I become light in American comics

Chapter 160 Hijacking Plant Material

In the dark space, a beam of light was lit. A red and silver body appeared in the light, hanging silently in the air.

To put it simply, Shen You pulled Swamp Monster’s spirit into a spiritual group chat. Their current state is similar to the state of the classic Ultraman who had an encrypted chat in a small dark room before they merged into a human body after driving into an accident.

But just before Shen You opened the show with the posture of "Swamp Monster, open your eyes, I am the Superman of the Universe", he discovered that there was someone else in this field.

Poison Ivy.

"Honey, I'm planning our wedding."

Poison Ivy in the spiritual realm said with a smile.

"Our wedding must be the wedding of the century, and all plants must participate. I am currently designing the wedding altar. Do you think pink flowers or purple flowers are better?"


Swamp Monster gritted his teeth, covered his head and shook his head.

Shen You's physical restart method is indeed effective. When Specium's energy destroyed his body, his spirit also began to react, and he seemed to be showing signs of waking up.

"You Poison Ivy?" Swamp Monster's eyes cleared up, he shook his head and said angrily, "You are playing with fire, woman. Last warning, I have no plans to get married. Get rid of me now or else I"

As he spoke, his expression suddenly froze, a green light flashed in his eyes, and then his expression immediately turned into a smile.

"I like everything you like, dear." He said with a smile.

"Ha, I knew you were so kind. Then let's do both together."

Poison Ivy leaned in front of him and continued to laugh.

"I guess you've already started planning our future in your handsome little head, right?"

"Yes, yes."

Swamp Thing showed a forced business smile, and even conjured a small red flower on his chest, which looked like a bow tie.

"But my answer is probably going to be long, honey. I'm going to take my whole life to answer it, are you ready to hear it?"

Poison Ivy giggled: "Shmoopy, you are so considerate."

Shen You: "."

What a rustic love story.

However, Shen You, who broke in, already felt that he could connect to the swamp monster's consciousness. He was struggling hard and was not being controlled too deeply.

He just needs a little help


Swamp Monster's expression suddenly distorted, he held his head and shouted in pain.

"What's wrong with you, Ozawa?" Poison Ivy looked shocked and stepped forward with concern, but at the same time, she secretly increased the output in an attempt to strengthen her control.

But she soon frowned, feeling that she seemed to have encountered some strange resistance that was interfering with the spiritual connection between her and the swamp monster.

"leave me alone!"

Swamp Monster roared, and a green shock suddenly erupted. Poison Ivy was suddenly blown far away, and was almost blasted out of his consciousness.


Poison Ivy barely held her ground, her face suddenly changed, and she said gloomily.

"Who is it? Who is disturbing me here? Come out."

Before he finished speaking, a bright light suddenly burst out in the darkness. As dazzling as the sun, like an exploding supernova, a body of light emerged from the deep and boundless ocean of darkness.

Poison Ivy raised her head, frozen in place in shock.

So hot.

so big.

So hot.

It can't be human. There is no way that humans can be so hot and powerful.

Even the brilliance of her spirit was as bright as the sun, but she herself felt like a moth fluttering towards the scorching sun. Just scratching against the edge of the heat wave would be burned to ashes.

And then the existence stretched out a big hand towards her.

The huge palm, shrouded in endless light, stretched out towards her like a shackle across time and space. The hot air waves suffocated her, her spirit felt like she was being tortured, and her consciousness almost melted in it.



Activities in the spiritual realm only last for a second in reality.

Swamp Thing's body regenerates, but this time it's life-size. Shen You also released his transformation, and the giant's body dispersed into light particles, flew back into the armor and landed back in front of the swamp monster.

".Thank you."

The swamp monster said in an angry voice. His dark green face still looked quite sinister, but Shen You thought that this was how he usually looked.

"That woman named Poison Ivy, she has some special tricks. I was careless for a moment, and she took advantage of me and took control of my body." Swamp Monster said in a deep voice, "It won't happen next time.

And that woman, if I find her whereabouts, she will pay the most painful price. "

"If it falls into your hands, I believe it will happen. But I guess you won't have a chance." Shen You smiled.

"You sound like you know something," Swamp Thing said.

"When we established a link with each other just now, I followed my consciousness and locked onto her body." Shen said, "Just now, I took a look at her location. She is somewhere more than thirty miles away from here. In the underground greenhouse laboratory.”

It was more than thirty miles away, so I took a look.

Swamp Thing was silent.

Although he didn't say a word, in his heart he had already classified Shen You into the same category of monsters as himself.

"So don't worry about Poison Ivy. If all goes well, she's almost done with it by now."

"Where did the light bulb monster come from?"

In the greenhouse laboratory, Poison Ivy was extremely angry.

"Why can he break into the world between me and Ozawa? Why is he so big and so hot? If I hadn't escaped quickly, he might be dead by now!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she glared at the pot of hanging grass next to her.

"Why do you think it is!?"

The potted plant was shivering and afraid to move at all.

It's like saying, I can't answer you this question because I'm just a pot of grass

"Everyone is trying to ruin my good deeds. I just want to create a world ruled by plants. Is this wrong?"

Poison Ivy put her arms around her slender waist and felt confident.

At this time, another strange plant came up from the side, seeming to whisper something to her?

"Is there an intruder? A bat?"

Poison Ivy was furious.

It's not like she hasn't dealt with Batman before, and she knows that he is just an ordinary person wearing a bat suit.

At this time, Poison Ivy was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger, and now her vent hit her face.

"Haha, I can't do anything about that light bulb monster that came from nowhere. Now even Batman really thinks I'm easy to mess with, right?

Well, well, I have lost a powerful partner tonight, but the Dark Knight of Gotham will surrender to me! "


The roof cracked, black shadows fell, and the broad cloak spread like black wings. In a standard Batman-style landing, he landed in front of Poison Ivy and said coldly: "It's over, Poison Ivy."

"That's what I'm saying, Dark Knight."

Poison Ivy sneered and gestured casually. All kinds of plants around him immediately moved forward restlessly, surrounding Batman.

Although in terms of physical strength, Poison Ivy is not on the same level as Swamp Thing, but Poison Ivy also has the basic ability to control plants.

"Plants, they are my most trusted partners." Poison Ivy chuckled, "Tell me, Batman. How are you going to fight back when surrounded by so many of my children?"

Batman's face was expressionless and his cape flicked.

A potted plant was revealed.

The delicate and plump petals are like soft silk. Dozens of petals are closely arranged, with soft and smooth edges, gradually turning into a light pink, like a gradient rainbow.

"This is this"

Poison Ivy's face changed suddenly and she said with a trembling voice.

"The Vermeer rose, a specialty of Gotham! I thought it was extinct long ago. Where did you come from?"

"It's not extinct, Poison Ivy. There are only two plants left in the world in the Wayne Group's greenhouse. This is one of them, guaranteed to be fake." Batman said coldly.

Poison Ivy gritted her teeth: "What do you want?"

"You don't want Vermeer's rose, one of only two left in the world, to die here today, do you, Poison Ivy?"

Batman said and stretched out an arm, as if if he shook his hand, this beautiful rose would fall to pieces.

"don't want!"

Poison Ivy was in panic, biting her lip, looking at Batman with eyes full of resentment and anger.

mean! Shameless! Dirty Dark Knight!

Actually hijacking plant matter!

But don't tell me, she really can't help it.

In the eyes of environmentalist Poison Ivy, the small potted plant in Batman's hand is almost the whole world, more important than her own life.

"What do you mean, Poison Ivy?" Batman narrowed his eyes, "Even so, do you still insist on starting a war with me?"

"Me me me"

After a fierce psychological struggle, Poison Ivy finally closed his eyes, fell to his knees, and shed tears of humiliation.

"You win, I surrender. As long as you promise not to hurt the rose. It's up to you."


Batman put the potted plant back into his cloak, showed an expressionless expression, and showed the handcuffs.

"I keep my word."

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