I become light in American comics

Chapter 180 Tell the truth

"So, these are your homework for today?"

The young reporter Clark adjusted his glasses and looked at Kara with a strange expression as she typed rapidly on a computer designed based on Kryptonian crystal technology.

Clark had just gotten off work from the Daily Planet a few minutes ago. He decided to fly over to meet his cousin and have some coffee before Superman time started in the evening.

For some reason, since the last time he came here, he felt that the coffee in this shop called HISHE had a magical power, and he felt addicted after drinking it once. After that, all other coffees in the world seemed to lose their flavor, and I had to have a cup every day when I had time after get off work.

When he came to the basement to drink coffee and watch his cousin's daily life, the little reporter couldn't help but click his tongue. He just took a cursory glance and felt that the knowledge his cousin was studying seemed to involve at least six different galaxies, which was a bit outrageous even by their Kryptonian standards.

"It's not really homework, I'm designing a new suit." Kara explained, "Shen said that my suit is a Kryptonian civilian model, and I can definitely design an upgraded version.

He gave me directions and listed the literature and application technology scope for me. If the expected functions are fulfilled, this uniform can accelerate the absorption and storage of solar energy, can isolate red sun, kryptonite radiation, and provide crystal defense against magic."

Clark was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "So powerful?"

"That's right." Carla smiled, "Shen You is awesome. I still have many projects to complete. Call me sister and I will give you a set when the time comes."

Clark smiled: "She is my sister now."

"How can things in the Phantom Zone count?" Kara pouted, "I don't care, I am my sister anyway."

"Okay, okay, sister." Clark said with a smile.

"Karl is so good." Carla showed a satisfied smile, "When the time comes, I will help you get dressed too. Remember to tell me your size. Sister Diana is here too."

Diana Prince wears a slim-fitting simple coat paired with high-waisted trousers. Her image is smart and her long legs are quite eye-catching.

"I rented a house nearby, and it looks like I'm going to stay in this area for a while." Diana smiled, holding a cup of Song of Ice and Fire in her hand as always, "Your coffee is really good."

She has had no fixed place of residence for many years, and she would change places after a while. When he went to find Ares, he gave up his previous identity and gave up his residence, and just moved to Gotham.

"That must be true." Kara said proudly.

"Where is he? I have something to ask him." Diana said.

"Oh, in his own laboratory. We just encountered a downed fighter jet, and he was studying the fighter engine as soon as he came back." Carla shrugged, "In an independent space, even I can't enter it casually. Because He said that some projects were so complex that I was not allowed to get involved.”

"Because you haven't gotten to that part yet."

When the voice sounded, Shen You had already appeared in the room at some point.

"If you try harder, maybe I'll consider you helping me sooner."

Kara pursed her lips: "I've worked very hard."

"Mr. Shen." Diana greeted.

"We are all so familiar, just call Shen You." Shen You said, "You should already know that I am conducting research on the Argo Eye project."

He remembered something and turned around and said: "Pal, continue analyzing the engine power system we just collected. Then give me the Argo Eye project file."

"No problem, sir."

Diana crossed her arms and smiled helplessly: "Are you trying to activate the Eye of Argo with equipment? But that's not how it works.

We are talking about the power of Zeus, the supreme magic of Olympus. You can't."

Before he finished speaking, Shen You saw that without saying a word, the armor parts emerging from the bracelet were assembled into hand armor on his right hand. Driven by light energy, it was released from his palm, exploding a string of brilliant blue lightning in the room.

Diana swallowed the second half of her words, unable to hide the look of shock on her face.

Although the power was not strong and the scale was not large, as an Olympus demigod and the daughter of Zeus, she could clearly feel that the blood in her veins was about to stir at that moment.

It was as if her body's instinct was telling her this irrefutable fact.

"That's the power of Zeus?" she asked in surprise.

"Absolutely." Shen You nodded.

".You mastered it yourself?"

"That's not quite right. It's just a way of transforming light. But you can understand it this way."

The heroine couldn't hide the surprise on her face: "But this. This is impossible."

That is the power of Zeus, the God-King of Olympus, symbolizing the authority to dominate the heavens. How can it be possible to learn by simply studying?

Shen You just smiled slightly.

"Like I said science."

It’s hard to say what magic looks like in other worldviews, but at least in Marvel and DC, there is no absolute boundary between magic and science. It is common sense for both parties to use black technology to analyze any form of magic and energy. It just needs to find the correct way to open it.

Of course, Shen You only used the Eye of Argo to analyze some of the attributes of divine power. He could simulate it superficially, but it had little practical value. His research goals in this area are limited to understanding and studying coping methods.

But it was enough for the heroine to once again refresh her understanding of so-called "science".

At this moment, Kara looked at her rope curiously from behind: "This rope looks so powerful."

Diana smiled and took off her noose: "You can give it a try if you are interested."

"Really?" Kara grabbed the rope curiously, "Hey, it actually feels like it's moving, as if it's alive. Ah, it's so hot, and there's an illusion that the heartbeat is accelerating. It's kind of... kind of like me. The thrill of secretly using Shen You’s super computer to play games while he’s away.”

When she said this, she realized something was wrong, screamed "Ouch" and quickly covered her mouth.

The Kryptonian girl looked at Shen You secretly and met a pair of displeased eyes.

"Secretly using my computer to play games, huh?" Shen You chuckled.

"I'm sorry! But I was just curious to see your browsing history at first, no, I mean."

Kara was in a hurry, and after realizing that there was something fishy about the rope, she quickly untied it, brushed it as if it was hot, and stuffed it into the hands of her cousin next to her.

Clark, who was unprepared while drinking coffee, had a rope suddenly inserted into his hand, and the noose quickly shrank and tied around his hand. Clark immediately frowned and muttered to himself as if contemplating: "They said my uniform was outdated and ugly, and they also complained that I wore my underwear outside.

Daisy, who hosts the talk show in Metropolis, also said that the biggest difference between me and Batman is that I wear underwear on the outside and put it on my head.

Actually, I think my uniform is pretty good, okay, maybe it’s time for me to change into something more fashionable.”

He suddenly came back to his senses mid-sentence, and found that he seemed to be talking to himself when he was distracted. Turning around, he saw a room full of people staring at him with half-smiling faces.

But he didn't really care. He only scratched his head in embarrassment and showed a somewhat embarrassed yet polite smile.

Diana smiled and held out her hand, and Clark handed the noose back to the heroine.

"Truth Noose." Diana smiled, "Everyone eventually tells the truth."

She turned to look at Shen You: "Want to give it a try?"

Her eyes flickered, as if she was still looking forward to it.

"I'll pass." Shen said, and then said, "I think your potential has only been released to a very small part, Diana. I believe that with a little research, I can find a way to make you much stronger than you are now. "

"Thanks, but I'm fine for now." Diana smiled.

Shen You smiled and said nothing.

Diana may actually know that she is far from reaching her limit, and this may even be intentional. She is deliberately suppressing her godly side, and once she accepts her complete liberation, even the normal Wonder Woman is already one of the best in Olympus.

But Diana always came to terms with herself in the end.

Sooner or later.

"Sir, we have discovered a problem with the engine." Pal reminded him in his ear.

"Oh? Tell me."

"We cracked the system of the Beach City Air Force and found the crashed experimental prototype project. It was named X-2020, and its development process was carried out by the Air Force and a company called Kirkett Aerospace.

In addition, our radar has just scanned an energy signal similar to that of an engine in a warehouse at a certain Air Force base in Coast City. "

Pal said, marking a small green light spot on the map.

"And from the readings, whatever the source of that signal was... it looked like it had just been activated."

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