I become light in American comics

Chapter 192 The smile gradually disappears

The blazing beam traversed the space, and the shock wave exploded into transparent ripples on Green Lantern's protective field. The fragments of the force field barrier flew like crystals, and Hal turned and flew backwards, crashing into the ruins.

"No one can escape the robot hunter"

The machine hunter that blasted him away slowly approached, his eyes flashing red.

"Okay, okay, I can memorize it all."

Hal spit out blood, raised his fist, and shouted with the surge of green light: "No one can escape Green Lantern!"

The moment the words fell, the hull exploded. The dazzling green light broke through the ceiling, and the green light particles turned into a huge steamroller and fell from the sky. A steel giant made of green light, the body is covered with huge tires, arranged longitudinally to make it look extraordinarily huge. The rollers kept spinning relentlessly, as if they were crushing everything beneath them to flat ground.

Eat my steamroller!

The robot hunter was unprepared. When he raised his head, the steamroller had already hit his face. He was completely blasted through the ground together with the steamroller and fell down. He fell to the lower level and could no longer see his shadow.

Hal floated forward proudly: "Ha, this should teach you not to provoke one."


Before he could finish his words, green light burst out from below, which in turn blinded his face. Hal Jordan threw his head back and somersaulted.

"What's going on?"

He looked up in shock and saw that the machine hunter that had just been blasted was already flying again, with a green light burning on his forehead, and he repeated mechanically: "No one can escape the machine hunter."

Green Lantern Ring also reported calmly: "The energy level is 70%, and the embodied attack has been absorbed."

"Tch, let's just make the next one stronger." Hal shouted and flew up, the green light transformed into a mallet in his hand, and he rushed towards the machine hunter fearlessly.

At the same time, Shen Youzheng dodged and slid between the two robot hunters. He smashed the head of one robot hunter with a Mach flat elbow and kicked the other one away with a flying kick.

They are equipped from head to toe with anti-Green Lantern weapons. The head and chest are equipped with cores that absorb the energy of the green light, and even the armor materials on the body are designed to offset the impact of the green light.

However, such a targeted design is only effective for green light energy and similar emotional spectrum energy, and the effect on other attacks is average.

Obviously, the intelligence of the machine hunters also helped them realize that this invisible mobile armor is a more advanced threat than the Green Lantern. Therefore, a large row of machine hunters focused on him first.

Blue lightning radiated from the gaps in the mobile armor.

The next moment, at least ten machine hunters opened fire together.

The intensive firepower and the high temperature radiated by the beam filled the space, and the dark cabin seemed to become red hot.

Shen You lowered his center of gravity and shuttled between the fire nets. He stepped on the wall and took two steps, avoiding several beams that locked on him, and ran from the floor along the wall to the ceiling.

He then aimed at the gaps between several beams and jumped up. Like a night owl passing through the laser anti-theft net, it rushed across the fire net and rushed into the formation of the machine hunters in a very short moment.

Mach, whose speed had increased, smashed the head of the oncoming robot hunter with a heavy punch, and his knee dented the chest of the second machine.

Both Hunters tried to fire at him. But in a flash, Shen You was between the two of them, and in the almost static time and space, he turned the muzzles of the two machines and pointed them at each other's heads.

The moment he ran away, the two machines opened fire at the same time, and the red-hot beams exploded into each other's heads, frying each other's foreheads to a crisp.

Hunter A's blackened forehead was covered with electric sparks, and he finally said with difficulty to his teammates in front of him: "I'm so sorry."

Hunter B's head was also in a mess, and one of his mechanical eyeballs was blown away, but he still said with difficulty: "Me too."

After that, the two brothers turned off the engine together and collapsed side by side.

At this time, all the hunters reacted and switched to melee weapons. Each one showed their uniformly equipped weapons. Each of them was wrapped with electric current and could rise to the sky with one shot. They waved it wide and wide, leaving behind a trace in the darkness. Threads of filamentary current.

Of course, it's of limited use.

Shen You ran into a hunter who hit him in the face with a stick. With a lightning-fast circling step, he ducked around to its side and got stuck at a perfect angle in the bullet-time perspective.

Among the four robot hunters, some were taking out sticks, some were turning around, and two were waving sticks at him from the front. All of them moved slowly like slow motion, and their positions happened to be connected in a straight line in front of Shen You.

Shen You stopped, and lightning radiated out in the still space. He placed his left hand flat on top of his right arm, and the light energy gathered towards the output port in the palm of the armor, roaring out with the burst of lightning.

Ultra shot!

One wears four!

The four Robot Hunters exploded with a series of bang-bang-bang explosions. The spacecraft was pierced by beams and parts were blown everywhere.

When the three remaining Robot Hunters saw the mobile armor stop moving, they immediately seized the opportunity and rushed forward, waving their sticks and muttering: "No one can escape the Robot Hunters."

Shen You turned around 180 degrees without even looking. When he turned around, the freezing energy had been fully charged.

Freezing light!

The ice-blue light swept across, and the three robot hunters immediately maintained their sprinting posture and were frozen in place, and they swept away the ice sculpture in an instant.

Shen You stepped forward and his figure turned into lightning and flashed out. The afterimage of Mach's movement passed through the three ice sculptures in an S-shape. The machine hunter immediately exploded and shattered on the spot.

A graceful drift brake, and the metal boots wiped out bright sparks on the ground. Shen You clapped his hands and turned to look in the direction of Hal.

Hal is still fighting to the death with the machine hunter from the beginning.

"Energy is less than 30%." Lantern Ring reported.

"I know you don't have to keep reminding me!"

When he spoke, Hal was being held against the wall by the machine hunter's iron-like hands, his face was red, his ears were red and veins were bulging, and he was mumbling something.

"The day is bright, the night is vast; there is no place for monsters and monsters to hide."

His eyes glowed green, and his whole body glowed brightly.

"No one can escape the robot hunter"

The robot hunter said coldly and increased the strength on his hands. Hal's throat was continuously compressed, and the energy of the lamp ring was continuously sucked into the device on the opponent's head, and cracks began to appear in the protective force field.

But Hal completely ignored it: "Evil people are traitors to the party and are afraid of my divine light."

The light ring released a huge brilliance, and the intense green light occupied the entire space.

"The green light always shines. The light of eternity!!!"

In an unparalleled explosion, Hal's will caused the light ring to erupt with an output beyond the preset, as if a long sword cutting through the darkness penetrated the head of the machine hunter in one breath. And the green light stored in it burst out and flowed back into Hal's light ring!

"The energy level is 92%, and the lamp ring is operating in good condition." the lamp ring reported.

"Ha, I'll tell you."

Hal shook off the mechanical hunter who was miraculously blasted into scrap metal by his powerful force, feeling triumphant.

"Green Lantern can do anything!"

He said and turned around to take a look.

I saw Shen You standing on the edge and watching like the crowd. Behind him, the robot hunters were lying on the ground in a mess. Some had no heads, some had no hands, some simply fell apart and were left with a pile of smoking parts, and some were hung on the wall.

Hal's smile faded.

I am a hard-working person and will continue to update three times~

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