I become light in American comics

Chapter 154 Plant Conditions

Gotham, suburbs.

"I said, you can't do this!"

The speaker was a trembling old man, wearing an old jacket. His figure was a bit stooped but his eyes were surprisingly firm.

This is a woodland that has been here since long ago. Lush trees surround the lake, the water is as calm as a mirror, and the gentle breeze ripples across the surface. Towering trees and lush bushes create a sea of ​​lush green.

But that's the past.

Now, it is filled with modern facilities and stirring dust. Roxon Industries bought the land and planned to fill in the lake and push out the forest land. This has become a construction site.

Cranes, bulldozers and forklifts surrounded the forest land, excavators continued to shovel out sand, and workers' vehicles carried sand and gravel, which was poured into the pits continuously.

The bronze-skinned foreman wearing a safety helmet was attracted by the old man’s shout and could not help but frown.

"here we go again"

He stepped forward and patted the shoulders of the two staff members who were blocking the old man outside the cordoned off area.

"You just step back and I'll come."

The foreman stopped in front of the old man and said impatiently: "Why are you here again? I should have said yesterday that I won't be polite if I come back next time."

"No, you don't understand." The old man said emotionally, "This is a cursed jungle, and it has been like this since a long time ago.

There was a swamp here a long time ago, a swamp that buried sin! A notorious drug lord in this city slept here many years ago, because his bad behavior offended the wrath of the Swamp God!

This has been a customary habit of nearby residents for many years. No one dares to pass by here at night because we all know that the God of the Swamp lives here."

"Pull it down." The foreman interrupted impatiently, "Listen, old guy. The thing is, our construction schedule is already very tight, and now it is suspected that an unknown environmental terrorist is eyeing this project.

So now we are all under great pressure and have no time to listen to those boring urban legends. If you have any sense, this would be the last time you come here to harass us.

Otherwise, don’t blame me for not warning you.”

A harsh noise interrupted his words, followed by an unsettling boom. The foreman was taken aback and turned around: "What's going on?"

"There seems to be something wrong with the drill rig."

The foreman ignored the old man for the time being and quickly moved over to check the situation.

"It seems to be a fault in the hydraulic system. We have to take it apart to find out what's going on."

The machine casing was removed, exposing the underlying structure. But the scene that appeared under the shell made everyone stunned.

It's grass.

Or to be more precise, various grass-like plants spread into the equipment from nowhere, and now extended out from the gaps in the machine.

"What a hell."

The foreman muttered, and suddenly heard someone screaming behind him.

Everyone turned around and saw a worker being dragged unpreparedly into the darkness with his legs wrapped around his legs and disappeared.

"What's going on!?" The foreman was stunned.

The next moment, the lights went out.

The jungle fought back.

Vines pierced out from the darkness like tentacles, and the overbearing power enveloped everyone in the field, dragging them into the darkness without any explanation. The ground cracked, unknown plants sprang out from the ground, the excavator was overturned to the ground, the equipment crackled with sparks, and the cables were cut into two pieces.

The sound of heavy objects falling, explosions, and workers' screams could be heard immediately. In just a moment, plants occupied the entire area, and the construction site became chaotic.

The old man huddled in the corner, watching the plants in front of him and figures flying around, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"I warned you. I warned you a long time ago."


"So, you are convinced that you have traveled through time?"

In the coffee shop in Midtown, Shen You looked at Barry suspiciously across the dining table.

"At least ninety percent sure, eighty-seventy-seventy, no less." Barry said firmly.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Shen You picked up the coffee and took a sip. At the same time, he quickly commented in his mind that it was not as good as his own.

"Okay. Huh. It's great to have someone to say this. I really have no one else to share it with." Barry took a deep breath and said, "That's right. You know, I've been trying to um use my talents recently to help others. some type of.

Then there are some guys with superpowers popping up in Midtown recently. Among them was one I met yesterday. He can control the weather and calls himself a ‘weather wizard’.”

This Shen You has the impression that he seems to be a member of the "Rogue Gang", a classic fan group of The Flash. But in fact, this one does not rely on superpowers, but a black technology device "Weather Wand", which was made by a scientist named Clyde, but was taken away by the Weather Wizard.

"In short, the Weather Wizard was cornered by me, and he decided to fight. Then the Weather Wizard activated his power. I have never seen him activate such a powerful force before. He wanted to cause a tsunami to flood the city. Although I found and knocked him unconscious, it was already too late, the tsunami was unstoppable.

And obviously I don't have the strength like you, so I can't push it back. So I came up with an idea."

"You ran as fast as you could along the coastline, trying to create a wall of divine speed wind to push it back, right?" Shen Youyou said.

Barry looked surprised: "How did you know?"


Shen You remembered that the first season of the American TV series "The Flash" had this plot. That was Barry's first time travel. At that time, the Flash was still a rookie. He ran as fast as possible to push back the tsunami, but accidentally rushed into the time tunnel. When he came out, it was already a day ago.

"Yeah, after I came back this time, I knew the location of the weather wizard a day in advance and controlled him, but I still think it's impossible. Although I am fast, I can't be faster than light."

"That's not sure." Shen You said, "Maybe the situation was urgent at the time and you broke through the limit without realizing it. Or maybe it was just your instinct that affected some of the hidden characteristics of the Speed ​​Force."

Different versions have different settings for The Flash traveling through time. Sometimes the setting requires him to travel faster than light, but this is not required in similar TV series.

Shen You was not present at the time and lacked data. He could not draw any conclusions before further research.

"We might need to do some testing, or it would be nice if we could find a way to extract the Speed ​​Force energy from your running and store it for research."

"Like a treadmill?" Barry suggested.

"Yes, it's like a treadmill. You're very smart." Shen You smiled.

He had not had much contact with the time system when he was in the Kingdom of Light, but it was still important to understand this part of the law in DC. Because of the existence of the special group of speedsters, there are more ridiculous time messing around at DC than at the Marvel studio next door.

Understanding how this part of the rules works is not only a necessary skill, but also a means of protecting yourself during those dizzying time crises later on.

And in the entire DC universe, the one who can help him master this knowledge faster is definitely Barry in front of him.

The device called "Cosmic Treadmill" is an indispensable artifact. Specifically designed for The Flash, it can store, amplify, and release the Speed ​​Force, and can even add the ability to manually set which specific timeline to travel through, which point in time, or which specific parallel world to lock, allowing The Flash to travel quickly enough Run to any dimension and any time and space at a fixed point at a certain speed.

In the major event of the Zhenglian vs. Avengers, the third-generation Flash even successfully used the cosmic treadmill to penetrate the origin wall of the DC universe and run to Marvel next door.

As he spoke, Shen You had already included this equipment in his to-do list.

The list is already quite long so far

"But there is one thing you have to know." Shen You said solemnly, "Even if you successfully master this technique, it is a trick that must not be used casually.

Time travel is a very dangerous thing. Disrupting the laws of time can cause a series of troubles, and even the smallest change in the past can have devastating consequences."

"Butterfly effect, I still understand this." Barry nodded repeatedly.

"It's not just that." Shen You said, "It may also cause a series of other troubles, but I'll tell you more slowly during the research process later."

The most famous event caused by The Flash, "Flashpoint", almost destroyed the whole world. Later, even if he reversed the changes to the past and tried to keep history intact, it still led to the reshuffle and restart of the main world's settings.

Many heroes died as a result, many never even existed, and more origin settings were changed as a result.

Not to mention that traveling through time is also dangerous to the speedsters themselves. Traveling through time has a certain probability of attracting the attention of the "time undead", an undead that lives in the speed field and specializes in obliterating those speedsters who mess with time. Theoretically speaking, once targeted, no speedster can outrun the Time Undead.

"Oh, sorry, wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Shen You gestured to Barry and answered the phone.

It was Carla who called.

"what happened?"

"Well, I thought you might want to come back and take a look." Carla sounded a little embarrassed, "There's a plant situation happening here at our house."

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