

But the next second, he seemed to experience it himself.

Some kind of powerful energy source came from beneath the planet he was based on.

Some kind of light called "hope".

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