I become light in American comics

Chapter 157 Who is hitting me?

Swamp Thing, whose real name is Alec Holland, is a botanist who transformed into a half-human, half-plant monster in the swamp due to an accident.

Of course, this refers to Swamp Thing, one of the most familiar comics. In fact, swamp monsters have existed since ancient times, and each generation has been the incarnation of the greenness of all things.

Most of the legends the old man mentioned were from a certain generation of swamp monsters in the past.

Swamp Thing is not closely related to the mainstream of DC. He wanders outside the main line. He does not pursue justice or fight criminals. He is only responsible for maintaining the balance between plants and the outside world. To a certain extent, he is similar to Poison Ivy, except that if one must divide the camp, Swamp Thing should still be classified in the superhero camp, and Poison Ivy is still the villain most of the time.

So it was a bit strange when Shen You saw Swamp Monster here.

Although he speaks for plants, he is not that extreme. It's not like him to take over a city with plants or something.

Of course, it's strange, but since the other party has launched an attack, they still can't be lenient when it's time to fight.

The vines shot out densely, and Shen You's speed exploded, and figures flashed continuously between the vines shooting vertically and horizontally. It was like countless sharp spears piercing through the afterimages and piercing the ground. Large machinery was torn apart, and holes were blasted out of buildings.

Countless green branches burst out in the air, like a green storm. A huge net formed in mid-air, blocking out the sky and the sun, making it almost suffocating to breathe.

But Shen You walked through the barrage-like attack easily, and the afterimages accompanied by the electric current were like butterflies dancing in the flowers. The sound of piercing explosions and collapses continued around him, and the stirring dust was like a golden storm, but it still couldn't touch him at all.

Shen You's eyes were fixed on the source of the attack, a blurry green figure in the darkness.

He spun lightly and passed through the gap between the two intertwined vines, raising his palms to take aim.

One shot into the soul.

The unstoppable blue beam penetrated the dense net of rattan and hit straight. The green figure let out a dull roar, and the light energy passed through it, and the smaller half of its body was almost blown away by the energy impact.

Then he moved.

With seemingly furious eyes, the green body turned around, revealing his appearance.

It was indeed a huge and ugly monster, with dark green skin, filled with green mucus, and branches, leaves and vines all over its body. There are sharp teeth in the wide mouth, and the eyes are sunken into the eye sockets, and the angry eyes are like green flames.

The shot just now blew off the left half of his body, and one of his arms was twisted into pieces. But it didn't seem to have much impact, because in the next second, the branches, leaves and vines had already spiraled together, transforming into a new arm. In just a blink of an eye, he was back to his original state.

Super self-healing, one of Swamp Thing's abilities.

And this is not an ordinary self-healing, but a top-notch self-healing ability in the entire comic industry. Swamp Thing can recover from any injury, and it has been recorded that he can even regenerate from the ashes after a single blow from the super boss of the "Anti-Monitor" who destroyed the multiverse.

Because he is connected to the green of all things. As long as the abstract concept of greenness of all things exists, it can be reborn countless times without limit.

Shen You glanced at it and found that there were other life reactions deeper into the swamp monster.

It's the workers on this construction site.

It looks like the swamp monster caught them, but didn't injure their lives. They are currently in a coma.

Something is fishy.

"I don't want to fight with you, I'm just here to investigate the plant riots in Gotham." Shen Youfei stepped forward and said, "I saw that you showed mercy to those people. So if what is happening now is not your fault"


The swamp monster roared, and his right arm turned into a tree trunk and a spear entwined with branches and leaves, and stabbed him head on. Shen You slid half a meter to the side and watched indifferently as the gun passed by his side and penetrated several layers of mechanical equipment and reinforced concrete behind him.

"Well, okay, it looks like there's nothing to talk about. Fist first and talk later, got it."

As Shen You spoke, he stepped forward, lightning burst out, and he accelerated towards the swamp monster.

Similar to mainstream heroes, there is a huge gap in strength between Swamp Monster when he has just awakened and when he has become familiar with his abilities. Many people tend to underestimate him because it doesn't often appear in the main line of the main alliance, but in fact Swamp Monster is not weak.

Infinite regeneration makes him almost immortal. He can control plants to combine into any form and any weapon. The blessing of the green of all things will give those plants far beyond conventional toughness and strength, just like a superpower among plants.

Although he has never tried the level of the swamp monster in front of him, Shen You feels that it is safe to avoid it without relying on brute force. Once entangled by these things blessed by the green of all things, even Superman once found it difficult to break free.

But even though I say that, don’t the number of these things seem a bit too much?

It seemed that only the moment when Swamp Monster burst out drinking.

The entire forest cracked instantly, with countless cracks and a heavy sound of land collapse. Countless vine branches sprouted from the ground, and they were connected to a large number.

The thick and exaggerated tree trunks contained endless green energy, breaking through the shackles of the earth and erupting. Countless high-speed vines that struck like lightning crisscrossed and intertwined, like vicious pythons, blocking almost every inch of space in the forest.

Wood Escape·Tree Realm is coming!

Well, of course it's impossible, but this trick makes it feel too familiar.

Almost any space to stand was squeezed out.


Rays of light shot out from between the gaps in the trees, and the afterimages were like flexible water snakes speeding forward in the gaps and rushing out of the tree boundary.

A punch in the face!

The super-speed body left a winding path of light in the gaps between the trees, like a glowing snake. A punch that was almost invisible, and a white ripple exploded on Swamp Monster's forehead the moment it hit, blowing half of his face away.

Swamp Thing fell on his back and spun far away. When he stood up again, his head had repaired itself, but he didn't angrily step forward to take action again.

Instead, he touched his green forehead, raised his head and looked around blankly.

Then he asked about the three sets of classic qualities.

"Who am I? Where am I? Who is hitting me?"

Shen You landed in front of him, pointing his palm cannon at him alertly, and asked at the same time: "You seem to be awake?"

"Okay. Can you turn off the lights first?"

Swamp Monster faced the light of the palm cannon, raised an arm in front of his face and squinted his eyes.

"It's so annoying."

"Not until you answer the question." Shen You said, "Were you responsible for the plant riots in Gotham?"

"Plant riot? Me? Of course not."

Swamp Thing shook his head.

"Why do you ask?"

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