I become light in American comics

Chapter 191 Do you have to ask?

A few minutes later, Hal's apartment.

"Sorry, it's a bit messy." Hal said when he walked in. "I just returned to Earth not long ago and haven't had time to clean up yet."

Shen You didn't say anything out of politeness, but saying "a little chaotic" was an understatement.

The food remnants piled up at the door made the whole room smell like yesterday's takeout. The old sofa was covered with stains and even had cracks. There were plates, clothes, books and other debris piled up in the corners, as if everything had been thrown away after use.

There is a bachelor smell in the air.

Hal also seemed a little embarrassed. He coughed and put on the light ring. With a thought in his mind, the green light energy immediately transformed into several cleaning robots out of thin air, each holding a broom, mop, and shovel in their hands, with the Green Lantern Corps' iconic light ring logo printed on their chests.

He waved his hand, and the green light cleaning team immediately split up and started cleaning.

Shen You glanced at the black carpet under their feet and couldn't help but chuckle: "The black carpet is such a good idea, it doesn't look dirty."

The only black carpet in the whole room looked passable.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Hal's expression froze again.

"I actually remember the carpet was supposed to be blue."

Shen You: "."

The two were awkwardly and strangely silent for a few seconds, and then tacitly decided to ignore the topic and never bring it up again.

"Coffee? Beer?"

Hal asked as he sat on the sofa, giving the light ring a casual wave.

A pair of hands appeared out of thin air in front of the refrigerator. He opened the refrigerator door and took out a can of beer and a box of coffee beans.

"No need." Shen said, glancing at the cleaning machines that were busy working and the two hands in the air that closed the refrigerator and started making coffee for Hal, thinking that this green light ring seemed really convenient.

"By the way, how did you find me?" Hal looked at Shen You strangely, "How did you know I was the Green Lantern? I was wearing a mask."

"No offense. But your 'mask' only covers your cheekbones." Shen You smiled.

In a certain Green Lantern movie that Warner doesn't even want to mention, the heroine Carol complained to Hal, "I've even seen a naked butt. Do you think I can't recognize you if you cover your cheekbones?" "

But Hal is originally one of the superheroes who doesn't care so much about his secret identity. He is also the type who can pretend to be better but cannot just knock him down. Anyway, in his cognition, there is no problem that cannot be overcome with fists. If so, get a bigger fist.

"Okay, let's get down to business. I've recently made up for a lot of things that happened when I was away from the Earth." Hal said, "So, there was an extra Superman on the Earth when I was away, and... Ultraman, you are the one who is responsible for ?

It’s strange why your race is not in the guardian’s database.”

"There are no machine hunters in the Guardian's database yet." Shen said, "And these are certainly not the only things they are hiding."

"Yes, I have begun to doubt it." Hal held his chin, "I asked about the machine hunter, but the guardian scolded me on the spot and told me to stay away from the case.

Then I told them as a matter of course, that was impossible. These mechanical gadgets appeared in my sector, on my planet. I have long felt that those blue dwarfs were unreliable. But no one in the Green Lantern Corps found it strange. Everyone felt that obeying their orders was a matter of course.

There are many things that the Guardians don't tell us, and they don't ask. I tried to ask questions and they threatened to take away my lamp ring and fire me.”

"Green Lanterns are all soldiers, and obedience is their duty. Of course they never ask." Shen You shrugged.

Although essentially the duty of the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps is to maintain peace in the universe and defend justice, that is also the justice that the Guardians want. In the end, Green Lantern is just working for the Guardians.

"But my light ring found some kind of unique signal used by the robot hunters. I suspect it may be used internally for communication."

Hal crossed his legs and drank the coffee that Lantern Ring had just made for him.

"When I came back, I had the light ring simulate the signal and project it to the outside. Now there may be a response every minute."

"Signal response." The light ring flashed.

"Ha, what am I talking about?" Hal's eyes lit up, "Lamp ring, mark the coordinates for me."

The green lantern ring quickly showed the specific location. Not far away, in low Earth orbit, someone answered his call with the same signal.

"Very good. If the guardian refuses to say anything, then I will investigate it myself. Let me see what is behind this machine hunter."

As he spoke, his whole body shone with light, and the light of the light ring covered his whole body, transforming into a classic Green Lantern uniform that wrapped around his body.

At the same time, Shen You's bracelet has also been activated. The armor that emerged out of thin air was quickly assembled and covered his whole body.

Hal chuckled: "Cool."

Ten minutes later, the two of them had flown out of the atmosphere and arrived at the location guided by the coordinates.

A spaceship.

The silver spaceship has a streamlined design. The scan results show that it is some kind of reconnaissance ship with traces of Oua technology.

Hal used the light ring to release cutting energy, like a green laser knife, cutting a circular incision on the outside of the scout ship. The two flew in one after another.

A gloomy atmosphere, without any light source. The green light from the light ring poured in from the cutout, barely illuminating a small area near the entrance.

There was no breath of living people or air, like a long-lost haunted house. There is a mirror-like instrument hanging on the wall, but it is broken. The green light of the lamp ring is reflected on countless mirror surfaces, and the shadows reflected by the cracks make people shudder.

"No signs of life." The green light ring reported.

"Then continue scanning"

Before Hal finished speaking, Shen You suddenly reached out with one hand, grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Almost at the same second, a red-hot beam shot out from the darkness, almost grazing Hal's personal protective force field.

The wall of the spacecraft was penetrated by the beam, and green energy fragments flew everywhere from where the force field was hit. Searing pain penetrated his body. Hal staggered, gritted his teeth and looked at the attacker.

Then a pair of strange red lights lit up.

The dark red curved body is smooth and full of the texture of foreign technology. The limbs with silver shells are solid and precise in design, and the eyes are flashing with a demonic red light. The human-like facial features are mechanical and cold, without any fluctuation of expression.

Robot Hunter.

"Is this your greatest ability?" Hal's whole body was shining with green light. "That's it? Is this the robot hunter?"

However, the words just fell.

More and more red lights lit up in the darkness, surrounding the two people from all directions.

Shen You glanced sideways at Hal: "Do you have to ask?"

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