I become light in American comics

Chapter 167 This brother has such a bad temper

"Strange, this space seems to be affecting my body in some way."

Superman looked at his hands, feeling the heat pouring out of his body like the sun burning.

Solar Burst, a new ability unlocked by Superman in the New 52 era. In an instant, the solar energy in the body is released to form a large-scale AOE like a supernova explosion, which is a ultimate skill.

It's just that Superman hasn't unlocked this skill yet. At this stage, Superman is not particularly skilled in the use of energy control. Apollo's solar impact passively triggered an explosion similar to a supernova, but Superman had not yet realized what was going on.

Although Dachao has super senses, as we all know, they are usually turned off. Otherwise, he would not always be the first to be beaten every time someone approached Zhenglian to join a team.

However, when he turned around and looked, he found that the new friend he had just met had been blown away by this burst of energy.

Superman was startled and rushed forward with a supersonic burst, flashing in front of Apollo.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I don't know what happened. Maybe this space has affected my body somehow. It wouldn't normally be like this. Are you okay?"

Apollo snorted and waved his hand magnanimously: "It's okay."

"But your head looks black."

"I have this skin color." Apollo snorted arrogantly with a dark face, "I am the God of the Sun. Wouldn't it be funny if I could be injured by the explosion of the sun's light?"

Superman felt relieved after learning that he had not accidentally injured his teammates.

"Come on, time waits for no one." Apollo said dryly, "We still have something to find, don't we?"

Superman nodded, turned around and took off again.

And just a second after he turned around and took off, Apollo suddenly opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, frowned and looked at the back in mid-air.

MD, what kind of monster?

It is true that he is the sun god, but there is a limit to everything. The energy that this red-cloaked alien just burst out was more than ten times stronger than the solar rays he emitted. If he were not the Sun God but some other Olympus God, he might have rolled back to the Olympus Spring in that moment. went.

Are you the sun god or am I the sun god?

This situation made Apollo involuntarily think of the other weirdo who could absorb his solar energy next to Wonder Woman on Mount Etna.

These creatures from the stars all use solar energy as a meal, right?

I am the mighty Sun God, not your power bank!

Extending the association further, Apollo soon began to suspect that all those who were allied with the Amazon were such creatures?

Could it be that she is secretly planning to mess with me?

Too sinister!

Apollo couldn't help but tremble all over when he thought of the scene where he was attacked by these monsters, his hands and feet were cold on such a hot day.

The look he looked at Superman became even colder.

Since you bumped into my Apollo hand today, you still want to leave without letting me kill you?

Under Apollo's deliberate guidance, within a moment another giant beast lay in front of them. The huge body has strange patterns painted on the texture of the muscles. The dark gray and black body exudes a strange luster, as if covered with a layer of cold armor.

Superman still said nothing and rushed forward at the lead. Apollo stood still and chuckled coldly from behind.

He turned his palm and flames shot out from his body. The flames faded away, leaving a long bow in his hand.

The Bow of Artemis is the weapon of Artemis, Apollo's twin sister and the god of hunting.

Apollo opened his bow and nocked an arrow, poured in his magic power, and the entire arrow ignited with flames, burning and locking the direction of Superman.

It's now!

The arrow shot out, dragging a trail of flames and hitting Superman's body.

With the amplification of the Hunting Goddess pouring all his strength into him, this arrow is enough to penetrate everything!

But what Apollo never expected was that when the fatal arrow hit him, the indestructible arrow actually clicked and broke on the steel body on the spot. The flame energy wrapped around the arrow lost its attachment and swirled into the opponent's body.

Apollo opened his mouth wide, showing an outrageous expression.


How can this be?

That arrow was not the creation of a mortal. Even though it was not a top-notch artifact, it was still made by the God of Fire.

It actually broke?

So how hard does this person have to be?

I didn’t expect that this wasn’t the end yet.

The arrow broke, the flames submerged, and then the layer of red light covering Superman's body rose.

The domineering energy, shaped like an arrow, shot back from nowhere!

Then Apollo was hit by an arrow in the knee.

The newbie Dachao encountered an energy overflow state for the first time since his debut, and his strength and defense increased dramatically. And he obviously hasn't adapted to this temporary change, so that Apollo's sneak attack felt like a mosquito bite on his back, as if he felt it but not at the same time.

Killing the giant beast in front of him instantly, he turned around and saw Apollo kneeling on the ground holding his knees.

"What are you?" Superman quickly avoided the direction where Apollo was kneeling and looked at him strangely.

Why did the Sun God perform this great gift?

Apollo endured the pain and forced a smile: "I'm just a little tired, stop and take a rest."

Noticing Superman's suspicious gaze, he explained: "Oh, this is our Olympus habit. Sometimes we like to kneel down and rest when we are tired, which may be different from you mortals."

Superman blinked. That's really strange.

"Okay." Superman stretched out his hand, "Then I can carry you."

"Don't come here!"

Seeing that he wanted to get closer, Apollo shouted instinctively and shrank back.

Superman was so shocked that he also flinched his hand, wondering what the fuss was about.

Realizing his gaffe, Apollo coughed and said, "Oh, I mean, you should leave first. I suddenly want to stay here, so as not to delay your work."

He just thought about it and suddenly felt that he had no grievances or enmities with this big blue guy, and there was no point in risking his life.

Forget it, today’s target is the Eye of Argo, so let’s let him go.

The thought of not being able to stay has completely disappeared. Now all Apollo can think about is how scary this guy is, how far should I hide?

"I can't leave you here." Superman said sincerely.

"So you're not leaving, right?"

Apollo snorted heavily, stood up, stamped his feet, and flicked his sleeves.

"Okay, then I'll go."

After saying that, he couldn't wait to fly into the sky with a bang, leaving a burning tail flame and disappearing into the void.

Superman looked at his back, a little confused.

"Diana's brother is really bad-tempered. Did I offend him?"

Two updates will be slowed down today, and more will be added tomorrow.

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