I become light in American comics

Chapter 152 We also have undercover agents

Beyond Earth, in some hellish dimension.

The demon's eyes opened in the darkness.

familiar ceiling

It unfolded exactly the same with the same ending, but the difference was that when Belial opened his eyes again this time, the previous unwillingness or annoyance was completely gone in his heart. On the contrary, all that was left was the Buddhist type.

He let out a long breath, and even felt a little relieved in his heart.

However, this pleasure did not last long, and was interrupted by a fist falling on the face.

Belial tilted his head and flew far away.

Looking up, he saw an angry Salaka.

"What do you want to do?" Belial asked.

"Needless to say? Of course I'm going to fuck you!"

Salaka was furious and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards him. Belial spread its wings and took off into the air. Salaka grabbed the air from under it with a claw, and the wall suddenly cracked.

Belial threw out a magic shock in the air, and the shock wave collided with the light ball thrown by Salaka. The burning air wave exploded, and the reverse thrust knocked Belial away, and his back hit the dark brown rock hard.

Salaka flew towards it and punched it in the face. The rock behind it was immediately blasted through, and the demon's body also fell downwards with a red trajectory.

Salaka sped up to catch up, held Belial down and dived. The two of them fell to the ground one after the other, creating a huge crater in the hot ground. Belial used the force to turn over and tried his best to get into the riding position, but before he could sit firmly, he was pushed back by his opponent. Two demons struggled in the pit.


A gloomy voice sounded, and bloody magic erupted between the two demons, knocking both sides away.

A new demon flew down and landed between the two demons. It is exceptionally tall, with purple skin, and its body burns like flames. The deep sunken eyes emitted blood-red light, and a pair of sharp horns protruded ferociously from the top of his head.

The son of the Third Palace, the demon Tisak.

It seemed that this demon was stronger. As soon as it appeared, the two demons stopped fighting and continued to glare at each other.

"what happened?"

"It's all Belial's trash!" Salaka rebuked angrily, "We ran into that creature of light that Belial mentioned before! This time, even I fell into his hands."

"Did Belial collude with the other party to plot against you?" Tissac asked.

"Well, that's not true."

"Then Belial turned against him and stabbed him in the back?"


"Then why are you beating up your own people?"

Salaka was speechless.

I was very angry when I came back, but when I thought about it carefully, I realized that what Tisaka said made sense.

After holding it in for a long time, he glared at Belial fiercely: "If you hadn't given too many gifts before, allowing others to figure out our magic properties and fighting methods, how could I have been defeated so easily?"

"Is it my fault?" Belial's eyes widened, "Everything I said is obviously true. This action has proved that our sister does exist, and also proved that the creature of light is real! It's obviously true. If you don’t believe me, you have to go up and send me a wave yourself.”

"If you don't blame the eldest father who sent you away, who should you blame?"


Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Tisak hurriedly intervened: "Stop! That's enough. Rather than this, let's talk in detail about the creature of light and what's going on with our sister."

After a pause, the devil raised the corners of his mouth.

"I'm starting to get a little interested."

This undercover trip among the Blood Cultists went smoother than expected. The two captured bishops seemed to have high status in the organization. From their dens, they even accidentally found a large number of lists of blood cultists in the Midtown area.

The registration file is written very clearly. Everyone’s name, gender, occupation, contact information and address, and even their email address are clearly remembered. Everything is included, which saves the relevant departments a lot of trouble.

Of course, these are basically minions, expendable cannon fodder at the bottom of the group. These people come from all walks of life and are scattered throughout the city. Going door-to-door to check water meters is a repetitive and mechanical task, and there is no need for heroes to do it themselves.

But I have to contact the Midtown Police Department, and considering that although they are minions, they are still a little bit of magic protection, and there may be some casualties in general police operations.

So Shen You once again put on the "Mike Williams" agent's vest and reported the operation to his superiors.

The process was very smooth. The Blood Cultists are a religious organization with some supernatural connections. They were originally on the Sky Eye's radar. The Sky Eye actually has a dedicated countermeasures team for this group of people.

Such accurate personnel lists and information are undoubtedly what the countermeasures team needs most. Tianyan immediately mobilized manpower, and professional agents immediately launched an arrest based on the intelligence.

The Blood Cult members in Central City were totally unprepared for this. Some of the members were in their own beds, some in other beds, and some were eating hot pot and singing songs. Suddenly, the door was broken by blasts, and with a smooth combo of "FBI, don't move", they were carried away by one dragon.

The Blood Cultists in Central City have suffered unprecedented heavy losses since then. The bishop and several deacons were all killed, and most of the members were also eliminated.

Agent Mike Williams even received a commendation for this, and was credited with a great merit in the Sky Eye, and he was expected to be promoted.

In a gloomy church hall.

A few candles flickered in the darkness, and thick stones formed the inner walls of the hall. The dull air filled the room, and the dim light emitted by the solitary candle was enough to illuminate the entire hall.

In front of the hall stands a ferocious statue, which seems to be in the shape of various demons. The weak candlelight made the statues and murals look particularly heavy. On the murals was a red devil, stepping on a red lotus, which was the Lord of the Third Palace, the ruler of another dimension.


A man in black robes half-knelt on the ground and spoke respectfully to someone deep in the hall.

"The ceremony in Zhongcheng District seems to have failed. The intelligence said that the Sky Eye Society got the news somehow, and not only destroyed the ceremony, but also learned the list of a large number of our members.

The Midtown Division was devastated and most of its members were dealt with."

The believer who was called the Archbishop pondered for a moment and said calmly: "It seems that we still underestimated our opponent. That Sky Eye will be more threatening than we thought, and this loss should be taken as a warning."

After a pause, he asked again: "Is there not a single personnel deployed for this operation left?"

"It's not that a few believers have avoided this round of purges. But overall, the losses have been heavy."

"Humph, the eyes of the sky can do it. Since they want to start a war, then we can do what they want." The archbishop said coldly.

"what do you mean"

"We lost the intelligence war this time, but we will never do it again."

The archbishop turned around, a scarlet light flashing in his eyes.

".We are going to place an undercover agent into the Sky Eye Club."

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