I become light in American comics

Chapter 179 What’s so funny?

"You are now in the Air Force controlled area of ​​​​Beach City."

The woman stepped forward and snapped.

"On behalf of the entire Air Force base and all the people, I would like to express my gratitude for your assistance, but Beach City is not a metropolis, and we do not need fancy aliens. Now, please get out of here."

Beach City Air Force?

Only then did Shen You notice that they had flown to Coastal City unknowingly.

The pilot had also jumped down, ignoring the soldiers brought by the commander and crowded in front of Kara. This pilot guy seemed to have good qualities. He actually recovered from the critical moment like that so quickly and tried to strike up a conversation.

"My name is Augustus, the ace pilot of Beach City." The young man said this name with a bit of pride, "What about you?"

"My name is Ka, no, my name is Super Girl."

She almost said her name accidentally, Kara secretly thought that it was very dangerous, but fortunately her super brain reacted quickly. Otherwise, I will definitely be punished when I go back.

"Ace pilot, huh?" Kara glanced at the smoking plane next to her, feeling a little funny.

"Well, this is a new model, and it's the first test flight. Accidents are inevitable." Augustus was a little embarrassed and scratched his head, "Test flights are inherently dangerous, and my accident rate is already very low.

You don't know that the ace pilot before me was named Hal Jordan. That guy was so cruel that he crashed the plane. The financial logistics of Ferris Aerospace was really overwhelmed by him. No, he was kicked out at the beginning of the year."

Shen You didn't say a word, but just listened silently from the side.

Hal was fired, so judging from the timing, there is a high probability that he should have become the Green Lantern.

The character design of Green Lantern is a bit subtle for Shen You. An ace pilot who transforms when he can't be beaten. He belongs to a large space peacekeeping organization. His daily business scope mainly includes space monsters and alien invaders.

Just the arrangement and combination of these few elements, if you don't say that he is a ring player, you will probably think of him as an M78 civil servant.

Even the title of "Ace Pilot" is a perfect tribute. Logically speaking, as long as the plane Hal flew was shown on camera, it would end up either turning into gorgeous fireworks in mid-air or a wave of planes plowing the ground. Its only function is to serve as a Green Lantern transmitter.

Of course, if Shen Yaoyao is to say, the Green Lantern Corps' rednecks will still be defeated by the classic dead driver Xincheng. After all, Xincheng teammates can flip bumper cars in an amusement park. As far as the scope of application of the vehicle killer talent is concerned, they are already defeated.

"Are you with that alien in Metropolis?"

The female officer glanced at the "S" on Carla's chest that was squeezed out of shape due to her good growth, and frowned.

"We know each other, but we're not together. Huh?"

Noticing that the other party had been staring at her chest, Kara subconsciously looked at the chest that looked quite majestic under the other party's uniform, and then she couldn't help but let out an "ah" sound.

"Ah, what's going on there? Why are there so many strange silicone stuffed in?" Carla looked surprised, "Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

The female officer's face turned ashen immediately. But before she could say anything, Shen You coughed twice and interrupted: "Sorry for intruding on your flight plan. We're leaving now."

Saying that, he grabbed Carla and took off into the air.

The female officer had a gloomy face. When she turned around, she found that all the soldiers following her were holding back their smiles.

"What are you laughing at!?" she yelled angrily.

Everyone quickly stood up straight and regained their serious expressions.

As if to say, we are all professionally trained not to laugh no matter how funny it is.

The officer glanced coldly across their faces, snorted heavily, turned around and walked away quickly: "Tow the plane back immediately. Call Kirkett Company and ask them to check the engine."


Just as he turned around and walked a few steps, someone laughed from behind.

I just couldn't help it.

The officer's face turned pale again, and he suddenly turned his head and locked his gaze on a soldier.

"You! What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, sir." The soldier said solemnly, with a straight face, "I remembered something happy."

"They are so rude." Carla complained dissatisfied as she flew back, "I caught their plane and saved their people, but they just kicked me away like this. That officer, I suspect she must be from Gotham! "

Shen is having fun.

"Actually, it's understandable." Shen said, "This is because she is afraid of us. The other engine, as I said, comes from some alien technology that is suspected of being an advanced civilization.

So she will naturally feel nervous when we get close to that thing. "

"Oh, that's it." Kara scratched her head.

"Of course, it actually makes no sense for her to do that. Because I already know everything that needs to be known. I had already done a thorough scan of the engine before she got off the car, and the model and parameters have been stored in the armor. ”

"We need to find out where it came from?" Kara asked.

"Of course. Whether it's the military or the company, these people are a bunch of troublemakers. You don't want to know what they can do with some high-tech technology of unknown origin. They will never learn. Don’t play with toys you don’t understand.”

But in this aspect, Oopeng's defense force is really no worse than DC's. The technology tree of the people on earth is more or less in the direction of seeking death. Classic alien technology has created a big daddy that he cannot clean up and waits for outsiders to wipe his ass.

And this bunch of old hapless guys who are responsible for wiping their butts are called Ultraman in the studio, and they are called the Justice League in DC.

However, Shen You didn't want to wipe his ass, so he decided to slightly modify this strategy.

He wants to snatch the toys from these troublemakers' hands before they get rid of Big Daddy.

At this moment, the highway leading to Beach City.

The fiery sunshine shines down mercilessly, and the cracked land is sparsely scattered with grass and dead branches, as if everything else has been evaporated by the high temperature.

The military transport vehicles bumped along the road baked by the scorching sun, like ants crawling on a hot pot. A wave of heat hit my face, like steam from a steamer.

"God, it's so hot."

The man in the passenger seat had taken off his shirt and turned the air outlet to the maximum, blowing it hard on himself, but he was still sweating profusely.

"Are you sure you are turning on the air conditioner and not air circulation or something?" He wiped his sweat and looked at the driver in the driver's seat. "It's too hot."

"I'm extremely sure, it's already driven to the maximum." The driver said helplessly, "Just bear with it, we're still about fifteen minutes away from the Coastal Air Force Base. We're almost there."

The man in the co-pilot reached out and touched the metal wall panel behind the driver's seat that separated them from the car, but as soon as he touched it, he involuntarily retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted.

"Oh my god, this is too hot!" the co-pilot said uneasily, "I think maybe we should stop and check if the things behind are safe."

"The superiors said it was classified." The driver shrugged, "The highest gear. As long as you lift the cloth and take a look, both of us will have to be shot."

"Ha, that's funny."

The man in the passenger seat shrugged and glanced at the driver, only to see a serious look on the latter's face.

"Wait a minute," the man's smile disappeared, "You can't be serious, can you? But they can't."

"What can't be done? Shoot us? Ha, now I am convinced that you must be new here." The driver smiled.

The co-pilot suddenly became nervous. He said nothing for a while and fiddled with the air outlet uneasily.

After a few minutes, I couldn't help but ask again: "Then we just don't care about anything and don't ask questions? Because the more I think about it, the more I feel that this is abnormal. Absolutely confidential cargo, increasingly hot questions, and I swear When I parked in the rest area before, I seemed to hear a noise from the cargo box."

"Relax. Don't think too much, don't ask too many questions. Anyway, the things will be delivered to the base in a while." The driver shrugged, "By then, this will be the general's problem, not ours."

The first officer thought for a moment.

"makes sense."

So he ignored the ominous premonition, turned on the car music, closed his eyes and let himself sink into the chair, trying to let all the uneasiness be submerged in the music.

The melodious and brisk music soon filled the carriage, and both of them soon began to hum along involuntarily.

Perhaps because of this, neither of them noticed the movement from the car behind them.

In the darkness of the cargo box, a red light lit up.

Like a pair of scarlet eyes.

At the same time, there was a hoarse, intermittent mechanical sound.

"No one can escape"



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