I become light in American comics

Chapter 186 I was targeted

Fort Roz.

"Maybe something went wrong."

Norn stood in front of the tower, looking at the battle reports fed back from the front line, feeling a little confused.

Not long ago, they secretly dispatched another action team to Earth to raid a top-secret Sky Eye Society stronghold.

All kinds of preparations, tactics and advanced weapons and equipment were made in advance, but in the end they were basically useless.

The three Kryptonians led the team, followed by a few Rozburg aliens who were relatively talented in fighting, and basically defeated the stronghold with their hands.

It’s not like we didn’t encounter any decent resistance at all during this period. After all, during this spiritual resurgence on earth, the level of civilization and technology was not very good, but there were still quite a few superhuman beings. A super-powered man was also pulled out from the Sky Eye, a warrior codenamed "Captain Steel". He was transformed from the DNA level, and all the bones in his body were replaced by special metals. His body was a combination of a small number of reinforced human tissues and most of a special alloy.

The properties of the alloy gave him super strength and super speed, as well as an invulnerable body. Of course, it was completely insufficient in front of the Kryptonians.

The addition of the Power Rangers didn't change the outcome much. The Kryptonian war criminals easily inflicted heavy damage on the Sky Eye agency, and encountered almost no strong resistance during this period.

So Norn feels a little confused now. In his entire life as a soldier on Krypton, he had never encountered such a strange opponent.

If you want to say he's strong, he's just like a bronze in a fight. All the preparations and predictions you made in advance will be useless. Just go up and draw A casually, which will be a devastating disaster for them.

Let's talk about their food. The food is a bit weird, giving people a sense of mystery that it will overturn if you are not careful.

While he was thinking about it, General Zod came from behind and said dryly.

"The planetary engine is tuned and ready."

Noen looked at him in surprise: "So fast?"

"Of course." Zedd glanced at him, "As we said before, if your method doesn't work, then you have to follow my method."

Of course Norn knew exactly what Zod was talking about.

Zod's tactics also have a bit of the Kryptonian recklessness that Batman calls his signature. Don't make any conspiracy or make up anything, just go up and do it.

Starting with the planetary engine, it will directly push the surface of the earth and perform a physical cleansing of all mankind. During this period, it will kill anyone who comes looking for it. It is simple and crude.

"What? Do you have any objections?" Zod frowned and glanced at Norn.

"I'm not sure. But I'm wondering if it's too fast." Norn muttered, "The details of the enemy are still unclear, maybe."

"There is no time to waste time." Zod said calmly, "The reconstruction of New Krypton is imminent, and every minute and every second is precious. We have observed enough, and the human defense force organization you are talking about is a group of standard They are level 3 civilized losers and pose no threat to us."

"But it is a fact that our people were lost here." Norn argued, "I think we should send spies to infiltrate to obtain further intelligence."

"That's not necessary."

Zod waved his hand, seemingly determined to follow his lead to the end.

"What we need now is Kal-El and the central tome that his father sent away. No need to say more, either join or stay out of the way.

We will do whatever it takes to rebuild Krypton. Every obstacle must be removed, even you. Either join in or get out of the way. "

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant in his own territory, Norn couldn't help but feel angry. But then I thought about it, one by one, my subordinates saved my grandpa, and all of them went to the earth to donate. Even my wife went to the earth and has not returned since. In a literal sense, I lost my wife and lost my army.

Although he still has a team of Kryptonian henchmen under his command, compared with Zod's army, they are basically mere commanders. It seems that he really doesn't have the right to interrupt.

So he had no choice but to swallow his anger: "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Zod nodded with satisfaction, turned around and came to the tower.

"Now, give a message to our Kryptonian compatriots on Earth. The new Kryptonian war will begin now!"


"I was targeted, absolutely targeted!"

Apollo, bruised and swollen, shouted.

"Okay, okay, you've stressed it many times." The goddess of strife sat on the window sill next to her, her long pale legs dangling in the air, with a smile on her face, "We all know that you have been raped by Wonder Woman again. My friend gave me a slap in the face, so you don’t have to stress it over and over again.”

Apollo couldn't sit still when he heard this, and jumped up suddenly: "Don't you understand human language? I told you, I was targeted! That little girl, she can suck my energy!

It’s so crazy! One, two or three of them are all staring at me, what can I do? "

Queen Herax looked at him.

"Don't stare at me like this!" Apollo was furious, "Even if I fail, I will still be the Sun God."

As he talked, he was so excited that his unhealed nasal cavity was cracked again, causing his nose to bleed.

So the great Sun God had to raise his head and pinch his nose, trying to suck back the nosebleed.

"Okay, we all know the situation, but it doesn't matter." Hera hummed leisurely, "It doesn't matter. I had a date with Hades and Poseidon last night."

When the goddess of strife heard this, she immediately widened her eyes, jumped off the window sill and ran over quickly, with an expression of eager anticipation on her face.

"Mom, have you finally obeyed them? Where did you do your work? Do they go together or take turns?"

"It's just a conversation." Hera glared at her viciously.

"Tch, just talking."

The goddess of strife felt that the boss was not interesting, so she sat back in her seat and ate apples.

"In short, we have reached an agreement." Hera was wrapped in a large feather robe and said coldly, "We all agree that the position of God King has been vacant for too long, but no matter who is appointed as the next God King, other Even the gods must be dissatisfied.

Even including me, Hades and Poseidon have made it clear that they believe that I do not have the authority to appoint the next god king. No matter who I choose, they won't acknowledge it. "

"It doesn't matter whether I admit it or not." Apollo snorted, "As long as I sit in that position, the divine power is in my hands. They will have to admit it even if they don't."

Hera glanced at him and said calmly: "It is no longer certain who will sit in that position, Apollo. We all agree that the new god king needs to be born from the assessment and competition of the gods."


Apollo, who had just sat down, bounced up again, with a look of shock on his face.

The nosebleed that had just stopped started to flow again due to emotion.

"This is different from what we promised!" he shouted, "You promised, you said you would leave the position to me!"

"And you didn't fulfill your promise."

Hera rolled her eyes at him, expressionless.

"This is the only way that everyone can accept. The throne that Zeus ascended to by strength must be like this now, and it can only be like this.

So if I were you, Apollo, I would prepare well now and perform well when the time comes. In this way, when the assessment comes, you might still have a chance. "

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