I become light in American comics

Chapter 181 The Guardian Knows Everything

Beach City, Air Force Base.

"Kirkert is an aerospace company based in Gotham City. After Ferris Aviation and the Air Force terminated its contract due to a flight accident, it became the main partner of the Beach City Air Force."

On the way to Shen You's flight to Haibin City, Parr showed him the information he had found.

"I hacked into some classified internal servers and discovered the project file called 'X-2020.' It was a space project contracted by Kirkett earlier this year. The goal was to design an engine that would surpass all modern fighter jets. ."

While listening, Shen You quickly scanned the information displayed in the data.

"Well, it's not so much a design as it is a transplant." A rough design drawing from Hei Dao quickly flashed in front of Shen You.

It can be seen that the designers simply cannot understand the technology and principles of that engine. They simply transplanted the alien technology that they saw somewhere into this aircraft, and from some of the contradictory places, it can be seen that there should be a significant emasculation compared to the original design.

And even so, the engine of the plane exploded shortly after takeoff. If he and Kara hadn't happened to be passing by, the plane would have turned into fireworks.

"There is another interesting thing about Kirkett, sir. It was also during the establishment of this project that a scandal occurred within Kirkett Aerospace.

The CEO of Kirkett Aerospace was revealed to have been arrested for an illegal indecent act.”

"Is there still such a thing?"

Shen You took over the news mentioned by Pal in the interface. The title was about the arrest of Chairman Kirkett. In the report, the victim complained with blood and tears that the sanctimonious old guy lured her into the room and committed an assault for a full minute.

The thing itself is nothing noteworthy, but the fact that it happens to be at the time of establishment of this key project makes people a little concerned.

"We are approaching the warehouse of the Third Air Force Base in Beach City." Pal said, "Flight navigation has ended."

So Shen You temporarily crossed out these contents and took over the manual landing of the armor.

It was now nightfall, and silence enveloped the entire base. Tall towers stood around, the outlines of tall and solemn facilities were vaguely visible, and sleeping chariots stood quietly around.

The mobile armor maintains stealth mode for landing. Shen You followed the active energy signal and quickly found the corresponding warehouse.

Titanium alloy doors for aerospace use, multiple composite structure reinforcements, and mechanical and electronic door locks. The warehouse is tightly guarded, which is of course useless for an alien with the ability to walk through walls.

He got in successfully.

"Very good, now keep your eyes open." Shen You said, "Trace the source of radiation for me."

"Got you!"

A man's voice sounded in the air. The dazzling green light suddenly dispelled the darkness, and a green transparent cover fell from the sky. The green light formed the image of an iron cage, trapping Shen You in it.


Shen You turned around and looked. I saw a cool and arrogant guy floating in the air, his whole body shining like a green sun, wearing a black and green uniform, an eye patch covering his cheekbones, and an eye-catching light ring mark on his chest.

Can't be wrong. Hal Jordan, the guardian of Beach City, the veteran of the Justice League, and the second-generation Green Lantern.

The light ring on his hand is known as "the most powerful weapon in the universe". It can give him various abilities such as flight, interstellar shuttle, super strength, energy projection, etc., and can transform energy into anything according to the imagination of the holder. Shaped weapons and entities.

Just like the cage that holds Shen You at this moment.

"I was quite surprised when the Lantern Ring reported that there were aliens on Earth." Hal said solemnly, "Now let's see which galaxy you are from."

"No results." The green lantern ring's voice reported in his ear.


Hal looked at the light ring on his fist in surprise.

"Impossible. Lamp Ring, match again. Tell me which galaxy he comes from?"

"No results found." Green Lantern Ring's feedback was still the same.

"Impossible." Hal was even more surprised. "The lamp ring knows everything the guardians know, and the guardians know everything! How could it be...?"

Shen is having fun. You can tell at a glance that this is Hal, a newbie who has only been on the job for a few days. Hal will know later that there are so many things that the Guardians don't know.

"Calm down, buddy." Shen You chuckled, "Abnormal performance is inevitable."

Just as he was talking, there was a loud noise from behind the warehouse. The two of them looked at each other, and saw the wall cracking, energy bursting out, and a robot appearing outside the door, with electric sparks sizzling on its body.

"No one can escape from the machine hunter"

Shen You narrowed his eyes and the scanner quickly locked on the robot.

Oh boy, so this is where the alien technology in the engine comes from.

Robo-Hunter, a villain from early Green Lantern stories.

It is said that according to the relativity theorem of freedom and lighthouse, there are always a group of Pacific JCs in every parallel world who like to regard world security as their own responsibility. DC also has such a group of people, who are the creators of the Green Lantern Corps. Their bosses are a group of little blue men called the "Guardians."

About three billion years ago, a group of unvoted and unpermitted little blue men proclaimed themselves the protectors of the universe. They somehow decided that the universe was their backyard and determined to create an interstellar peacekeeping force to maintain it. Cosmic policing.

Before the Green Lantern Corps, the first mechanical army put into use by them was this mechanical army called "Machine Hunter". Each machine hunter has very powerful combat power and is scattered throughout the universe to fight against evil and maintain peace. It is the earliest interstellar peacekeeping force.

But as we all know, the purpose of AI is to one day go wild. The Machine Hunter Legion lived up to expectations and went on a rampage, causing an epic massacre that wiped out almost all life in the galaxy in Sector 666. Since then, the Robot Hunters have been abandoned and replaced by today's Green Lantern Corps.

"What are you?"

Hal frowned and raised the light ring towards the other party.

"Light ring, start the identification process. Tell me what this is."

"No results found." Lantern Ring responded simply.

This is also a matter of course. Although the Robot Hunter was created by the Guardians, it is highly classified within the Green Lantern Corps. At this stage, no one in the Green Lanterns knows that the little blue man's boss actually had a predecessor before them.

Hal's eyes widened.

"The test has no results, and the test has no results? What the hell do you know?"

The lamp ring replied proudly: "The guardian knows everything."

"So you know everything and you tell these two what this thing is?"

"No results found."

"What the hell?"

The robot's eyes flashed dangerously red.

"No one can escape the robot hunter"

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to take action, the most reckless Green Lantern in the universe naturally did not show any fear. He turned and said to Shen You, who was locked in the green light cage.

"Wait here until Green Lantern kicks this robot's butt and asks you again."

Shen You was not in a hurry. All the sensors and scanners on his side were ready, and all the camera equipment was in place and pointed at Hal's ring, just like a melon-eating crowd taking out popcorn from the bench.

Hal was suspended in the air, his whole body wrapped in green light.

"Don't worry Green Lantern takes care of this!"

With that said, he rushed towards the machine hunter.

The dazzling green light almost occupied the entire warehouse.

Half a second later, Green Lantern's head fell back, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he was kicked back faster than when he went away, rolling several times in a row.

"Ahem. It's impossible." Hal looked up at the machine hunter in shock, "The light ring is the most powerful weapon in the universe, how could it be possible?"

"I've already said it, it's inevitable if you perform abnormally."

Shen You squatted next to Hal and stretched out his hand to him.

"The universe is full of wonders, and it's normal to occasionally find things you don't recognize and can't defeat."


Hal held his hand and stood up, regrouping and preparing to charge again, when he suddenly made a move.

Realize something is wrong.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Shen You, who was standing beside him as if nothing had happened, and the empty green light cage not far away.

His expression became wonderful again.

He pointed at Shen You: "You, you, you, how did you get out!?"

Hal looked at the ring in his hand, at Shen You, and then at the machine hunter next to him, gradually doubting life.

What's going on with this broken ring today?

Scanning for aliens will lead to no results, scanning for robots will lead to no results, going up to fight and being raped by robots, turning it into a cage and letting people in and out of it like a public restroom.


Could it be that what I’m wearing today is a fake ring? ? ?

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