Like a deafening explosion, it was the roar of Superman's fist falling. Continuously exploding air waves spread to the surroundings, and brilliant magical light exploded in the air like fireworks.

Dazzling light effects and afterimages flying all over the sky. Cracks began to appear on the islands and rocks, and spread rapidly with each impact until they spread all over the mountains and hills, the mountains collapsed and the rocks shattered, and the floating island shattered like a cracked eggshell.

It can be summed up in just those few words.

Gods fight.

Enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and the heroes and villains quickly fought together, shaking the mountains and the earth in the Fallen Realm.

Circe and Euryale first took the initiative to find enemies, and both faced Wonder Woman, who had a problem with them. The Gorgon takes the damage in the front, and Circe acts as the mage and shooter in the back. After a few rounds, Diana was already on the decline and somewhat unable to withstand the attack.

But Superman comes to the rescue immediately. His speed was far superior to those of the Olympus protoss. He rushed to Euryale's side with a sonic boom and punched the Gorgon far away.

When the heroine got help, she immediately released her hands, shouted and rushed towards Circe with her sword. But when she stabbed with the sword, she only broke through an illusion. She turned around and saw that Circe was flying high, throwing spells and flying the kite.

Superman punched to free himself, paused for a moment, then groaned miserably and was hit in the back by a green impact, staggering and almost falling.

He turned around and asked, "Luthor?"

I saw Lai Tu's armor holding up his right hand, with a transparent green light flashing in his palm, and his signature sinister sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Last time Brainiac gave me Kryptonite data, I thought he was fooling me. But after I went back and analyzed and reviewed the data again and again, I realized that he was right."

Luther narrowed his eyes.

"That wasn't you last time, was it? You used the ability of your alien ally to deceive me. But no one can deceive Luther!

Now I have analyzed the secret of krypton energy with the help of the data Brainiac left me. This armor of mine is powered by krypton energy and is designed to defeat you! "

Logically speaking, the early Dachao should still be in the stage of stopping when it encounters kryptonite, but today, thanks to a little sun from Apollo, the big brother on the list, the power level of Dachao is now higher than usual. Although the kryptonite ray is weakened after taking a shot, the two offset each other and it will not be so damaging.

"It's not that easy, Luther!"

Superman gave a clear drink, flew forward, and fought with Laitu under the krypton energy.

Diana's two consecutive thrusts were repelled by Circe. Circe seized the opportunity and raised her arms high. Countless vines began to overgrow under Diana's feet, wrapping around her boots and smooth thighs.

Diana slashed with her sword, pulled out her legs and flew into the air to avoid the endless vines. She continued to slash while flying up, and asked: "Why are you cooperating with this guy, Circe? What did he promise to give you?" "

"He has ambition, he has potential. I am a witch, Diana, and I see more than others. I know when I see someone who is destined to be different."

Circe paused, then giggled.

"Besides, don't I like my bald head?"

Diana cut through the vines and retreated, quickly distancing herself from the twisting tentacles.

"Such people are full of lies. Whatever they promise you is false. If you don't believe it"

Diana pulled away, turned sharply, and threw her mantra lasso. The noose exuding golden light suddenly bound Luther, who was concentrating on pouring kryptonite rays at Superman. Diana exerted a strong force, and Luther was pulled over without any precautions.

"Answer me, Lex Luthor, why do you want the Eye of the Argonauts? What is your plan?" Diana asked sharply.

The mantra lasso was activated, and Luther's mouth opened involuntarily: "Gather allies with various talents, gain the divine power of Zeus, rule Olympus, and then use the power of the entire Olympus to deal with Superman and conquer everything."

There was a brief silence, and Luther's expression became distorted, as if he was trying his best to resist the power of the rope.

But he was defeated in the end, and his mouth was pried open involuntarily: "Besides, if I gain the power of Zeus, maybe I will have hair."

When Laitu struggled desperately, he muttered angrily: "This damn broken rope"

Diana held back her smile: "What about Circe? What are your plans for Circe?"

"She? Of course she is just a tool, no one is qualified to be equal to me." He said matter-of-factly, "In fact, I have already started designing a mind control device that will be effective against her.

Once this is done, she will become my plaything and become a doll that only obeys my words! Jie Jie Jie, this damn broken rope! "

Laitu fired a beam of light to force Diana back, and the armor pushed forward with all its strength and finally broke free from the mantra noose.

Then he glanced sideways and immediately faced Circe, who was glaring at him angrily.

"Oh, I just lied to her." Luther showed a warm smile to Circe, "You are sure you won't take it seriously, right?"

"Go to hell!"

Circe hit her face with a magic sledgehammer, hitting her bald head through the protective force field and making her head buzz.

"I can't believe it. I really thought for a moment that we could win Olympus together!" Circe shouted. Diana had no time to pay attention anymore and started chasing Luther. "I should have known, you are a natural Traitor!"

Luthor had no time to pay attention to Superman, and started running around with all his thrusters: "I'm not lying to you, we were going to take down Olympus together! It's just that I made a slight modification to the second half of the plan."

"go to hell!"

The papery alliance broke up. Superman and Wonder Woman, whose pressure suddenly disappeared, looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on Euryale, the only one of the three on the opposite side.

The Gorgon was targeted by a demigod and a demigod at the same time, and she was immediately under great pressure.

To be honest, this matter had nothing to do with them Gorgons. It was Circe who made an alliance with others to get them to help.

After everything was over, the two principals, who were now in alliance, broke up and went to do the domestic violence. One was running and the other was chasing, leaving her alone as a passerby, struggling to cope with the pressure.

No, you guys play mine together, right?

However, before the game could restart, another sudden change occurred in the field.

A bolt of thunder pierced the void.

It was not an ordinary thunder, but a muffled thunder that seemed to traverse the void and penetrate the entire space.

The purple clouds and smoke in the void began to roll back, and the temperature seemed to drop suddenly. The entire Fallen Realm seemed to begin to tremble, as if shuddering at the arrival of something.

Everyone involuntarily stopped what they were doing and looked up at the sky.

It was as if there was an instinctive voice in their hearts telling them.

Something woke up.

An extremely powerful and terrifying existence sleeping in this fallen state.

Countless pairs of eyes seemed to open from the other side of the void, and the purple clouds were broken, just like the realm itself was torn apart. The extremely huge shadow and twisted figure were almost invisible in the void, only the tip of the terrifying iceberg was revealed.

Dragon-like creature.

Countless heads, each one emitting a high-pitched dragon roar. The dark body is covered in metal-like scales, reflecting a strange cold light.

Even the witch Circe's expression suddenly changed.

"The Fallen Realm. That's it, it turns out that's it. The divine power of Zeus, the secret of the Fallen Realm, the Eye of Argo, it turns out that these are all to suppress its existence!

It's actually real, it's still alive! "

"What is that, Circe?" Diana flew forward and asked.

Circe turned pale.

"We all made a huge mistake, Diana. We should not have come here, and the Eye of Argo should not have been taken away." Circe gritted her teeth, "Now it has awakened, and we are the first to bear the brunt.

It is the son of Gaia, the last Titan, who once defeated Zeus and the monster feared by all Olympus——

——Typhon. "

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