I become light in American comics

Chapter 170 Did I offend you?

Shen You suspended in mid-air, activated the time-travel bracelet, and the transparent light slowly swept across the scene in front of him.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Diana looked around, seeming to feel a little strange.

The huge mountain peak floats in the background of nothingness, like a sleeping giant. The contours of the rocks are steep and twisted, as if they were twisted by some mysterious energy. The peaks are dotted with sharp rocks and harsh rock walls that stick out like spikes.

Creepy smell. There was no wind, but it gave people a bone-chilling chill. I don't know when a low groan echoed in the space, like a tortured invisible soul struggling in endless pain.

"Probably more or less." Shen You said, "The energy of time and space shows that the phase fluctuations here are different from other places. There is also the energy spectrum scan that I have formulated for specific magic characteristics."

He shut up and didn't continue.

Because he seemed to see a series of question marks on WW's beautiful face. Obviously there was no point in continuing to explain. The heroine said that she didn't understand anyway.

"Science?" Diana asked.

"Yeah, science." Shen You nodded.

It seems that the heroine still has a high level of understanding and her summary is quite accurate.

"Anyway, it is probably here, and there should be something fishy in the space here. There is a high probability that the Argo Eye is hidden somewhere here in some invisible way. The reading is not strong, but my bracelet can detect something There are some exceptions and I am trying to establish a link."

Just as he said this, the bracelet suddenly flashed.

A line prompting "Link established" popped up on the armor's built-in display.

Caught off guard, a vortex opened up in the originally empty space. The time-travel bracelet emitted a faint white light, and gravity suddenly pulled him into the vortex like an invisible hand, disappearing out of thin air.

Diana was surprised: "Mr. Shen?"

"Don't be impatient." Witch Circe said with a smile, "I have spread my sights in all directions of the entire Fallen Realm. It won't be long before the perpetrator will be exposed in front of us."

The eldest sister of the Gorgon, Scyna, snorted heavily: "To do something to our sister is tantamount to angering the three of us. The three Gorgon sisters will not let it go."

"That's right, he will taste blood!" Euryale also agreed, but immediately added, "But eldest sister, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to collect a few sacrifices before I went out today. It will not be new when I get back. That’s it. Why don’t you continue, I’ll go back first.”

Scyna looked at her expressionlessly.

Euryale shrank her head: "That's it."

"The guy you mentioned is an opponent like the sun." Scyna frowned, "Is he really that powerful? Why did he scare you like this?"

Euryale said helplessly: "Sister, you haven't seen that it's not a question of whether he is strong or not."

"Ahem, interrupt me."

A man's voice sounded. Lex Luthor, wrapped in a green iron shell, fell from the sky on flames and landed next to Circe.

"Although I sympathize with the situation of your companions, you must not have forgotten our primary goal, right?" Luther said, "If someone else gets there first."

"Are you saying that revenge is irrelevant?" Scyna said coldly, "Pay attention to your position, mortal. You are not qualified to dictate."

Luther narrowed his eyes, but before he could speak, Circe interrupted: "But what he said makes sense. Revenge for the sisters is important, but it also eliminates a dangerous competitor.

But at the same time, the Eye of Argo is the ultimate goal of this trip. So maybe we can split up. One way, I went to find the Eye of Argo, and the other way, I followed the apostle I summoned to find the enemy. "

"That's very good!" Euryale nodded repeatedly, and then quickly raised her hands to express, "I choose to go to the Argo Eye team."

Then she met Scyna's cold gaze, and she couldn't help but shrink her head again.

"Sister, I think we should focus on the overall situation. Medusa will also understand."

His voice became quieter and quieter, until he couldn't even hear himself anymore.

Scyna looked at her with more and more contempt.

Instead, Circe made a seal, raised her arms, and a dark magic circle bloomed on the ground. Only a moment later, monsters emerged from the ground one after another. There are deer and tiger beasts with tiger fur and deer antlers, tree lizards covered with scales and the heads of lions, and huge creatures that look like walking man-eating plants with a green umbrella.

"These little cuties are all thugs that I have carefully collected over the years, and each one has been well trained." Circe said, "They will go hunt the creature of light with you, and the rest of us will continue to look for the Argonauts." Eye, is this okay?"

"I don't need help with this stuff."

Scyna snorted, but did not object anymore and accepted the arrangement.

So the group of people also separated into two groups. Ruthersey continued to look for the artifact, while Scyna followed Heather's subordinates and led her apostle to find the enemy to avenge Medusa.

The so-called apostles are actually a group of scattered birds summoned by Circe. Each was cast with a perception-enhancing spell, scattering and exploring in all directions of the Fallen Realm.

Not a moment later, a flying bird brought back the information.

The bird flew in mid-air and locked onto the trajectory of a flame in the void.

A purple-black humanoid flying forward, covered in flames.

Like a moving little sun. Exactly the same.

There’s no mistake, it’s him!

After separation from Superman, Apollo continued his journey of treasure hunting alone with a dark face.

It even feels like the knee where I was hit by an arrow is still aching.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the guy in the red cloak was disgusting.

It doesn't matter if his strength is against the heavens, or if his attributes are powerful. The key is that he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks like he is easy to bully.

Totally deceived.

Thinking about it now, if that honest and deceptive appearance hadn't made him relax his vigilance, Apollo felt that he wouldn't have been deceived so miserably.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

But his instinct told him that it would not be wise to seek revenge now. At the moment, we should first take down the Eye of Argo and obtain the divine power of Zeus. By then, he has stepped onto the top of Olympus and became the king of the gods. Isn't that just doing whatever he wants?

Diana's weird friends, the red and silver giant, and this time the red cloaked freak, all use their majestic sun god as a power bank.

When the time comes, ask them to pay back double the amount!

Jie Jie Jie


Just as he was thinking proudly, Apollo was suddenly hit by an unknown object. The huge strange force caused him to spin around and fly out. He shot through an unknown number of obstacles before getting up in disgrace.

"Who!?" he shouted angrily, "Who dares to sneak attack me?"

Before he could even look around, he suddenly felt pain in his ankle. Apollo was in pain and hurriedly took off in panic. He saw that a pair of eye-catching holes had been bitten by small snakes emerging from the ground on his ankles, and venom gurgled out of them.

As the ground opened, countless monsters emerged from the ground and surrounded him.

The leader of the banshee had eyes that were about to burst, and venomous snakes on her head were dancing, and she shouted angrily: "Pay for my sister's life, you villain of Olympus!"

Apollo dodged awkwardly while cursing in his heart.

Did I offend you?

Continue to update three times!

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