I become light in American comics

Chapter 158 It’s good to restart Dafa

Swamp Thing insisted that this series of problems had nothing to do with him. In fact, this is in line with Shen You's initial guess, but it's obviously not like that from the current situation.

"Uh, so since it's not you, why did you attack me? And the hostages you kidnapped behind?" Shen You asked, "No offense, but have you noticed that you really look like the villain here?"

There is one more thing. In Shen You's impression, although Poison Ivy can also control plants, she is far from capable of triggering a plant rebellion in the city under normal conditions. But Swamp Thing is absolutely fine.

"Uh yeah?"

Swamp Thing turned around blankly, looking at the mess around him as if he couldn't figure out the situation.

"I attacked you? Why don't I remember? Wait a minute, what am I doing now?"

Swamp Thing looked around and tried to remember.

"The last thing I remember. The last thing. Some visitors came. Someone came. She came specifically to see me."

"She?" Shen You noticed this wording.

"Yes, a woman," Swamp Thing mused. "She came to me, and I showed up to meet her. I could feel something wonderful about her, like...like destiny, subtle. Things connect us closely.”

These words have basically locked the identity of Poison Ivy. The wonderful feeling in his mouth should be the connection with "the greenness of all things". Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy are the most well-known green connectors of all things on Earth, so it's only natural that they would feel a connection.

"Let me guess, 'she' has long fiery red hair, and the front and back are extremely curvy, right?"

"Yes. Because of that subtle connection, she made me feel close. I remembered it, and now I remember it, it's that woman!"

Swamp Thing's face darkened.

"I trusted her instinctively in my heart, and I was almost defenseless. But I never thought that that woman would actually do that to me!"

"What did she do?"

Shen You asked, while his mind quickly flashed through various reasonable possibilities for the situation in front of him, such as backstabbing, taking away his power of the green of all things, and strengthening himself.

Then I heard Swamp Monster complain angrily: "She took advantage of me and suddenly kissed me forcefully!"

Shen You: "?"

What did she do to you?

"It was that kiss. It was wet, soft, and fragrant. It was a bit like the smell of roses. It kept reverberating and entered my mouth."

"Ahem, you can skip this part." Shen You interrupted, "What happened next?"

"Then I felt dizzy, the scene in front of me was blurry, and then it was pitch black. When I woke up again, I was already here, facing a monster human wearing armor."

"It's really rude to say that, but I won't care about it." Shen You said.

With this description of Swamp Monster, Shen You also remembered some relevant plots.

Speaking of which, Poison Ivy's two main abilities are to control men and plants, and Swamp Thing unfortunately is half human and half plant. In the Zhenglian animation, there was an incident where the swamp monster was controlled by her mind and went berserk.

The problem turned out to be poison ivy.

"I think about it now, she did it all." Swamp Monster's eyes were gloomy and he clenched his fists. "She must pay the price for this. That despicable, dirty one."

Before he finished speaking, Swamp Monster's whole body stiffened suddenly, his eyes widened with green light.

And there seems to be love in the green light?

".Beautiful, gentle and lovely sweetheart. For you, I will do anything. Just start by smashing the iron shell in front of me!"

As he spoke, his right fist turned into a wooden hammer wrapped in vegetation, and struck head-on with the blessing of the green of all things!

Shen You swayed to the side, smashing the enemy with a bang with a wooden hammer, and waves of dust exploded like a tsunami.

"It looks like Swamp Thing isn't completely free of Miss Poison Ivy's control, sir," said Parr.

"Yeah, I noticed that too."

The ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked, and there were countless cracks, like giant dragons stretching out. The sudden rupture was accompanied by the moaning of the earth, and dangerous plants emerged from the ground like crazy. The twisted branches were like snake vines, and their bodies were covered with vicious barbs and sharp thorns.

Like thousands of black whiplashes dancing crazily, the devil's tentacles surrounded Shen You, covering everything at extremely high speeds.

Shen You's body shot through like lightning, and he was in front of the swamp monster in an instant. The latter let out a furious shout, his left arm suddenly extended, and his hand turned into a sharp thorn and shot out. Shen You avoided the sharp edge with his upper body, grabbed the opponent's outstretched arm, and pulled hard!

Shen You's figure rose into the air riding on the lightning, and his figure quickly spun in the air, causing the swamp monster he was holding in his hand to spin like a big green windmill.

After spinning for an unknown number of times, he suddenly let go, and the swamp monster immediately flew out at super speed due to centrifugal force. There was a huge impact, and the heaven and earth shook. The monstrous cloud of dust and gravel and the vibrations spread from the point of impact to all directions, sweeping up trees and shrubs along the way.

Ultra spin. One of the favorite techniques of the first generation senior who is most proficient in wrestling skills in the Kingdom of Light, but it is usually a throwing technique in which the monster is grabbed by the tail and thrown in a spin. Shen You used Swamp Monster's extended arm instead, and the effect was almost the same.

But the next moment, the green afterimage broke through the smoke screen and rushed up again.

When the body rushed out, all the damage on Swamp Monster's body was still repairing itself. His left hand is a shield covered with vines, and his right hand is wielding a plant sword, and he is still shouting.

"For my love!"

The eyes were like burning green flames.

He came very quickly, and of course in Shen You's eyes it was still as clear as slow motion.

Shen You easily dodged the edge of the sharp blade by leaning back, and grabbed the hands wielding the sword and shield respectively. He grabbed his body and lay back, pressing his right foot against the opponent's chest and abdomen, borrowing the power of the opponent's super-speed sprint. With speed, he fell down and kicked hard behind him.

Ultra Bar Throw is a fighting skill that many arcana players, including the first generation, love to use. Shen You doesn’t know why, but everyone in the Kingdom of Light has the guts to add "Ultra" in front of any skill. The prefix appears to be a very cool habit.

Just like there are other special nods, special likes

In this aspect alone, their habits are somewhat similar to Batman's. Batman likes to add "bat" in front of all his equipment, and even has the obsessive-compulsive disorder to spray gel on the wall to look like a bat.

This time, the ground shook again, and this time he was sure that the Swamp Monster landed on its face, and the entire plant head almost exploded into countless broken branches.

Shen You immediately turned around to lock the direction in which it fell, and the magazine on the shoulder of the armor bounced open.

"Pal, do you know what we usually do if the computer is infected and crashes where I come from?"

"Trying to kill the virus, sir?"

"No, let's knock the case hard and restart."

As he spoke, a Specium warhead roared out and hit the Swamp Monster who had just climbed up.

The next moment, the fire lit up the entire forest.

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