I become light in American comics

Chapter 155 Crazy Plants

An hour ago.

"Sleep a little longer, just a little while."

Kara muttered vaguely, turning over in her sleep.


Fell to the floor.

Of course, falling damage was not harmful to the Kryptonian girl's high level of defense, but the weightless fall to the ground still woke her up.

Kara sat up, opened her eyes drowsily, and took a closer look.

What catches the eye are plants?

Weak light leaked into the room through the messy plants. Tangled vines and tall ivy grew twisted around the edge of the room. A huge cactus cracked Kara's bed, and she just rolled over and fell from the cactus.

The girl blinked and thought for a moment.

No, it must be because I haven't woken up yet.

So he closed his eyes and lay back. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly sat up again and rubbed his eyes.

There are still plants throughout the house.

What's happening here?

When I got up and went out to take a look, I found that it seemed that this was not the case. It seems that all of a sudden, the whole Gotham has changed.

Plants are all plants. Abnormally huge plants are entrenched in various neighborhoods of the city like monsters. Huge and tough thorns destroyed the buildings and forced their way out, and the walls and buildings were torn apart by branches beyond recognition. Dense branches and leaves covered the entire sky, blocking the sunlight. Giant thorny vines emerging from the cracks in the ground spread wantonly, and their branches sway like tentacles, as if hungry demons are hunting.

Vehicles on the street were punctured and sidewalks were cracked. People took to the streets in panic and confusion, and there was chaos outside.

"Uh, what's going on?" Kara came to the kitchen and looked at a winter jasmine that was squeezed out from a corner of the ceiling strangely.

All the plants looked like they were on steroids. They were astonishingly large, and they were contrary to the season and environment. All kinds of plants kept popping up from all kinds of unexpected corners.

"It's a small scene, calm down."

The old wizard still put down the recipes, completely ignoring the chaos behind him.

"It's no big deal," he said without looking up.

Kara silently glanced behind him. The little monkey Titano was swinging like Tarzan among the branches and vines that had emerged in the kitchen. He was shouting happily and seemed to be having a good time.

So is this normal?

"Hey, today's young people just can't keep their composure and like to make a fuss over the smallest things. It's just a few grasses."

The old wizard continued to hold the recipe in his left hand, and with his right hand he turned on the faucet and poured water into his new pot.

"When you live long enough and see enough, you will realize that it is no big deal. What matters is a calm mind."

While he was talking, a string of green vines had come out from the faucet and wrapped around his pot.

The old wizard turned his head and caught a glimpse. His expression suddenly changed, and he immediately threw away the recipe and rolled up his sleeves to prepare for casting a spell.

"Stupid stinky weed, you dare to touch 'that wizard's' pot! You're finished!"

He said a string of spells, and a handful of black flames burned the pile of vines to black on the spot.

After it was over, he still seemed to feel uneasy. He continued to cast spells while shouting: "Die! Die! Die!"

He whipped the corpse wildly against the charred vines.

Kara looked at the old man's back from behind, walked away silently without saying a word, took out her cell phone and started dialing Shen You's number.

It feels like the rattan has been burned, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the old wizard's new pot.

After a while, Shen You returned to Gotham, a place occupied by plants.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know." Kara was confused, "It just becomes like this when you sleep."

As he spoke, a touch of green sneaked out from the crack in the corner of the wall, and quickly and silently grew into a piranha flower in the shadow.

Upright columnar stems are built up, and the towering stems are covered with uneven green leaves, which are as sharp as sharp blades and exude a strong bright red color.

After observing secretly for a moment, when it felt that the time was almost ripe, the piranha locked on the target, quickly rushed in, and opened its huge bloody mouth!

The sharp triangular teeth are as red as flesh on the inside, as if a hungry beast is pouncing on its prey!

Kara, who was talking to Shen You, tilted her head, her fiery heat vision blazing. The ferocious piranha was roasted into charcoal on the spot and turned into pitch black dust.

The conversation didn't even stop.

"The wizard said it was no big deal at first, but now he is yelling that he has violated his sacred kitchen and wants to fight to the death with these flowers and plants." Kara said helplessly.

There were other man-eating plants growing in the shadows all around. They were originally salivating at the taste of flesh and blood and couldn't wait to jump out. However, after seeing the miserable death of the teammate they gave to them in vain, they couldn't help but freeze and stayed in one place. Not daring to move in the darkness.

Although the intelligence of plants amplified by extraordinary power cannot be said to be very high, they still have instincts like beasts.

For example, you can tell when to be brave and when to be timid.

No, why do people in this room feel that the style of painting is different from other places?

At this time, a Kryptonian orange cat that had just woken up was holding a rice bowl in its mouth. It ignored the plants dangling around and the old wizard who was fighting with the plants surrounded by lightning, thunder and flames in the kitchen. He passed by in a dashing way and was ready to find something to eat.

When passing by a corner, I was immediately stared at by those salivating piranha flowers hidden inside.

If we can't bully Twolegs, why can't we bully you?

Food delivered to your door!

One of the plants reacted very quickly, and suddenly two vines shot out towards the orange cat like tentacles.

Then I saw the orange cat tilting its head lazily and a red light flashing in its eyes.

call out.

The row of plants in the corner was burned to ashes.

Other plants: (OO)

A group of plants suddenly became honest. The rhizomes stopped drilling outwards and the vines stopped waving wildly. Each one of them stood motionless, as if standing at attention.

Stritch even flew to the front of the cabinet with a pot in his mouth, and the plant peeking out from the ceiling stretched out vines to help him open the cabinet door.

It's a bit strange to say, but it clearly looks like a flower, and there is actually a bit of flattery in the blooming appearance.

They watched as Stritch poured a bowl of cat food in a leisurely manner, then flew back to the ground to eat the delicious food. But a group of piranha flowers could only stand at attention and stay hungry.

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move at all.

At the same time, I just felt humiliated.

To be fair, the whole Gotham is having a plant carnival today. Plants in every household are now popular and spicy, so why are they the only ones here to have a different style of painting?

Shen You actually saw this scene and felt a little strange in his heart.

"These things. Not only do they have abnormal growth, but they also seem to have developed self-awareness?"

Shen You activated the scanner and scanned the plants that emerged from everywhere.

"It seems so, sir." Pal said, "They have some abnormal characteristics. There may be external forces that stimulate their growth or perhaps evolution is more appropriate."

At this time, the old wizard who had ended the war appeared from the kitchen and interjected.

"It is the greenest of all things."

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