I become light in American comics

Chapter 189 Zod’s lies

General Zod sat in the spaceship, his eyes widened, and his super vision was scanning the vicinity at almost all frequencies.

At this time, their spaceship had flown back to the outer space of the atmosphere, where his mothership should have been parked.

But nothing was found.

Zod's eyes widened and his head filled with questions.

Where is my home?

No, he just went to wander on the surface for an hour or two and then disappeared when he came home?

"Where is the mothership?" Zod was furious and turned to look at the few subordinates left on the spacecraft.

The entire mothership evaporated out of thin air, and Zod's Kryptonian army instantly turned into three or two big cats and kittens like the Norn's.

Now, except for his most trusted Kryptonian female adjutant Fiora, another Kryptonian Zhuang who is about two meters tall, and Norn, there are only three or five Kryptonian warriors left.

The combined forces of Zod and Fort Roz were almost completely wiped out, and they hadn't even seen who their opponents were yet.

"The energy reaction of the Phantom Drive's rampage was detected." A subordinate said with shame. "It is speculated that the Phantom Drive's hedging may have created a singularity, and the mothership was sucked into the Phantom Zone."


Zod was furious, yelled "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", and smashed the console next to him into scrap metal with his fist.

The remaining few people remained silent, knowing that the situation was over. The mothership is gone, the planetary transformation engine is gone, and the great cleaning system is gone.

They all vaguely felt that there seemed to be an invisible big hand behind the earth, playing with them the whole time. Until now, their home has been stolen and they don't even know anything about the enemy.

"No, it's not over yet." Zod gritted his teeth, "There is also Kal-El. I will kill him and take away the Central Book! His remains will become the cornerstone of New Krypton, and we can still..."


Before he finished speaking, the outer cabin of the spacecraft had been blasted through. The red and blue afterimage crashed through the shell and flew in, and a sliding shovel landed in the middle of the control room.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Superman appeared.

"You!" Zod's eyes were splitting, "You ruined the hope of Krypton! Traitor!"

"Krypton has been destroyed a long time ago," Superman said. "Even if it has to be rebuilt, it won't be on the corpses of seven billion people."

"Shut up!"

Zod was furious and flew forward. Superman punched back, and the two of them shot through the ship and into space as they fought.

There is no need for words anymore, even the brain is empty. Zod himself couldn't remember clearly what happened next. He could only feel his blood rising, and his anger mixed with seemingly endless energy, constantly pouring out of his body, poured into his fist, and blasted out again and again.

At this time, Zod had already absorbed solar energy and gained superpowers, and this Kryptonian exoskeleton armor allowed him to go one step further based on his superpowers and become stronger than Kal-El.

No, he was a natural warrior before that. His genetic adjustment made him born with much stronger strength than Carl. This made him invincible, and also gave the Kryptonian who grew up on the farm no chance to resist in front of him.

When I came back to my senses, it was already over.

His hands were stained with blood, and their battle shot through the moon. And the traitor he hated, Kal-El, had his head bleeding, his face changed beyond recognition, and he stopped breathing.

"You shouldn't have opposed me. It's a pity. We could have built a new Krypton together." Zod stood up and looked at the gradually cold body, "Maybe you should have died with your father."

And this was his clarion call to fight back.

Kal-El's counterattack caused him a lot of trouble, but that didn't make him give up. He killed Kal-El and obtained the Central Tome. Without a planetary terraforming engine, they used more primitive means to sweep away the earth, spent more time and fought more battles, and finally succeeded in taking over the planet.

A new planet Krypton was built, and they became the founders of a new era. Twenty years later, New Krypton is already thriving, and the people bathed in the yellow sun have built a civilization that is even more glorious than the peak of Krypton in the past.

Even Krypton's greatest enemy, Brainiac, suffered a disastrous defeat when he coveted New Krypton again. That hateful artificial intelligence was wiped out in front of Zod's invincible fleet.

As for Brainiac, his body was in tatters after being beaten and exploded, dragging wires and sparks, crawling on the ground with difficulty, and said in an intermittent electronic voice: "No, no, Emperor Zod is too strong. ."

And Zod, dressed in rich gold and wearing an emperor's cloak, stepped on its mechanical head and laughed while looking at the prosperous world he created.


"By the way, is it normal for him to smile like this?"

Looking inside Zod's spaceship, Kara couldn't help but feel puzzled as she watched Zod, who was bound by magic and tied behind his back by a noose of lies, sleeping and giggling.

She looked at Raven who was casting a spell beside her.

"Did your magic turn him into a fool?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know either." Raven Girl shook her head, "The illusion is spontaneously generated based on their true inner thoughts. I don't know what they each saw."

While speaking, General Zod, who was tied to the ground, grinned again and let out a series of silly smiles like "Hey, hey, hey," and his body was trembling with laughter.

"Wow." Kara covered her mouth, "This looks pretty weird."

This is the main front that Shen You decided to lay out after much thought. General Zod and his subordinates in the movie are fully armed and wearing exoskeleton armor when they appear, which can isolate any radiation, which means that kryptonite or red sun will not be effective until the armor is damaged. .

However, the yellow solar radiation in the movie was also isolated at the beginning, so those Kryptonians should have relied on their own physical fitness and the power of the black-tech exoskeleton to fight back and forth with Superman.

But now General Zod has been brewing for so long and has even merged with Fort Ross. Shen You feels that there is reason to believe that they have gained superpowers after being exposed to the sun enough, and they also have armor that can block radiation.

In this way, the first two of the three well-known weaknesses of Kryptonians were isolated - although Shen You felt that he was now fully capable of violently destroying their armor, it was possible, but not necessary.

So he designed this trap based on the third remaining weakness, magic.

When it comes to magic, there are few in the world who can do it better than the Daughter of the Three Houses. First, arrange for the raven to set up a barrier here in advance, and wait for them to rush in. They didn't notice it at all, but the moment they rushed in, they all fell into an illusion.

Following Shen You, he hacked the defense system of the spacecraft, sneaked through the wall at super high speed, and tied them all tightly with a lasso of lies to enhance the effect.

Needless to say, the quality of the raven's magical power is natural. In the original work, the lie lasso is an artifact that even the magical side of Wonder Woman cannot get rid of. Naturally, a bunch of Kryptonians who are resistant to magic have no chance.

"I don't even know how to thank you." Superman looked at Shen You and said sincerely, "Things could have been much worse. I mean, can you imagine that I might have had to fight them on the ground?

Thousands of people could die! I can barely imagine it."

"And there will be hundreds of millions of property losses, and many, many buildings may collapse." Carla interjected.

"Yeah, I can't afford to pay for so many losses. As you know, it's just my meager salary at Daily Planet."

"Maybe the owner of another building will come to settle accounts with you." Kara smiled. "Maybe he is super rich and can get a bunch of kryptonite and an awesome armor."

Superman thought for a moment: "I don't know, that sounds like something Lex Luthor would do. There shouldn't be anyone else so boring, right?"

After a moment of silence, his tone suddenly became a little uncertain.

"That should be right?"

Continuing with the third update, please vote for me at the end of the month~

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