I become light in American comics

Chapter 190: Overcoming the Passive Above

For the novice Superman in the movie, General Zod may still be a big trouble, but for Shen You, Kryptonians and Kryptonian technology are the ones he has been exposed to the earliest and studied the most since coming to DC. He has various coping methods. He had a dozen in hand, not to mention he still remembered the clincher of the Phantom Drive collision in the Man of Steel movie.

As long as preparations can be made in advance, to be honest, Zod is no longer a BOSS in Shen You's eyes, and is at best an elite monster. It cannot be said that there are no rollover points, but there are so many remedial actions that there is nothing to pay attention to.

Not even a few hours had passed since General Zod declared on television that the matter had been resolved. The military and civilians of the entire earth are still in panic. The United Nations has held a high-level emergency meeting and the Sky Eye Society has fully mobilized. People are also nervously waiting for the end of the world disaster scenario where aliens come.

However, no one expected that there would be nothing more to say.

Zod went on TV and made harsh remarks, pretending to be cool, but he died before he could finish pretending. Twenty-four hours passed uneventfully, but nothing happened, leaving the people of the earth confused.

After that, the inventory of spaceships on Shenyou's side has also increased, and the types of collections continue to be enriched. Zod's mothership was sucked away but a spaceship remained. After Noen was arrested, Rozburg, who had been hiding outside for a long time, was finally exposed.

Of course, there were only a bunch of soldiers and generals left in Fort Ross now, and Shen You showed no resistance at all when he came to the door. As a result, Shen You's inventory of Krypton's high-tech prison soon increased by one.

If things develop like this, Shen You feels that he can even build an interstellar fleet in the future. A miscellaneous fleet with a mixture of technologies from more than a dozen civilizations is a bit interesting when you think about it.

Of course, I'm just thinking about it now. As we all know, space battleships are basically at the bottom of the interstellar power category in the DC system. The first Green Lantern in history, with no training and little experience, was able to defeat an entire Star Fleet by himself with his Green Lantern Ring in actual combat for the first time.

The battleships of the top civilizations in the setting are often the backdrop for powerful enemies when they appear in major interstellar events. No matter how awesome the battleship is, its fate will always be the same as that of the Earth Defense Force's aircraft. In the end, it will either be used as a firecracker in mid-air. Or just perform a wave of Filipino fish fry.

Before leaving, Shen You also told Dachao to pay more attention to the International Gang.

After all, Metropolis is Superman's territory. Although Superman likes to use an external brain when fighting, his investigative abilities are still online when he is a reporter. It should be relatively reliable to leave the inside story of the International Gang to him for investigation.

The International Gang is similar to the Falcone family's position in Gotham, controlling almost the entire criminal network in Metropolis. If it were just like this, it wouldn't be worthy of Shen You's attention, but if it involves an alien civilization of unknown origin, it would be worthy of caution.

In particular, the International Gang is the main criminal gang in Superman stories. Whether it is in comics before or after the reboot, or in animated adaptations, this gang often involves the most classic representative interstellar villains in the entire DC series.


This is why Shen You instinctively felt alert when Penguin told him the name International Gang.

Compared with the problems here, a mere General Zod is really nothing more than a trivial matter. Apokolips and his ruler, the New God Darkseid, are an eternal threat to the Justice League. And even in the major events of the original work, the Darkseid faced by Zhenglian is often just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the strength of this powerful new god.

Early the next morning, Shen You's radar responded.

"Special energy fluctuations were detected entering the atmosphere, and there is a match in the database." Pal fed back the results to Shen You, "The signal location is located in Seaside City.

A new file was recently created, targeting the energy response of the codename ‘Green Lantern’. "

"Hal is back?" Shen You thought for a while.

Last time Hal flew back to Oa in a hurry, saying he was going to the guardian to ask about the machine hunter. Maybe he can explain why the machine hunter is here and what his intentions are for the earth.

"Plan me a flight to Beach City."

"Okay, sir."

Beach City, "Beach House" Ice Cream Parlor.

Hal Jordan was wearing a store clerk's uniform, with a funny apron hanging in front of him, and a forced business smile on his face.

"Need anything, sir?"

Hal, who was on a financial and logistical blacklist because of too many crashes, was kicked out of the Air Force and had to find a new job to stay afloat on Earth.

The man behind the counter adjusted his glasses and studied the menu for almost a lifetime.

Hal's patience was gradually worn away: "If you don't need anything, please give up your seat to the customers in line behind you, sir."

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter." The man raised his head and said vaguely, "Then give me a pie first, something warmer."

"We sell ice cream, sir." Hal forced a smile.

"You mean there are no more pies?"


"Okay." The man waved his hands impatiently, "Then just bring me something hot and oily."

Hal's smile had completely disappeared and he looked at him expressionlessly.

"You're here to cause trouble, right, silly X?"

"What did you say?"

"I said you have a problem in your head, get out of here as soon as possible"


The manager showed up at the store before things got out of hand.

"Sorry manager, I'm trying to explain to this idiot that we are an ice cream shop."

"You're fired." The manager said expressionlessly.

Hal was stunned for a moment.

"What did you say?" Hal argued, "That doesn't make sense. I don't."

“Our customer complaint rate has gone up 100% since you arrived,” the manager said. “I can’t believe it’s only now that I’m telling you to get lost, but we should have done this a long time ago.”

After a pause, he hummed softly.

"I heard you were a pilot and now I seem to understand why they won't let you fly anymore."

Hal narrowed his eyes and his expression seemed to have cooled down.

It seemed that these words touched his nerves.

"What are you still doing?" the manager said coldly, "Are you waiting for me to take you out?"

"In fact"

Hal clenched his fists.

".I just want to give you this parting gift, silly X."


A right hook. The manager's mouth was so twisted that he sat on the ground with a look of shock, as if he was in disbelief at his reaction.

"Oh, it must be painful now." Shen You couldn't help but clicked his tongue when he saw this scene from behind.

This feels like it should be regarded as Hal's passive skill. I fought with teachers when I was in school, I fought with leaders when I joined the army, I fought with instructors when I entered Green Lantern training camp, and I fought with guardians after joining the Lantern Corps.

Ever since he was little, he has either been fighting with the leader or on the way to fight with the leader. Now that he is so passive, people who don’t know him think he has some island origin.

A few minutes later, when Hal packed his things and left, Shen You came to him.

"You are?" Hal frowned.

"I'm looking for Green Lantern." Shen You said, "Are you free?"

Hal raised his eyebrows.

"I do not know what you're talking about."


Shen You smiled, stretched out his right hand and shook the small green lantern ring that should have been in Hal's pocket.

"Then what is this?"

Hal: "!?"

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