I become light in American comics

Chapter 153 Ultra Undercover

Blood cultists, in the spiritual space used for communication.

"Everyone here is a survivor of the Midtown Incident, and I am the leader assigned by the organization for your next actions.

This incident was a huge blow to our Blood Cultists. It is not easy for you to escape from death. The Archbishop is very pleased. "

"I won't hesitate to bleed and sacrifice my life for the organization!" It was Shen You who said this.

"It's a shame that my abilities are limited and I couldn't do anything in that incident." The person who said this was the shadow standing in the other corner of the space, but it was still Shen You.

"If you have any instructions or requirements from the organization, just say it. If you can contribute to the Supreme Lord, you won't hesitate to risk your life!" The third figure spoke, but it was still Shen You.

Yes, that's right, after the battle in Midtown, not only did it cause heavy damage to the branch of the Blood Cult, but Shen You also picked up a few magic stones similar to the one he seized from the deacon last time.

It seems that only those at the lowest level, deacon level or above, are qualified to hold such a stone within the Blood Cult. Of the few coins Shen You currently holds, two were taken from two bishops, and the remaining few came from local deacons in the middle city.

With the previous research results on the first stone, it is not difficult to simulate the magic power of the Three Palaces to activate the remaining stones.

Originally, a person's consciousness could only borrow a stone link to enter this magic conference room at the same time, but Shen You was different. Each clone of the Ultra clan's clone technique can have independent consciousness drive, and creating clones is the basis of the clone's ability.

Now there is no need to consume energy to create clones. Instead, he simply separates several thoughts and sneaks into the conference room with the help of a stone. He just tried it briefly and got in smoothly.

The Blood Cultists seemed to think that after the Central City Incident, at least the bishops, deacons and other senior officials had slipped through the cracks. However, little did they know that none of the cadres escaped.

At this moment, there seems to be a multi-person meeting in this space, but there are actually only two people in total. One of them is the commander, and the rest are all Shen You's vests.

Looking at it from another angle, it can also be said that there is only one victim in a chat group, and the rest are all scammers.

"Zhongcheng District has been severely damaged. The organization has assessed that it is difficult for you to maintain daily activities." The commander said, "And rebuilding from scratch will take too long.

God is saying that we need to move faster. The preparations for the ultimate ceremony are about to begin, and there is no time to take things slowly.”

Hearing this, Shen You couldn't help but pay attention.

Does the ultimate ritual refer to the coming of the third house?

"As long as we can contribute to the coming of the Lord, we are not afraid of any sacrifice, no matter how big it is!" Shen You continued to express his stance.

"Very well, your intentions are commendable." The commander smiled, "But don't worry, the Archbishop has other plans for you. This will be an extremely difficult task, more difficult than your previous daily activities. It's a hundred times more difficult.

But the organization looks favorably on you, and the Archbishop personally believes that you have the ability and spirit to handle this task. "

"No matter the hardship!" Another deacon expressed his stance.

"Very good." The commander said solemnly, "Your reporting organizations have received it. It seems that our main enemy this time is from the 'Sky Eye Society'.

This loss is a wake-up call and a reminder that this organization should attract our attention. So this is the task that will be assigned to you next.”

The commander's voice darkened.

".Break into the Sky Eye Society."

Shen You: "?"

Shen You never expected it. He was an undercover agent who accidentally broke into the group chat of Blood Cultists, but one day he would be sent by the organization he was undercover to work as an undercover agent for another organization.

To be honest, before this operation in Central City, he had already thought of throwing the vest away if it exploded. Who would have thought of that? Not only was he not exposed, but he got deeper and deeper, almost becoming a double agent.

But there was no pressure anyway, so I just responded to it first. The Blood Cultists immediately went to make arrangements for the spy plan, and it is estimated that they still need some preparation time.

The commander only left a sentence to ask them to wait for notification, and then went to work.

When Shen You was free, he called Kara to the laboratory to prepare an experiment that he had been thinking about for a while.


When Shen You proposed his intention, Kara's face suddenly changed, and she looked away nervously for a moment.

"Isn't this bad?"

"It's okay, it won't hurt."

"But. But it should be uncomfortable?"

"It might be a bit awkward at first. But once you get used to it, theoretically it will be fine." Shen You said seriously.

Kara was still a little hesitant, but after looking at him, she bit her lip and nodded vigorously.

Then he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Then hurry up."

"There's no guarantee. I have to observe the data to see what the change curve looks like."

"Oh, let's start quickly."


Shen You agreed, and then took out the props from under the table.

Small lead box. The lid of the box was opened, and lying quietly inside was a tiny green crystal that he had carefully cut.


"Uh-huh. Uh-huh."

The green light hit her face, and Kara started to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Very uncomfortable?" Shen You asked.

"A bit. But okay, I can bear it for now." She shook her dizzy head.

Shen You quickly recorded the readings obtained by various devices connected to her body.

Such a small piece of kryptonite would have almost no impact on the mature Superman in the middle and later stages of the comics.

In fact, it is reflected in many places in the original work. The influence of kryptonite has a difference in tolerance. Superman almost fainted when he saw a small piece of kryptonite for the first time when he debuted in the early stages. However, the influence of kryptonite became less and less in the later stages. There are even more and more records of killing kryptonite-driven villains like Metal Man with kryptonite.

So in theory, if targeted training is intentionally carried out, it should be able to accelerate the improvement of Kryptonians' resistance to kryptonite.

Of course, this is just a conjecture. Shen You will never jump to any conclusion without having experimental data with actual basis. That's why he wanted to use Kara's body for testing to observe the changes in her organs and cells under kryptonite radiation.

If the experimental results can prove that the inference is reliable, then he plans to give Kara daily kryptonite endurance training. Of course, a comprehensive physical examination is required every day to ensure that there are no adverse effects. Then there is the artificial sun bath to help her speed up energy recovery after training.

Starting with very small fragments of Kryptonite, and then slowly increasing the dose as she adapts, can effectively help her overcome the Kryptonians' greatest natural enemy.

Oh, there's just one little problem.

It’s just that the training process may not be so comfortable.

Sure enough, the little girl's eyes widened as soon as she heard what he said about the plan.

"Have to do it every day?"

The Kryptonian's little head immediately shook like a rattle.

"I do not want!"

Shen You thought for a while and said, "Quinn Group will release a new game console in the next quarter."

Kara's eyes lit up, but she looked at the kryptonite that was put back into the box, and shook her head after hesitation.

"don't want."

“Plus their first game gift package.”

".make a deal."

The hair on the little girl's head softened.

There is no way, he gave too much.

Kara, who went upstairs after the kryptonite test, was sweating profusely, wiping it with a tissue as she walked. The wizard and Master Raven, who were studying cooking skills, caught a glimpse of it when they passed by the kitchen.

Raven was surprised: "What is she doing down there to make her so tired?"

"Oh, we are testing some new equipment again." The old wizard was already used to it.

"New equipment?" Raven looked strange, "That's really a pretty intense new equipment."


Shen You wrote down the research data and threw it into the newly created project file to complete the storage. Without waiting for further analysis, a phone call came over.

It's Barry Allen.

Shen You agreed to help Barry become familiar with and develop his superpowers when he had time. After all, if you want to study the Speed ​​Force and the laws of space and time, there is no more direct way in this universe than to directly use the father of the Speed ​​Force as a research object.

So to facilitate contact, he left Barry an encrypted number for emergency use.

"Oh my god, you really picked up!" Barry's voice sounded breathless. "Honestly, I have no idea whether this number can be reached, but I really don't have anyone else to talk to."

"Don't get excited, Barry." Shen You asked, "What happened?"

Barry took a moment to breathe, trying to calm down and said.

"I think... I may have just traveled through time."

Continuing with the third update, please ask for monthly tickets~

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