I become light in American comics

Chapter 183 Do you know each other?

Under the activity of Agent Mike Williams, the Beach City Air Force's unauthorized and dangerous technology research was investigated and stopped by the Sky Eye. All related projects were cancelled, related facilities were controlled by the Sky Eye Society, and research materials were confiscated.

Hal Jordan's old boss, General Shi Dong, could not escape the blame, and senior agent Mike Williams was credited once again. Shen You estimates that with another big success or some smooth connections, Agent Williams will be promoted to the management of Sky Eye just around the corner.

Then there are some interesting episodes during the specific implementation process.

After the project was stopped, during the investigation and handling of the illegal research, the Haibin City Air Force insisted that all relevant materials had been handed over to Sky Eye, while Sky Eye insisted that they had not received it and considered it because the other party refused to cooperate. Both sides insisted on their own opinions and refused to give in, and a tug-of-war started.

Of course, neither side knew that the focus of their dispute, the robot that was suspected to be from a higher civilization, had now been hung up in Shen You's laboratory.

Through the copied data, he also roughly understood how Coast City acquired this machine hunter. In fact, there is nothing to say. This thing fell from the sky by itself, probably last year. It has basically been in a dead state since it landed. The Air Force towed it back from the wasteland where it landed. Until recently, it was suddenly activated again for unknown reasons.

But now Shen You is convinced that it is scrapped. Physically.

He looked through the research reports of the so-called experts in the Air Force. As expected, they were all a dozen pieces of waste paper. But you can't blame them. After all, they are not the creation of an industrial system. After all, the Robot Hunter is the creation of those little blue men in Oua, and the current machine seems to have been modified by an unknown person, and its technology is ahead of the earth for unknown generations. Except for idiots like Lao Bat and Lai Tu, ordinary experts really can't study anything.

Just as Shen You thought, he did feel that the design of this machine hunter had greatly broadened his mind, and he began to understand a little bit how to design and use the energy of the emotional spectrum if it were to be weaponized. All the galactic technologies that Shen You had studied before had never touched upon this field, and it was as if a door to a new world had been opened to him.

But he also quickly realized that a crucial piece was missing.

That's how to connect to the emotional spectrum.

Although this robot hunter was modified to store and use green light energy and was an emotional spectrum weapon, it had no link to draw energy from the emotional spectrum. It can only absorb the energy released by other spectrum users and use it to counterattack the opponent.

If Shen You wants to design a set of "anti-Lantern armor", then this is indeed a very powerful technology. But if he wanted to learn how to use this fundamental energy in the universe, he would need more reference.

"We still need to find a light ring." Shen You looked at the content on the screen surrounding him, holding his chin and thinking.

"It looks like it is, sir. I will put it in the memo," Pal said. "Also, the prison where the former CEO of Kirkett Aerospace is being held has been found. Would you like me to arrange a meeting?"

The investigation of the Robot Hunter project brought Shen You's attention to this aerospace company located in Gotham. When he tried to continue the investigation, he unexpectedly discovered that this company was more fishy than the Beach City Air Force.

When trying to hack into the server at Kirkett's headquarters, Parr actually encountered some resistance.

This fact itself is even more worthy of attention than the content of the data in the server. The earth's network security basically does not exist in front of Shen You. He can go wherever he wants and check whatever he wants. This is a technological gap at the level of civilization, and no firewall can stop it.

And what they encountered in the system of Kirkett Aerospace was also technology that should not belong to the earth.

It is also a new system that is not covered in the current knowledge of various galaxies, a completely different technology. Although it is just a simple data protection mechanism, it can be seen that the other party's civilization level should not be low.

That's enough to attract attention.

After a brief understanding, Shen You discovered that the former chairman and CEO of Kirkett Aerospace had originally refused to cooperate with the Robot Hunter project. But it was during that time that a scandal occurred in which the chairman was accused of indecent assault. As a result, Chairman Kirkett was arrested. After that, there was no objection within the group.

His intuition told him that there might be something fishy in that case. Chairman Kirkett might know something.

"Contact the prison and arrange a time." Shen You said.

"Okay, sir. And who are we?"

"Of course it's Agent Williams from the Sky Eye Society."

"no problem."

"Sister Diana, can I ask what your zodiac sign is?"

Kara asked curiously as she and Diana walked side by side in the street.

Diana looked at her: "Why do you suddenly start caring about this?"

"Hey, I recently found out that the zodiac signs posted on the Internet are very interesting." Kara tilted her head, "I really want to know what zodiac sign Shen You is, but I don't dare to ask."

Diana smiled: "I haven't studied this. But I do know a few short stories about the constellations of the gods."

"Really? Tell me quickly." Kara was very interested.

"You won't like it." Diana shrugged. "It is recorded in the books on Paradise Island that Zeus fell in love with Ganymede, but their happiness was discovered by Zeus's wife Hera.

Hera was furious and turned Ganymede into a transparent water bottle, which is the origin of the constellation Aquarius. "

"Ah this."

Kara blinked her large Kaziran eyes.

"Well, no matter what, that Ganymede, it's really not good for her to have a wife with someone else."

"It's 'him'. Ganymede is a beautiful boy."

"Oh." Kara blinked, "I didn't expect that."

After walking a few steps, Diana stopped and frowned slightly.

Kara looked at her: "What's wrong?"

Diana was silent and pointed to the top of her head.

The sky became overcast.

But it’s not just gloomy. Kara followed her eyes and looked up, only to see that the sun had been obscured at some point, and a white ring was exposed on the edge of the black sphere.

Solar eclipse.

"Here we go again." Diana sighed softly.

"Huh? Who?" Kara asked strangely.

But then a deep male voice came from the opposite side.

"Of course it's me, little girl."

Kara looked back and saw a purple-black man wearing an elegant suit and tie, with golden light flashing in his eyes, standing in front of the two of them and sneering confidently.

"Sun God, Apollo." He twitched the corner of his mouth, "My dear sister, there are no luminous giants or strange solar creatures to help you this time.

This time, let's end it here! "

Kara's big eyes blinked, looking at this weirdo and then at Diana beside her.

"Do you know each other?"

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