I become light in American comics

Chapter 171 Please wait here for a moment

Shen Youfei was flying in the confined space, looking around while the scanner did not stop for a moment.

Another hidden realm within the Fallen Realm, it looks like some kind of cave. Thick rocks formed this place, surrounding it like a solid barrier.

The dry air is filled with inexplicable heat. The mysterious light from an unknown source spilled into the stone chamber through the cracks, illuminating every corner of the cave. The stone walls are covered with hanging moss and unknown roots, like a green waterfall.

But the reading of the magic detection suddenly increased. Perhaps this abnormal space affected the previous reading. The goal of everyone's trip, the artifact called "Eye of Argo", seems likely to be in this place.

However, what was scanned was not only abnormal magic power, but also life reactions.

Temperature detection shows that this is an area where most conventional organisms cannot survive. So obviously, the creatures that will appear here are not regular creatures.

Werewolves with sharp teeth, huge roaring stone statues, huge snake monsters covered with armor-like scales, etc.

There is even a C position among this group of monsters. There were dull footsteps in the darkness, and every step sounded like the valley was roaring, and the walls and rocks were collapsing and dust was flying.

A giant.

An extremely tall giant, wearing solid armor, and his muscles are as solid as iron stone. On the head is a red and fierce one eye, piercing and bright, and in the hand is a huge hammer.

According to legend, the earliest Cyclops had the blood of the Titans, the race of gods that once dominated the world before the Olympians. The first generation of Cyclops was once an ally of Zeus and helped him overthrow the rule of the Titans.

Of course, myths are myths, and they can only be used as reference in both DC and Marvel.


The giant swung his hammer and roared.

There is a language barrier, but it has little impact. Telepathy can help Shen You quickly understand what he means.

Guarding the Eye of Argo is his mission here.

One of the werewolves under his command was the first to lose control. He roared and charged towards Shen You with teeth and claws, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

And Shen You calmly punched out.


The thunderous explosion triggered a chain reaction, and the exaggerated loud noise echoed in the flash, as if the entire space was responding to the exaggerated power. The punch created an exaggerated air wave. The air flow was like thousands of long whips sweeping across the entire field, and the roar was like a giant hammer hitting the mountains.

Cyclops: "!?"

The giant froze, his big one eye full of shock.

On the one hand, he was extremely surprised by the astonishing power of a punch that was an understatement.

On the one hand, I feel confused.

No, what are you doing with such a lousy appearance?

The Cyclops is not very smart, but it is obviously one of the few intelligent beasts present. The remaining brothers didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. When one of them saw his companion being killed, he became even more angry and roared as if he was going to pounce on him again.

However, Shen You didn't even have time to take action.


The Cyclops's heavy hammer fell, and with one blow the monster that was trying to attack was reduced to a pulp.

Such an abrupt unfolding made the remaining monsters confused. They all turned their heads to look at their boss with dull eyes. Several of them had their mouths open and roaring gestures fixed on their faces. They froze in place and felt that roaring was not enough. It’s okay not to yell, it’s a bit embarrassing.


The giant hit the stone wall hard again, causing fragments of rock to fall.

Shen You also understood the meaning through telepathy.

Probably, why are you still standing there? Why don't you go and serve the Eye of Argo to our distinguished guest?

The Cyclops still seemed to have prestige in the local area. Although some monsters were dissatisfied, they still separated in fear.

I didn't expect the locals to be so hospitable, which saved Shen You the trouble of exploring on his own.

Then he saw the giant turning his head, holding the hammer, blinking his huge one eye, and giving him an honest smile.


I mean, just wait here for a moment, the Eye of Argo will be here soon


Wonder Woman turned around following the sound and saw Superman flying from the purple-black void and landing next to her.


"I just met one of your brothers. He is very nice, enthusiastic, and very warm. But in the end he seemed a little angry with me."

"My brother?"

Diana was stunned for a moment, but then shook her head.

"Let's not talk about this. I followed Mr. Shen here. This should be the location of the Argo Eye. There is some strange space that sucked him in. But I haven't found it yet."

Halfway through her words, Diana's pupils shrank, her warrior instinct activated, and she turned around and crossed her arms without thinking.

Two magic light bullets roared and sneaked up. Diana reacted quickly and waved her bracelet to block it.

And Superman.

Superman was blown away defenselessly as always, and then flew back in the blink of an eye with black smoke coming from his body but HP-0.


Diana frowned slightly when she saw the identity of the red-haired witch.

"Your old friend?" Superman looked at her.

"Not the kind I really want to see," said Diana.

Circe chuckled: "How cold, Your Highness. I miss you so much. And I brought a few new friends with you."

He said snapping his fingers. Her magic power was activated, and after a burst of purple-red smoke filled the air, Lex Luthor and the Gorgon Euryale appeared out of thin air.

"Luthor." Superman frowned, "So how did you get together with them?"

"In order to drive you aliens out of my territory, I will naturally need all available resources." Luther chuckled.

"Be careful not to look at the Gorgon's head." Diana reminded.

Superman nodded: "I understand."

Last time, it was the first time I saw someone who was careless. However, once he is wary of that weird ability, it is not that easy to catch Petrified with his ability.

"Do me a favor, princess, just for once today. Don't get in the way." Circe held a magic circle in her hand, and the magic circle flashed with a dangerous red light. "I have more important things to do today. Our accounts You can figure it out later."

"If your 'more important things' include the Eye of the Argo, that's a pity."

Diana said, holding the sword in her hand with a swipe.

"You know how this is going to end."

Circe shrugged: "Just like every time before, nothing new."

Superman also said to Luthor: "If your goal is to gain power, then I'm sorry I can't let you pass. There is only one place you should stay, and that is prison, Mr. Luthor."

"I knew you would say that." Luther sneered, and the armor was exuding a green light. "But I had already expected that we would have a battle. Just in time, I was just about to use you to try to do something to the armor. New modifications.”

"Then there's nothing more to say, ladies and gentlemen."

Circe's voice suddenly rose, and a magic burst from the magic circle in her hand was split open by Diana's sword.

"Now. Let's fight!"

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