I become light in American comics

Chapter 187 A mere team of Kryptonians

"So...a universal wishing stone?"

HISHE Cafe, Clark Kent looked at Diana strangely while drinking coffee.

"There really is such a thing."

"Yeah. Thirty years have passed, and I still find it incredible when I think about it." Diana shrugged.

She was sharing her thrilling adventure in 1984 with her new friends.

"So you made a wish to bring your pilot friend back, and then the price was your superpower?" Kara asked.

"Absolutely." Diana nodded.

Clark took a sip of coffee and thought about it.

"I think that's not bad. I've thought about it more than once, how nice it would be if I didn't have superpowers and could be like other ordinary children. It would actually be pretty good if I could get important people back in exchange."

If someone else said this, it might be a bit suspicious of Versailles, but Da Chao really thinks so from the bottom of his heart. Compared with these abilities of flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, he actually just wants to be an ordinary kid on the Kent farm.

"I don't know, I think superpowers are pretty good." Kara tilted her head, "It would be nice if I could have wishes come true and have abilities."

The little Kryptonian has been assimilated into the "I want them all" shape without even realizing it.

"You guys also stole a plane from the museum, which doesn't feel very good." Dachao said, "It's really strange that the plane in the museum can actually fly, and it happens to have fuel in the tank."

Shen You, who had just come out of the laboratory and sat aside to listen for a while, couldn't help but ask.

".And where did you say you flew to in the plane?"

"Fly to Egypt."

"How far did it fly?"

"I can't remember exactly." Diana thought for a moment, "Maybe it was more than six thousand miles."

"You mean, the plane you got in the museum in 1984 could fly six thousand miles on a tank of fuel." Clark tilted his head and thought for a while, "Wow."

"I also used magic to make the plane invisible." Diana shrugged, "You don't have to be so clear about magic."

"It makes sense." Shen You said he accepted this setting.

"And the entrepreneur you mentioned, his wish on the wishing stone was, 'I want to turn into you.'" Carla also said, "Then he didn't turn into a stone himself? That feels quite strange. I I thought you were going to say that after he made a wish, he turned into another wishing stone, and then there were two identical stones.

Ah, by the way, speaking of which, is that stone still there? "

"Of course it's gone." Diana glanced at her and smiled, "Why, what wish would you make if you were still here?"

"I want my family and Krypton back." The little girl said seriously, tilting her head as if she thought of something else, and then looked at Shen You, "Ah, but I also want Shen You to be with us. Let's all be together. It would be nice to be on Krypton.”

Or that "I want them all.JPG".

"What? You don't want such a wish?"

"I think the way I am now is the best." Clark adjusted his glasses, took a sip of coffee, and smiled, "I already have everything I want."

Titano, the little monkey hanging on the chandelier, chirped several times. But only Shen You understood it. It was saying that it wanted endless bananas and teddy bears in the world.

"Where's Shen You?"

Kara's big eyes flickered, as if she was looking forward to it.

Dachao and WW both looked over, as if they were curious about what Shen You would say he wanted.

"Me? Nothing else. Just world peace and everyone's hope for light."

This seemed to surprise Kara, and she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"I'm serious." Shen You made a serious face, "If you don't believe me, I can hold the heroine's rope and repeat it again."

In fact, it's not just him, this should be the common wish of everyone in their Kingdom of Light from top to bottom.

"Wow." Kara showed admiration, "I know you are a good person, but I didn't expect this."

As he spoke, his face actually looked a little ashamed.

"I'm just thinking about my own things."

Clark also patted him on the shoulder with admiration: "Me too. But I firmly believe that we can achieve this without stones. Sooner or later, one day, we will definitely..."


The lights suddenly went out.

It's not just the lights. Including mobile phones, computers, all electronic devices, as well as street lights outside the window. It was as if an invisible hand suddenly stole the light, and the whole city suddenly fell into darkness.

"What's going on?" Several people were stunned.

"There's a power outage?" Kara asked.

"The whole city has stopped." Clark quickly glanced at it with X-ray vision and frowned, "Such a scale is usually not a good thing."

"Sir, we have detected that the radio waves from extraterrestrial technology are transmitting images to all electronic devices."

Parr did not go offline, and quickly sent a reminder to Shen You.

Shen You casually took out a mobile phone, and sure enough, a video started playing automatically on the screen. A white background, a harsh electric sound, and a sentence repeated over and over again.

"You are not alone. You are not alone."

Then a vague figure appeared.

"My name is General Zod and I come from a far away place"

"Your world has sheltered two of our people. One of them has become better known and we believe you call him 'Superman'."

"I demand that you return them to me. You have twenty-four hours or the world will suffer the consequences"


After the transmission ended, the screen flickered for a while and then quickly returned to normal. The lights come back on and the city returns to its original state.

But everyone knew that something was different.

There was a brief silence in the cafe.

All eyes were focused on Superman and Supergirl, the two Kryptonians.

"...They are coming for us." After pondering, Clark said, "They are the surviving compatriots of Krypton. I have to go see them."

"There is a record in Kara's ship database. General Zod is your highest-ranking war criminal on Krypton and is imprisoned in the Phantom Zone."

"Like my aunt and uncle." Kara frowned slightly, "Will they be in contact?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Shen You nodded.

"But we have no choice but to step forward," Clark said. "He's probably not a man, he's probably got an army. That means there's a lot of Kryptonians, each as strong as us."

"don’t worry."

Shen You patted his shoulder and smiled slightly.

General Zod invades, similar to the plot of Man of Steel. In the movie, it was a landmark battle in the DCEU. The battle between Superman and Zod almost demolished half of the city, killed millions of people, and triggered a series of subsequent chain reactions including the death of Superman.

If this matter had been done a few months ago, Shen You might have been limited in what he could do. He's also not sure how much he can do against a whole squad of heavily armed Kryptonians.

But now.

It's just a team of Kryptonian prisoners, how can they turn the world upside down?

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