I become light in American comics

Chapter 166 A powder keg?

The state of depravity.

"What a weird place."

An upside-down and disorderly space, with floating islands and plants all over the sky. Apollo, the sun god, walked through this chaos, squinting his eyes and looking around.

"The Eye of Argo, the legendary thing that can give Zeus divine power, well, it's really like finding a needle in a haystack." Apollo said to himself as he flew, "But it's strange that you will always allow it to exist, father.

It's like you've known for a long time that one day you'll end up dead and you'll be given a heir worthy of that position.

Um? "

Apollo's eyes moved slightly and he noticed something.

A figure flew not far away.

The red and blue afterimages flew between the suspended islands in this strange space.


Apollo frowned slightly.

"Mortals, in the Fallen Realm? No, not even aliens from the stars of mortals?"

Apollo was immediately alert.

Could this guy also be here for the Eye of Argo?

Apollo suddenly felt that he could not stand idly by. He was bound to get the Eye of Argo on this trip, and he would never give it to anyone else, let alone a strange species from outside the earth.

Now that we have encountered one, it is better to simply eliminate this competitor here.

With this thought popping up in Apollo's mind, he was about to catch up with all his strength and launch a surprise attack.

Suddenly, an island in front of me suddenly cracked open, and a big green dragon burst out of the ground!

It is about seven or eight meters long, with emerald green scales shining all over its body, extending from the top of its head to the tip of its tail. The face exuded crystal clear light, each piece had a texture as warm and moist as melted snow, and the narrow golden pupils revealed a strong murderous intent.

Seeing the giant dragon appear, Apollo immediately stopped.

It was an ancient monster, quite powerful. It seems that they are not the only foreign interlopers in the Fallen Realm.

If the intruders could be cleared out like this, it would save him the trouble of doing it himself.

However, this thought just came to Apollo's mind.


The dull sound of fist hitting flesh.

The next moment, in Apollo's disbelieving eyes, the dragon split open.

Just one punch, with a sudden gust of wind, exaggerated air waves, and a terrifying impact that shook several surrounding islands. The trembling floating islands seemed to be surrendering to the god-like power. The scales cracked and blood spattered. The giant dragon didn't even have a chance to scream and was instantly killed by the unimaginable punch.

Looking at the scene of flying sand in front of him, Apollo pondered.

After thinking for a while, he felt that it was necessary to adjust the lower stroke.

It's not a good idea to go head-to-head, this time you have to be smart.

Not that he, the sun god, was afraid of this strange creature. I am definitely not afraid, but my strength is just a little exaggerated. There is nothing to be afraid of.

But the main purpose of this trip is the Argo Eye, and I don’t know how many competitors there are. It would be unwise to spend too much time and energy on this guy.

You have to think of a way to get around it.

"Uh, sir?" Superman appeared in front of him at some point, "Excuse me, are you a local?"

Apollo: "!"

He was startled.

He was clearly hiding behind a bunker. Not only could this person see him, but how could he quietly appear in a second?

Apollo hummed in a deep voice: "You should have heard of my name, mortal. I am Apollo, the sun god."

"Sun God, the one in mythology." Superman nodded and said he had heard of it, "So that's how you said your father is Zeus?"

"That's right."

"That's Diana's brother? That's great. I'm looking for her, but this space somehow interferes with my X-ray vision. I can't see as far as I usually can."

Apollo narrowed his eyes.

The Amazon guy is here too?

That's just right. She was already on Apollo's hunting list, so it saved him the trouble of looking for her again.

But it sounds like the weirdo in front of him is actually Diana's ally. Seeing the astonishing divine power just now, Apollo immediately classified him as a high-threat character in the enemy camp, and now he had another reason to execute him here.

With this thought in his mind, Apollo remained calm and nodded slightly: "That's a coincidence. I'm also looking for my sister. We can go together."

"Great." Superman smiled, "We were separated as soon as we came in. I'm worried that I can't understand this strange space, and I need a knowledgeable expert to guide me."

"Oh, then just put your heart back in your stomach." Apollo smiled slyly, "I promise to take you on the right path."

Apollo sneered inwardly.

The weirdo who came from the stars has a lot of brute strength, but his mind is unexpectedly simple. In such a dangerous environment, he trusted a stranger so easily in just a few words, and even showed his back to him with confidence.

Ridiculous and downright stupid.

Let him see the dangers of society today.

Apollo deliberately led the way. Not long after walking forward, he saw another explosion of rocks between rocks. The stone exploded, and a huge body emerged from it. A monster that looked like a giant insect, with its dark skin covered with hard scales and shining with a frosted light, opened its bloody mouth and bit at them!

Superman didn't say anything, and flew directly on top. Several tentacles quickly wrapped around Superman's body, but with the supernatural power of his arms, he broke free with a snap. He grabbed the tentacles with one hand and lifted the giant insect dozens of meters high off the ground with a rumble, and then slammed it back. on the ground.

The rocks roared and the earth cracked, giving you a sense of overwhelming power.

Apollo silently floated behind Superman, blazing flames surged in his palms, condensing into a ball of fiery light, as if a super-miniature sun was condensed in his palms.

He spotted the moment when Superman was hovering in mid-air, his back exposed to him without any defense.

It's now!

Apollo twitched the corner of his mouth, with a ferocious smile on his face, activated his palms, and the blazing light ball hit without any hindrance.

go to hell!

But after just a moment, the smile gradually disappeared.

Completely ineffective.

No, it cannot be said that it is completely ineffective.

Superman, who was throwing the monster away, froze, his face changed slightly, and suddenly he felt an unreasonable force burst out of his body, and a warm current seemed to surge up from the depths of his body. He was unprepared, and extremely hot light burst out from every cell in his body.

Like a supernova!

The giant insect bore the brunt of the attack and howled miserably before being burnt to ashes. The entire island next to Superman was also blown to pieces and crushed into ashes. The impact of the explosion continued to sweep through, sucking in the confused Apollo in mid-air.

Apollo's body was shot through several mountain peaks and boulders with a bang, his whole body was burnt to ashes, and his mentality exploded while flying in the air.

No, what is this?

What the hell did I just hit?

A powder keg?

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