I become light in American comics

Chapter 159 The Saw Man of Light

Swamp Thing is immortal.

As long as the green of all things remains, he can be regenerated no matter how many times. Even after the Anti-Monitor wiped out the entire multiverse with one shot, he was still able to regenerate from the destruction.

Of course Shen You understands this. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate it, but that does not mean that the attack is completely meaningless. The Specium warhead is enough to destroy Swamp Thing's entire current body. Although it only takes a moment for the opponent to regenerate, this process is similar to a shutdown and restart, which may eliminate the influence of mind control.

Just like what happens when you call the network administrator when you stop eating on your computer in an Internet cafe.

However, this trick seems to have little effect.

Countless roots condensed in the destruction, and the shattered limbs quickly regenerated. Green branches penetrated into the core of the regenerated body, and the leaves formed dense layers on the body, wrapping around the dark green skin. The tree trunks seemed to form his skeleton, with roots climbing through the body.

His body grew larger and larger, the trunk grew rapidly, green leaves spread above his head, and dark green flames burned in his deep eyes.

Original and powerful energy burst out from the body, and in an instant the swamp monster had reorganized to a body of more than twenty meters.

"The only way to stop my love is death!"

Shen You jumped into the air and avoided the swing of the huge arm again: "Very good, it seems that restarting Dafa doesn't work. Next, prepare for psychological therapy."

This trick is a little more troublesome. Using the telepathy talent of the Ultra clan, he rushed directly into the spiritual world to compete with Poison Ivy. This is also the most conventional method for dealing with mental opponents in the Austrian series.

"In fact, judging from the scan results of the opponent's regeneration process just now, maybe your 'restart method' is not ineffective." Pal said.

"Oh? What do you say?"

As Shen You spoke, he continued to maintain a high speed and dodge between the staggered attacks.

"Deep scanning found fluctuations in Swamp Thing that were suspected of abnormal mental control, but these fluctuations dropped significantly during the regeneration process of his body. Swamp Thing's own psychoactive radio waves were significantly more active during the reorganization."

"I understand. The harder you hit, the greater the chance." Shen You understood.

It would be much easier to break him to pieces first and then start with the mental aspect.

"Take over the armor, and I'll restart his brain, the physical kind."

"Okay, sir."

A bright light suddenly bloomed, the mobile armor lifted into the air, and the light fell to the ground, transforming into the posture of a giant. He was twice as tall as the giant swamp monster, and the sudden heavy punch almost penetrated his body!

The Swamp Thing fell dully backwards, crushing a row of trees with a crash.

But he roared angrily, and the green light in his eyes became even brighter. The tree branches and roots crushed by his body were quickly sucked into his body. The swamp monster expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it had grown taller again, almost as long as Shen You.

"For my dear woo!"

Before he could finish shouting, a silver cannon punch cracked his cheek, causing broken roots, branches and leaves to fly in all directions.

Shen You raised his knee and hit him hard in the abdomen, then hit his right shoulder with his elbow. With each powerful bombardment, a large number of broken wood branches and leaves fell off the swamp monster, and the juice tore out, like blood flying everywhere.

Shen You followed up with three consecutive punches on the heart, causing holes all over the swamp monster's body. The latter groaned, and the tree trunk on his chest suddenly rose. When the third punch landed, he tried to roll up the root vines to bind his wrists. But Shen You immediately pulled away and distanced himself, and the roots were all gone.

Shen You raised his arms flat, and then raised his right palm. The blue energy converged on his right palm along with the flashing arc, transforming into a spinning wheel of light.

Eight points of light.

But this time the light wheel was not thrown away after it was shaped, but continued to be divided into two under the urging of the power of thought. Two haloes of light, one on the left and one on the right, surrounded both sides of his palm, connected to each other by an iron chain shaped by light in the middle.

Shen You moved his palms together and activated the light energy. The two light wheels spun rapidly in his hands with the iron chain as the axis.

It's like a nunchaku, except that the two ends are not sticks, but eight-point light wheels that are as sharp as clay!

Swamp Monster roared loudly and shot out a large number of vines from his shoulders, chest, and abdomen. As agile as a boa constrictor, the soldiers divided themselves into multiple groups and swept in in different directions.

But Shen You stood calmly and unfolded the halo chain blade in his hand. The whirling nimbus protects the middle road like a barrier, dancing so tightly that all the vines can be cut into several sections with just a gentle wipe.

Someone from the Light Saw famously said that it should be common sense that the eight-point light wheel is a melee weapon. This trick is Shen You's innovation after implementing this concept.

The fighting method he used was the nunchuck-style fighting method represented by Leo from the Kingdom of Light, but the weapon he wielded was a variant of the double-jointed chain blade strung together by two light wheels. Its power in close combat can be seen from the crackling cutting effect, but of course, it is also conceivable to maintain the energy consumption speed of two light wheels dancing back and forth stably.

Shen You slashed all the way forward, cutting three times, five times, five times, and two times, cutting off all the vines in one breath. He put it on the face of the swamp monster and slashed with double blades, cutting off both of the opponent's arms at the same time, and then followed the trend. Turning around, the center of gravity dropped to the left leg, and the right leg rotated 360 degrees along the arc, and the cool roundhouse kicked the Swamp Monster's entire head again.

The swamp monster, which had lost its head and arms, staggered back, its huge body making the ground tremble with every step it took.

Shen You cut off the energy, and the Nimbus Chain Blade disappeared from his hand. Then he opened his arms, put his fingers together, and pointed his fingertips forward. The laser light enveloped the Swamp Monster's body, holding him in place like a layer of personal contact.

Suppressing light, a telekinesis skill, was used in the first Ultraman's battle against King Red. Shen You was not very good at it originally, but after studying the mental amplification of the Speed ​​Force, the effect was slightly enhanced, and he could temporarily block the opponent's movements to achieve the "holding technique" effect.

That's right, just like Monkey Sun once did to the Seven Fairies.

Then the arms form a cross.

Specium Rays!

The Ultra clan's signature light technique maximizes the destructive effect of light energy. The destructive energy quickly spreads throughout the swamp monster's body as it is illuminated. The huge plant body exploded one after another with a series of "bang bang bang" sounds from top to bottom, turning into debris all over the sky.

But of course, new plants began to break out of the ground, and the fragments began to condense again, trying to reassemble the body of the swamp monster.

But at this same moment, his suppressed thinking activity became active again, as if he was trying hard to fight against the external mental control.


After finishing Specium's output, Shen You's whole body lit up with light, and his figure disappeared, turning into a ball of light.

Along with the reorganized plants, they rushed into the swamp monster's body!

A day that lasts three shifts

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