"The magic signal is strong and is about to reach the expected target." Parr's voice rang in his ears.

"Very good. Mark it on the map and show the map of the areas we have visited."

Shen You followed the magical characteristics similar to those of the Olympus god system all the way forward, and there was a high probability that the so-called Eye of Argo was ahead.

"Friendly recognition reaction was found, and there are signs of fighting."

Pal prompted while marking the coordinates on the side of the map.

"Based on the battle reaction, it may be Wonder Woman."

"Diana got into a fight with someone?"

Shen You thought for a while and looked at the map display. It seemed that the route was smooth.

"Change the navigation route, Pal. Let's stop by and check it out."

"Okay, sir."

The mobile armor accelerated, leaving a string of lightning behind it, and accelerated towards the marked location through a series of islands.


A huge impact and unparalleled force hit a floating island. The land cracked, the mountains collapsed, lava spewed out, and the violent winds whipped up by the divine power carried the power of destruction, sweeping across everything in a devastating manner.

Wonder Woman flew out in the storm, doing a series of somersaults in the air, stepping on the suspended debris and broken wood to stabilize her balance, and then used her flying ability to hover in the air.

In front of her, a giant shadow nearly ten meters high slowly broke through the smoke screen and emerged.

Long venomous snakes wrapped around the head, and red eyes full of evil aura. The green skin covered with scales resembles some kind of upright snake-like creature.


Diana said in a deep voice, glancing to the side from the corner of her eye.

Another Gorgon was flying aside with her arms folded, smiling grimly.

"Eurielle is here too. So, I guess the remaining three Gorgon sisters, Scyna, is also here?"

Diana looked around and didn't see the remaining person.

"Get separated? What a pity."

"You can only speak harshly now, princess. There are no Amazons or gods this time, only you." Euryale sneered, "You can't escape from our hands."

"Actually, correct me." Medusa snorted, "I am enough alone. I have a battle to settle with this princess."

"If you're referring to that time about cutting off the head of a snake, I'm sorry."

Diana drew her sword in her hand expressionlessly.

"But you're asking for it."

Medusa was furious and flew forward with a roar. She raised her right hand and held the sword in her hand. The sword drew a transparent wave of air and slashed towards Diana.

Diana had fought against her before and knew that the Gorgon's petrification skills were so powerful that even the twelve main gods were afraid of this technique. But unlike the previous Superman who was attacked for the first time, the heroine already has some experience in dealing with this move.

As long as you are careful not to raise your head and look into the other person's eyes and that weird snake head, you won't be petrified.

But this also means that she must rely only on her limbs to judge the opponent's moves and actions, and she cannot look up at her opponent for even a moment. As a result, the difficulty of the battle suddenly more than doubled.

Diana blocked with her sword and used a hanging defense to block Medusa's slash. The two swords collided, sparks flew out, and the impact of divine power shattered the boulders of the floating island beneath them.

Medusa shouted, and swung her sword with greater strength. Diana flicked the tip of her sword, raised her sword, and the sword blades collided to create the slash. There were transparent ripples surging again. Although she successfully swayed away, the heroine also felt a slight numbness in her arms. The Gorgon is not only huge in size, but also very powerful.

Diana, who had fought against Medusa before, also knew that this was a powerful enemy. In the past, it was difficult for her to win in a one-on-one duel. At this time, the Gorgon had a sister watching from the side. If two people were to attack from a flank, his chances of survival would be slim.

But Amazons are naturally aggressive and never fear the face of battle. The more powerful the opponent, the more she aroused her fighting spirit. She did not think about the consequences, and focused all her attention on the present. She only used her lifelong divine power and skills to the fullest.

The two swords collided in succession, and both of them had superhuman reaction speeds in their attacks. In the blink of an eye, they had clashed with each other several times. Medusa's strength was superior, but her swordsmanship skills were obviously lacking. In a moment, she had more defense than attack.

She dodged to avoid one of Diana's horizontal slashes, then yelled, grabbing the gap between her strength and striking the sword to counterattack.

Diana knew that her sword was powerful and heavy, and tried to use her strength to open up the situation. Therefore, instead of confronting her head-on, she drew the sword along the outside line and used clever force to deflect it. This sword was not forcibly parried but deflected by force. Medusa poured all her strength into the sword and immediately slashed into the air. The transparent sword energy enveloped by the divine power burst out, as if slashing the heaven and earth. One sword divided the entire island under both sides. two.

With an extremely exquisite strike, Diana swung away Medusa's attack and at the same time took advantage of the situation to rush in, stick to the inside line, fly forward and thrust her sword straight to take Medusa's head.

Medusa's pupils shrank and she tried her best to move aside, but the tip of the sword still drew a deep blood mark on her face.

But she screamed out in anger, and took advantage of the moment when Diana was approaching to activate the poisonous snake on her head. A small snake twisted its body and shot forward, biting Diana's arm.

Diana was actively thrusting, and she deliberately avoided looking at the opponent's head. By the time she realized the sneak attack, it was already too late. The little snake showed its sharp fangs and bit her snow-white arm.

Diana snorted softly, covering her arms and pulling back. There were already a pair of small holes in her arms, and blood was gushing out.

"It's over." Medusa hummed, "My venom has entered your blood. Now, surrender to my will and look into my eyes!"

A strong feeling of dizziness came over her, and Diana felt that the sword in her hand seemed to be a hundred times heavier. The power in his body was drained away like running water, and an almost irresistible bewitching voice sounded in his groggy brain.

She felt her body slowly losing control, her eyelids opened uncontrollably, and she raised her head little by little to look in the direction of Medusa.

She knew that once she laid eyes on Medusa, it would be over.

And it was only a matter of time.

There is only one choice.

Diana gritted her teeth, lifted the sword, turned it upside down, and pointed the tip of the sword towards her eyes.

Even Medusa couldn't help showing admiration when she saw her intentions.

She wants to blind her own eyes.

And at the moment when the princess' sword blade fell, the tip of the sword almost touched her eyeball.

Lightning seemed to pierce the space, flashing out from the depths of the void with ripples of time and space. A silver steel hand protruded from the electric light, and firmly grasped the wrist to stop the heroine's behavior.

"It doesn't have to be this way."

A reassuring voice sounded in her ears.

"I am coming."

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