I become light in American comics

Chapter 185 International Gang

Iceberg Casino.

This is also Gotham City's new casino that has only recently begun to gain prominence. Its owner is Oswald Cobblepot, the famous Penguin.

Penguin's entrepreneurial journey is not easy. I have been a little brother for most of my life, starting from the bottom of the organization and working my way up little by little.

Originally, in Gotham City, where the power had been solidified and had long been carved up by the godfathers and emperors, it was almost impossible for a newcomer with no background to start from scratch and reach the top. But he was lucky enough to catch up with a good era of Batman. In the past few months, the top bosses have been pulled down by Batman one after another. Gotham's forces have been reshuffled, and the Penguin took the opportunity to take advantage of it. , now seems to be about to become a new generation of Gotham Emperor.

Recently, Cobot has just annexed two large leaderless gangs, and its power is growing stronger. Cobot was very happy. He was hugging each other and playing games with two ragged girls, one with black hair and one with blond hair, in the private room of his casino.

Melodious melody surrounded the room, and a whole group of cool-dressed sisters danced in front of him. Cobot hugged each other, drank a small drink, and watched the dance intently, while raising and lowering his hands, looking so moisturized.

"I am Gotham!"

Cobot said arrogantly.

"You're in luck, pretty ladies. There's no problem in this city that I can't solve, and no one dares to confront me face to face.

In fact, if I wanted to, even the appointment and removal of the mayor would be a matter of just a word from me. "

Cobot had the temperament of a king, but his chubby body still looked like a penguin when he walked toward the bar and poured whiskey.

"That's really awesome, sweetheart~"

The two girls smiled and held his arms from both sides.

"But I heard there's also Batman?"

"Ha, he's just a clown." Coppert said proudly, "Batman and those weird lunatics popping up in various cities recently, I have never taken them seriously."

As soon as I reached the office door, it was knocked open from the outside. Two bodyguards flew in with bruises and bruises. One of them lay on the ground and said miserably: "I'm sorry, Mr. Penguin, but he must come in and we can't stop him."


Cobot was furious.

"No one dares to run wild in Penguin's territory! Not even Batman."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a burst of blue light shining through the dust from outside the door. The red and silver armor slowly walked in with a mechanical sound and a unique sense of thickness.

Cobot swallowed the last half of his sentence alive.

Then the speed of light changed into a smiling face.

"Hey, you're a rare visitor! What brought you here? My little casino is really flattered, hahaha."

Cobot's ability to climb from an unknown low-level jobber to where he is today can be summed up by a few key tips.

Be rash when you should, be cowardly when you should, recognize your father accurately, and change your face quickly.

At the same time, Cobot quickly turned back to greet the two Yingying Yanyan who had skillfully shrank to one side.

"Come out, why don't you quickly pour wine for the guests?" He waved his short, fat hands, "Let's play music and dance!"

"Mr. Cobot is too polite. I only ask two questions." Shen You waved his hand and said, "It's about Kirkett Aerospace. Their chairman was arrested earlier."

"Ah, that thing. I've heard about it. I didn't expect it to be a sanctimonious soul." Cobot angrily rebuked, "I despise that kind of lecherous person the most in my life!"

Shen You looked at the whole room of Yingying Yanyan in the back with an expressionless face. The whole group of girls were wearing fabrics that they didn't know if they could be put together to form a complete outfit.

"Uh" Copot choked and his eyes flickered, "They... they are all from different countries and regions. I asked them to come and tutor me in foreign languages."

"I'm not interested in your case for the time being. But the victim in that case, Miss Virgil, I heard is from your casino? As the boss, what should you know?"

"I don't know, I don't know at all." Copper shook his head like a rattle, "We are a very free unit. I never care what my subordinates do in their spare time."

Shen You said nothing, raised his right hand to the sky, and fired a luminous cannon.

A specially adjusted light energy impact made the sound and light effect particularly amazing. When released, a gorgeous lotus-like ripple of light exploded in the palm of the hand. The impact beam broke through the dome with a terrifying momentum that shocked the soul, and poured into the sky with an indomitable momentum.

Soaring straight into the sky!

The roof of the casino was penetrated, and through the ice crystal-transparent dome, one could even see that even the clouds in the sky seemed to have been blasted through.

Witnessing the superhuman power from almost zero distance, Cobot was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth, but only a vague grunt came out of his mouth.

"This is really important. Please think about it carefully." Shen You still said politely, "Please."

He even said please.

Cobot looked at the hole above his head, looked at the clouds outside the hole that had been blown away by a cannon, and swallowed.

"I seem to remember. It happened. I have a friend from Metropolis. Some very powerful friends said that they need to do something in Gotham and asked me to borrow a beautiful and capable person here. people.

You also know that my casino has just opened, and it is very important to make friends in this business. I couldn't refuse, so I lent Virgil to them. But I swear, I have no idea how they arranged it or what they did!

I am a serious businessman”

"Friends from the Metropolis? Who?"

".Metropolitan International."

Shen You recalled it.

Metropolitan International.

The International Gang from the Superman series?

At this moment, Metropolis, International Gang.

The man was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the brightly lit metropolis outside the window in a trance.

He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his thick black hair was neatly and coolly combed. There was no expression on his face. His hand-tailored black suit was carefully tailored, he was wearing a pair of shiny black leather shoes, and the expensive watch on his wrist reflected the incandescent light.

Bruno Manhaydon, the leader of the International Gang and the crime emperor of Metropolis.

"The situation of Kirkett Aerospace is not as expected." He said solemnly, "They are dragging their feet and their capabilities are limited. What's worse, they have attracted some unnecessary attention."

Bruno turned around from the swivel seat and looked at a visitor in the shadow of the office.

"The one called 'Ultraman' on social media, and the green shiny guy. They are alien visitors, aren't they? Just like you.

You promised to help us deal with this."

"Correction, we only promise technology and weapons. And don't push yourself too far, humans. The reason why you can obtain these is because of the generosity of our great master.

The master can give and take away. "

What sounded in the darkness was a hoarse and weird voice, and the pronunciation of the words was a bit jerky.

He paused and smiled gloomily a few times.

"Heh, but you're lucky. That Ultraman does interest us a bit."

Bruno asked: "It means you are willing to take action on our behalf?"

"It depends on the situation, it remains to be seen. But we will provide you with further assistance. Feel honored for this." The gloomy voice sneered, "You are becoming the cornerstone of the great blueprint of 'Apocalypse'."

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