I become light in American comics

Chapter 196 Everything will be fine

Shen You clearly knows that there is something called "Light of Hope" in the DC universe.

This is not some abstract or metaphorical rhetoric, but part of a system called the "emotional spectrum."

Generally speaking, there are seven colors of light in the emotional spectrum, each corresponding to an emotion or quality. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple correspond to anger, greed, fear, courage, compassion, hope, and love respectively.

Among them, "Hope" is the name of the blue light. It is the most special kind of the seven-color light spectrum. Only those who have the faith to never give up hope in desperate situations can control the blue lantern. Every member of the Blue Lantern must be the one with the highest moral character and the purest soul in the universe. Individuals, like saints.

In terms of energy alone, the blue light representing hope is the rarest and most powerful emotional energy compared to other six-color lights.

Shen You briefly studied green light energy. Although this is not enough for him to enter the technology tree system of the emotional spectrum, he has already somewhat understood the operation of this unique DC technology.

At least he could recognize it when he was in contact with a source of emotion, like now.

"Hope." The voice sounded again.

Then came huge energy, a gentle yet dazzling blue light, bursting out from the cracks in the underground of the steel planet and pouring into his body.

Although I have never seen it before and there is no relevant data for reference. But without that he could quickly guess what energy it was.

There is probably some kind of energy source in the blue light spectrum hidden beneath where he is standing.

The light of hope, no matter from the name or description, it can be seen that this concept highly overlaps with the characteristics of the Ultra family. This is no longer a question of how good the fit is, it is simply tailor-made.

So when Shen You came close to the energy source and released light energy, the energy was attracted like a magnet.

More and more, more and more abundant light.

The leader of the machine hunters raised his arms again.


At the moment when the word "no one" was spoken, Shen You had already rushed forward again.

Electric light radiated in the air, and Ultraman's body disappeared as if it had moved instantaneously. In the next moment, he had flashed in front of the hunter, his body hanging in the air, and he was kicking directly into his chest and abdomen.

The special effects of the halo exploded on the robot, and the shock wave caused the surrounding buildings to collapse and metal debris to scatter everywhere. The terrifying destructive power and huge impact blasted out a large number of radiating cracks in the protective force field on the chest and abdomen of the machine hunter.

The robot hunter fired back with a beam of light, but it only penetrated an afterimage. Shen You was no longer where he was. The next moment, he appeared from the left side with a burst of electric light. He was in mid-air, and with a flying knee, he knocked the machine hunter's head off with a bang.

Green light debris flew away, and a large defensive crack was blasted out of the robot hunter's head.

It turned around and struck with a palm, but Shen You had already avoided it. The afterimage flashed past the right wing in a fleeting moment. The robot hunter turned around again and tried to strike, but his punch missed again. At the same moment, Supersonic's elbow hit its shoulder from behind like a hammer, and the defensive force field continued to collapse.

It's like peeling off a layer of egg shell at super high speed.

"No one can escape"

The robot hunter's upper body turned unscientifically 180 degrees, facing behind him, and reached out to grab Shen You. Shen You shrank back and avoided the grab without looking back. He almost pulled away from the opponent's back, and at the same moment, like a clone, he flashed out from the completely opposite direction from the front, dragging lightning with a diving kick.

The robot hunter was kicked onto his back, and the iron lump dozens of meters high crashed to the ground, sliding along the ground like a rampaging giant beast. The alloy and steel bars on the ground made a clicking sound. The roof of the factory was torn and shattered. The spreading impact stirred up rolling yellow sand. The machinery and equipment along the way were crushed into pieces, leaving hundreds of meters of fire lines on the sliding track.

The defensive force field was overwhelmed and finally shattered into debris all over the sky.

They maintained an ultra-high-speed fight, and what seemed like several rounds actually only lasted a few seconds. At this moment, Green Lantern, who was operating at normal time speed, exploded out of the nearby ruins with a bang and flew into the air again.

Just after taking off and before taking off again, Hal saw this visually stunning scene. The huge robot slid backwards with a roar, and the protective field was blasted to pieces. The red and silver giant tens of meters high appeared out of thin air like a flash in the electric light, and landed heavily while maintaining a flying kick. It seemed to cause an earthquake on the planet when it landed.

Hal, who flew out of the ruins, hung in the air and pondered for two seconds.

Immediately he murmured: "I must have become violent."

But the robot hunter felt no pain. Or at least Shen You thought there should be no pain.

After being kicked away, the robot hunter ejected almost without stiffness, and its chest had deformed at some point, revealing a huge cannon.

Ultra-highly concentrated green light surged and brewed in the giant cannon, as if it had been fully charged and ready to be released at any time.

"The energy index is extremely high. The coefficient assessment indicates that it is extremely dangerous." The green light ring reminded, "It is estimated that the intensity is enough to destroy the current planet."

"You must be kidding." Hal was startled.

Shen You also saw the power contained in this hair cannon at a glance.

But he didn't hide.

He could feel that the abundant light called "hope" in his body was no weaker than the opponent at its maximum output. No, it should be more than that.

He can even compress and suppress the energy release radius, control the energy release direction and explosion range.

Although the planet below them didn't look like there were any ordinary residents, they came here to investigate. Moreover, Shen You was also a little concerned about the energy source that seemed to be a blue light charging him underground. If a beam from the opposite side were to blow up the entire planet, it would obviously not be helpful to the investigation.

He made his decision in a split second.

Don’t dodge or evade, a real man must face the wave head on!

Shen You formed a cross with his hands.

Specium Rays!

The dazzling light flow was released more violently than ever before. The metal earth was burned through the air, the steel buildings and wreckage turned red hot, and even the sky seemed to vaguely reflect a blue color.

The blue light trailed the lightning, and the green light of the machine hunter faced the boom!

The energy exploded from the contact point in a circular impact, briefly stalemate with each other, like a sign in the middle of a tug-of-war that repeated for a moment. But after only a second of stalemate, the center line began to push towards the side of the machine hunter, sweeping away like a devastating blow.

Shen You felt that he had reason to believe that he had secured the opposing position on the right side.

After increasing the output, Specium poured out all his strength. The green light was completely defeated, torn apart by the overbearing light flow, and the endless vortex finally washed over the huge body of the machine hunter without any hindrance.

"No one can escape."

The shell cracked, parts peeled off, and the mechanical hunter leader exposed his skull-like mechanical skeleton. He mumbled a few words at the end, and finally gave up reading. The light in the mechanical eyeball turned blue.

".everything will get better."

The leader's body exploded completely, and majestic light and heat erupted from the body, rising into the sky like a sharp sword that could penetrate the planet.

Soaring straight into the sky.

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