Kara loves the feeling of space.

Dark, quiet, mysterious, and more importantly, rarely quiet. At least when she didn't intend to activate her super hearing.

Two days ago, her brother Karl came to the coffee shop to see her, and not surprisingly, he fell in love with it. He chatted with Kara for a while and said that he would come here often when he had time in the future - after all, it was actually closer to them from the metropolis than to the convenience store downstairs for ordinary people.

That's when Carl recommended this great place to her. He said that whenever he feels uneasy, restless or confused, he comes here to look at the endless starry sky and the earth among the stars, and he will soon calm down.

Now Kara is here too. But the endless universe and the quiet vacuum did not calm her down, but made her even more inexplicably irritable.


"Oh don't come, don't come, don't do it again."

Kara flew forward around the earth as fast as she could, as fast as she wanted to drain all the solar energy from the cells in her body. But when she counted the time silently, she took the time to glance behind her, and with her super vision, she saw at a glance the other side of the horizon, facing the direction of the sun, and a flash of lightning that seemed to be chasing her from the sun. Come

Kara's speed was so fast that any aircraft on earth could only look at it with admiration, but it seemed that it was not enough at all. From appearing in the field of vision to being caught up, it seemed that it only took a moment. Shen You flashed past her and left a cool sentence.

"On your left."

Then the electric light flashed past, and after overtaking on the curve, it continued to circle around the earth at lightning speed.

"Ah! Please!" Carla waved her little fist in annoyance, being left behind to eat his exhaust...or electricity.

After a while, the lightning circled back along the earth in the opposite direction.

"Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it," Kara prayed silently.

Then Shen You once again passed by her with sparks and lightning.

"On your left." He even added this time, "Didn't you have breakfast? Are you a snail?"


Kara's face turned red from holding it back, and she flew as hard as she could. But the electric light disappeared in the blink of an eye and disappeared in front of the earth.

I don’t know how long it will take.

"Are you too fast?"

Returning to the atmosphere, Kara floated next to Shen You with a strange look on her face.

"Have you ever been that fast before?"

"Probably not. But it's not enough." Shen You held his chin and studied the data just scanned, "And it feels like it's approaching the bottleneck."

As his research deepened, he found it increasingly difficult to continue accelerating. Of course, this can be expected in advance. If his research on the Speed ​​Force is compared to practice, then the improvement in the formation from scratch will undoubtedly be the most significant. The higher the realm, the harder it is to make progress.

"But why?" Shen You pondered, "Without the connection to the Speed ​​Force, it can only go so fast? Is it because the conversion rate of light is not enough? No, it shouldn't be a problem of energy supply. Is it because my research on the Speed ​​Force is not deep enough? "

"In my opinion, you are already powerful enough," Kara interrupted in a low voice, playing with her slender fingers in boredom.

Shen You shook his head: "It's not enough at all. I think it's the level of my understanding of the Speed ​​Force that limits the limit, and the upper limit of theoretical knowledge locks the practical application. It should be difficult to make a major breakthrough in the short term.

Um? "

Both of them turned their heads and were attracted by the movement under the clouds not far away.

A long string of flames above the blue sky, the fire seemed to ignite the clouds, making it look like half the sky was burning.

It was a fighter jet.

The engine roared like a beast breaking out of its cage. Smoke rose into the sky from the cabin, lingering in and around the station, exuding a strong stench. Sparks flickered in the engine area, the burning flames glowed bright red, and with the violent sound of melting metal, all the warning lights on the console flashed like crazy.

The DNA of Carana's family moved as soon as he saw the plane crash.

"Can I?" But she asked for permission first.


Shen You nodded, this was also a good opportunity for her to practice her abilities.

Kara showed a look of joy, and immediately rushed out with a "bang" sound, speeding up to chase the falling tail flame.

"It's easy to catch the plane with your strength, but there are still things to pay attention to." Shen You kept a distance and flew behind.

"I know, I know, please pay attention to pilot safety."

Kara was eager to try out her first independent mission. Before he could finish his words, she rushed forward and reached out to grab the smoking wing.


The wing was broken off by her forcefully.

The plane, which was barely balanced by the pilot, fell into the hot air and began to spin, falling faster.

Kara held up the half-smoking wing and her face froze.


Of course, although there were some hiccups, overall it was easy for Kara now. Lack of experience is nothing more than a little trouble.

She successfully caught the plane and landed, blew out the burning engine in one breath, and then opened the top window of the flight cabin with a "click" with one hand.

"Are you okay, sir?" Kara extended her hand to the driver in a friendly manner.

The pilot was in shock and sweating profusely, almost hallucinating in the harsh environment. At this time, when I looked up, I saw a beautiful girl with fluttering blond hair, her petite and slim body floating in the air against the sun, and her cloak fluttering in the wind, just like a dream.

I was stunned for a moment.


Kara waved her hand in front of him.

She then turned helplessly to Shen You behind her: "It's over, he looks stupid."

"Don't worry, my system scanned him and the gentleman is doing fine."

Shen Yu landed on the back half of the plane, raised his arm and scanned the engine.

"I'm more concerned about this plane than this. It's not interesting."

The scanning light released from his palm quickly acquired a structural scan of the entire engine, which was displayed in the interface in front of him in the form of a 3D model.

"What's wrong with the engine?" Kara flew to his side.

"It's not clear exactly. But there's only one thing that's certain right now, it's not from Earth."

"Eh?" Kara was surprised, "Where did that come from?"

"That's the problem. Its design does not match the technological characteristics of any galaxy we know. There is no record left by Brainiac, and there is no match even in the technology of so many galaxies in the Kryptonian database.

And although the design of this engine is simple, traces of advanced civilization can be seen in some places."


The two of them turned around following the sound and saw a jeep approaching not far away.

A uniformed female officer jumped out of the car and walked quickly towards them.

"Stay away from that plane, it's a military secret."

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