I become light in American comics

Chapter 184 Aliens wholesale, right?

"I have no intention of fighting you, Apollo!"

Of course, even though she said so, the heroine never hesitated when it was time to take action. As she spoke, Wonder Woman punched Helios in the jaw. Apollo's head tilted to the side, and the transparent shock wave shattered the floor tiles.

"But I never run away from a fight if necessary."

She kept her hands on her hands as she spoke and punched out in succession. Apollo blocked with her palm, but was easily deceived by her fake move. The heroine's swinging fist then hit the side of his face.

"I'm counting on it, sister."

Apollo grunted and punched back. But Diana saw through the path of his punch, dodged to avoid it, used the momentum to grab the arm he was attacking, and hit his jaw hard with her elbow.

"If you insist on pestering me, I will never hesitate to hurt a god."

"The tone is not small."

Apollo, who was hit even though he was hit, didn't react much, and then he punched back. A whirlpool of heat burst out from his fist, and Diana hurriedly crossed her arms to block it with her bracelets. Two strands of divine power surged at her bracelet, and the conflicting force knocked her back a few steps, and the ground cracked under her feet.

"But you are no match for me, sister." Apollo sneered, "Without allies and those strange helpers, you have no chance of winning against me."

To sum it up, that's probably what he meant.

Can you still take out another solar-powered alien and kill me?

"I don't need anyone's help to defeat you, Apollo."

Diana stood up straight and said calmly.

"But you are right about one thing. If I have learned anything during my years in the human world, it is that no one exists alone without the group, and the same goes for warriors."


Apollo frowned, and before he could understand what it meant, he suddenly felt a fist hitting his face like a heavy hammer. Transparent ripples exploded on his face. Apollo suddenly tilted his head and threw out a mouthful of blood that flew far away.

Kara, who had changed into a three-piece cloak uniform and eye mask, was floating in the air and said with a smile: "This is called 'Super Fist', idiot."

"Not bad uppercut." Diana smiled, "It seems you have learned a few moves from Mr. Shen, but I am sure you have greater potential."

"Thank you." Kara smiled sheepishly, "But I still prefer science to fist fighting. Our Al family is all engaged in scientific research."

If it were in the past, Diana might not be interested in so-called human technology. But thinking of some of the little technological shocks Shen You had given her recently, Diana thought about it and nodded to express her deep approval.

"Well, science is good."

Apollo flew back in an instant.

"Stupid! You dare to hurt the great sun god. Accept the wrath of the sun!"

"Watch out!" Diana shouted.

Then a fiery beam of light came through the air and hit the big "S" on Kara's chest.

Nothing happened.

There was no violent explosion, no shocking impact. It's like the special effects of this move are fully activated, very dazzling and dazzling, but the effect of applying it is still the same.

That's it?

"Uh, it doesn't seem to hurt."

Kara clenched her fists and looked down at herself, a little surprised.

"And it actually feels a little comfortable?"

Apollo: "?"

Wait a minute, why does he seem to have seen this unfold somewhere?

Only then did he notice Kara's dark blue uniform, red cloak, and the familiar "S".

It reminded the Sun God of some bad memories in the Fallen Realm.

Then his expression gradually became dull.

No, how come these aliens can all absorb my divine power?

Let’s forget about one and forget about two, what’s wrong with this again? It's wholesale, right?

He stared at Diana in disbelief, his eyes like silent accusations.

This is too much!

If you really want to seize the throne of God King, then you should at least study how to get Poseidon to get Hades' mentality. Why are so many aliens trying to catch me?

Sheeping wool is not about catching a sheep, right?

Diana looked innocent, saying that I can’t explain this situation to you, but it’s really none of my business if you don’t bear it.

The next moment, Kara had flashed in front of him.

The Kryptonian girl also reached a super-charged state after firing a solar ray. She was already faster than Apollo, and in this state, it was impossible for Apollo to keep up with her speed.

But it’s not too bad. There is a saying that only three things can be done. The third time he encountered this similar situation, Apollo skillfully gave up resistance.

"Okay, hurry up." Apollo sighed and crossed his arms, "Also, don't slap me in the face this time, okay?"

"Ok, no problem."

Kara smiled politely and raised her fist.


The sun god rose into the sky.

He held his stomach and climbed all the way up to the sky, turning into a shooting star in the sky.

"Mr. Kirkett, right?"

Shen You had already arrived at the prison and sat in front of the chairman wearing prison uniform.

He was a middle-aged man with a big belly and a standard Mediterranean hairstyle. His face looked like he had been tortured in prison. His eyes looking at Shen You were full of wariness.

He had been looking like this since he sat down, without saying a word.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm from Tianyan. We are responsible for handling all supernatural-related matters just like the incident your company was involved in." Shen Youyou, "We now suspect that your experience may have been set up by someone. There are some questions about this." Is there anything you want to say?”

"No comment," Kirkett said dryly.

"So you admit those accusations are true?"

"No comment." Kirkett deadpanned.

"Okay, let's take a look." Shen You opened his case file, "Miss Virgil accused you of getting her drunk, luring her into the room, and assaulting her for about a minute."


The old man broke the skill on the spot and his face turned red.

"Why can she accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? Although I didn't time it, it was at least three minutes! I can't tell, it might even be five minutes!"

"Uh, so it turns out it's true?"

Kirkett gave him a cold look.

"I don't know if you are a real agent, but I have told everyone this countless times. No one, whether it's investigators, the company, or my family and friends, will believe me."

"But I might, who knows?" Shen You knocked on the table, "If you are persuasive enough."

"You can go back and retract your confession."

"I'd rather hear it from your own mouth."

".All right."

Kirkett sighed, and finally spoke slowly and spoke eloquently.

In fact, there is not much to say.

He is addicted to women, especially when he reaches middle age and lives a luxurious life all day long, and his body is getting worse day by day. And it was obviously someone who wanted to do what they wanted and designed this trap.

"I really believed that Virgil was a good girl." He complained with tears. "She is completely different from the charming bitches I have met before. Alas, I really believed in her, and even seriously thought about it. Give her a home. This is how she repays me

Mr. Agent, tell me, what’s wrong with women nowadays? Why is it so hard to find a good girl? "

Shen You thought for a while and said seriously: "Maybe it's because you are not a good person yourself."

Kirkett: "???"

He looked up with a weird look on his face and thought to himself, "Are you the one who can comfort the victim like this?"

Worst of all, he had second thoughts.

I think what people say is really quite reasonable.

More depressed.

"After the incident, I sent someone to do some investigation, and that's when I realized that I was being set up. Virgil approached me with a purpose from the beginning.

She said she was from a modeling agency, and I had no doubts at all. But then I found out that it was just a shell company. Her true identity is actually a croupier who deals cards and drinks, working for a casino."

"Which one?"

Shen You asked, but he had already guessed it.

Kirkett snorted heavily.

"Iceberg Casino."

Today’s fourth update, the word count is 10,000+, and the 10,000-word achievement has been achieved!

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