Hal Jordan stood silently, looking at the smoke, the burning flames, the debris everywhere, and the messy battlefield, and couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

He is a fearless man.

When he was a child, he witnessed the fighter jet his father was flying crash, and his father died in a sea of ​​fire in front of him. Such a childhood shadow is enough to leave any child with a fear of airplanes, but he didn't. Not only that, he also insisted on joining the Air Force against his mother's wishes, inheriting his father's legacy, just to prove that he was fearless.

Even when he first joined the Lantern Corps, he showed a strong will that none of the Green Lantern veterans could match. Someone has modified the Robot Hunter, and the targeted absorption device is enough to extinguish any Lantern's lantern ring. But even so, Hal defeated it with willpower and ignored the attribute restraint.

He had thought that he was omnipotent and that no enemy or difficulty could stop him. He felt the same way when he flew all the way to the Robot Hunter base camp. But at that time, Hal never dreamed that the biggest difficulty for him in this battle did not come from the opponent, but actually came from his teammates.

That unknown species called "Ultraman" by the people on Earth.

He's so damn fast, Hal can't even grab anyone's head!

Not long after arriving on Biostar, Hal immediately locked onto the location of the first wave of enemies, yelled and rushed forward while waving the light ring. He was about to have a hearty battle with those machine hunters for a hundred rounds, but he didn't expect a blue electric light to flash past behind him. Before he raised the light ring, the machine hunter in front of him had turned into a pile of parts.

This continues to be the case as we continue to deepen.

The robot hunter appeared, and Hal stepped forward bravely. There was a flash of lightning behind him, and the robot hunter's iron head fell to the ground.

Can you imagine the pain for a fool who relies on his muscles to think, who can only follow his teammates and shout 6 in a downwind round without even getting a head?

The moment the light ring detected the enemy again, the green light in Hal's eyes swelled. Without even waiting to lock the specific position, he yelled and raised his hand and fired a green light missile.

However, just as his missile was taking shape with his thoughts, he saw the red and silver alien buddy next door shoot out a blue beam of light, sweeping along a huge arc, and the machine hunter collapsed again. A big row.

Hal's missile froze in mid-air along with his movements and expression.

Shen You put down his hands, with transparent arcs still flashing on his arms.

He discovered that Hal's assertion was not unreasonable. Traditional infiltration requires concealment. You have to hide your tracks and hide from radar and scans, which is very troublesome. If the strength allows, blasting in from the main entrance may not be less efficient.

Anyway, as long as they see their targets, they will all be killed, and the effect is not much different from successfully bypassing them.

Shaking off the electric arc on his hand, Shen You turned his head and met Hal's somewhat resentful expression.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Hal said dullly, his whole person was listless, and the light of the lamp ring seemed to dim a bit.

On the surface, everything is fine, but in fact, I am murmuring in my heart.


Hit you?


"Sir, it's Bio. Our factory has been invaded." It was again the Machine Hunter who communicated before.

"No one can escape the machine hunter." The captain of the machine hunter said, "Initiate the defense protocol and intercept the target."


Disad narrowed his eyes: "Is there a problem?"

"It's just two little bugs. Grandmaster said we can handle them completely." The captain paused and then asked, "But there is one thing Grandmaster has always had doubts about.

To 'that lord', why is that Kryptonian so noteworthy? He is very powerful, but compared to that adult's vision, he should be insignificant, right? "

"Your narrow vision is not enough to understand the actions of that adult. The universe in his eyes is completely different from what you see. It is naturally difficult for ordinary people to understand."

Desard said coldly.

"You just have to fulfill the agreement and do your part. And as of now, I must say, we are not satisfied."

"This time it was an accident." said the captain of the machine hunter. "We will soon find out what happened on the earth. We will bring back the news soon. So what about this time?"

It was the communication machine hunter again who stepped forward and said, "Sir, the second layer of defense in the factory has been breached, and the enemy continues to penetrate deeper."

The captain pondered for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, we need instructions from the grandmaster."

As it spoke, its scarlet eyes flashed twice, as if it was communicating with someone.

After a while, the red light dimmed. The captain said calmly: "The grandmaster said it's not a big problem. Activate the machine hunter 'Beta' and allow direct killing without leaving any survivors."


"No one can escape the robot hunter"

I don’t know which wave of attacks followed the machine hunter that appeared in front of Shen You and Hal, but this time the style of painting is slightly different.

The whole body was covered in silver metal that shone with cold light, like a metal armor. Smooth lines, scarlet cold eyes, like gems shining with cold light. The red part of the armor is like solidified blood, deep and strong, with an ominous atmosphere.

The style of painting is a bit different from the previous Robot Hunter. The previous machine hunters had human-like facial features and could even make expressions like intelligent creatures—although they rarely did so. But this one looks more like a cold machine, built only for killing.

"Wait a minute," Hal cautioned. "My light ring shows that this one is much stronger than the others. The components on its head can absorb not only the energy of the emotional spectrum, but almost any type of energy within the known range." , light attacks should be harmless to it.”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard the sound of the air being torn apart, and the light flew past his side and hit the machine hunter head-on.

The device on the robot hunter's head was indeed activated, and the blue light flow turned into a vortex and poured into its head continuously.

It sucks, sucks, sucks

Then it exploded.

Blue light spread in all directions, and a huge fireball expanded. The robot's body was torn apart under the impact, and silver metal fragments scattered like meteors. The flames were like a violent behemoth, and the broken red and silver remains were flying in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Hal paused on the spot with his mouth open, but the half sentence he had not yet finished seemed to have been cut off abruptly.

Burning debris flew into the sky. Shen You lowered his arms and turned to look at Hal: "Did you just want to say something?"

"No," Hal muttered vaguely, "I told you to be careful."


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