I become light in American comics

Chapter 144 High-speed afterimage

"I have a great idea!"

Maxima's eyes seemed to be shining.

"Why don't you follow me back to Almeric first? If there are any problems in the future, we can slowly solve them together. What do you think?"

"It's a good strategy, but I want to make some modifications." Shen You said, "Why don't you go back to Almeric first, and then go to other places to find out if there are any other suitable ones?"

Maxima pouted: "You must know that you are rejecting Almeric's crown."

"Then with the crown, can I do whatever I want?"

"Of course not, you still have to listen to me." Maxima puffed up her chest, "The rules are very simple. You can listen to whatever I say, and you are not allowed to leave the palace without my permission. Other than that, you can do whatever you want. .”

"So that's the problem. It seems that your concept of marriage is different from ours here." Shen You said helplessly, "Maybe it's better than this. There is a big blue guy in a red cloak in the metropolis, and he is stronger than me. You go Go ahead and bother him, he's handsome, can fight, and can talk a lot."

"Don't talk nonsense, I will defeat you anyway!" Maxima sneered, "Your skills and combat awareness are indeed impressive, but the princess of Almerik is more than that.

This time, I’ll let you have a special experience with my speed! "

When the last word fell, the person had already disappeared and was no longer where he was. In an instant, dust rose everywhere, like a hurricane of yellow sand. Figures flashed around in the dust curtain, and Maxima seemed to surround him from all sides at the same time.

In fact, to be fair, Maxima is indeed quite powerful, and its panel is considered all-powerful. Super strong strength and extremely fast speed, as well as energy and mental abilities, and all-around abilities. It's no wonder that she thought she was invincible before she came to the Earth where Kabi was everywhere.

But if you put it on the earth,

Maxima flashed around, feeling that her speed must have dazzled the opponent. However, when she maintained high speed and circled to the flank, about to attack from behind, she suddenly discovered in horror——

——The other party is looking at him.

Among the countless flashing figures, his eyes looked straight over, staring at her movement.

He can actually see it?

Maxima was horrified. You must know that to reach the current high speed, she not only uses her own abilities, but also uses the increase of the equipment on her body. As the princess of Almerik, the armor she wears is also the crystallization of their planet's cutting-edge technology. With its assistance, she can reach more than twice her original speed.

Is this how he can keep up?

Maxima gritted her teeth. She can be faster!

The speed exploded without reservation, and the strong wind when the body passed by was like a sharp blade, ripping holes in the ground. Her armor was overloaded like never before, so fast that even her reflexes were struggling to control it, and the images she saw began to blur.

Got it!

Maxima's figure cut out an arc and swept towards Shen You with a spinning kick. But Shen You stood there without dodge, as if he had no time to react.

However, unexpectedly, she swept her kick across Shen You's body, causing the ground to crack with a bang, but there was no real feeling of hitting the target.

Instead, it passed through without any hindrance.

An afterimage.

Maxima was stunned, and when she turned her head to look, her expression suddenly exploded uncontrollably.

She saw a swarm of mobile armor.

Dozens of mirror-image mobile armors were surrounding her everywhere.

"High speed. Afterimage!?"

Maxima was stunned.

Her well-informed princess could tell what kind of skill this was at a glance. In fact, this is a common skill for all DC speedsters. They move at a high enough speed to create high-speed afterimages, creating the illusion of being a clone.

But how fast it is to get dozens of high-speed afterimages out in one go like this for free! ?

In fact, Shen You only came up with the idea after seeing Maxima's flashing operations everywhere, and took the opportunity to try out the new tricks derived from the recent research process.

There is nothing unusual about the clone technique, many arcane masters do it. But the conventional clone technique is to split the light particles on the body and transform it into a second body. It is the same as the teleportation in the Austrian series, except that a master who is good at this can use it like a small skill without a CD for free. , for most people, it is a mana-consuming skill, and it is not necessary in most cases, so Shen You rarely uses it.

Although the current high-speed afterimage looks similar, it is actually not a simple clone technique. This is the skill of The Flash. It is said to be an afterimage, but it is not just as fast as creating an afterimage. It can be seen from the performance of reverse lightning in American TV series that these high-speed afterimages are similar to physical clones, and can even fight each other.

What's really mysterious about it is that it involves some of the space attributes of the Speed ​​Force, so that when the speedster reaches enough speed, he can use the space attributes of the Speed ​​Force to achieve the effect of appearing in multiple different places at the same time.

In the Flash's achievements that fans have repeatedly mentioned in the comics, the third generation of Flash Wally races against the gods of the universe who can teleport without limit. The gods teleport to the other side of the universe in the shortest moment in the absolute sense, but the Flash still One step ahead of him has arrived. Wally has developed the Speed ​​Force to the extreme, allowing him to appear almost anywhere in the universe at the same time.

Of course, the rare cases of explosive growth represent the upper limit. It's still a bit far away to say that, but after the research and development of Qian Zhen, Shen You has already had a glimpse of this attribute and developed the most basic high-speed afterimage usage.

And this first actual combat test is undoubtedly very effective.

It can be seen from Maxima's stunned expression of doubting life.

This new skill itself is actually not that important. What is important is the principles and unlimited potential behind it. Its application convinced Shen You that he had found the right research direction. If he followed this path, he could discover more secrets contained in the Speed ​​Force.

Maxima was intoxicated now, with a look of being conquered.

Is this man so fast?

Not only so strong, but also so fast

I'm done.

My vision is indeed reliable.

From now on, if a boy is born, he will be called Caesar, and if a girl is born, she will be called Karen.

"Uh, Your Highness?"

"What's the matter? I'm busy."

Maxima, who was interrupted from the important life event of naming her baby, glared displeased at Sass who interrupted her.

Sass winced.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, but they have already left."

Maxima: "."

Sky Eye Club, headquarters.

"The volcanic situation has been brought under control and all abnormal readings have disappeared."

The Sky Eye investigator from the scene is reporting the situation to the headquarters. Behind him is the temporary investigation camp that Sky Eye has just set up.

"Why did it suddenly disappear?" Amanda Waller asked.

"I don't know. About an hour ago, all communication and monitoring methods in the nearby area were interrupted. However, some local people reported seeing a flying object suspected of being codenamed 'Ultraman' flying by. It may be related."

"Got it," Waller said, "You stay at the scene for further investigation."

"Yes, sir."

After cutting off the communication, Waller thought for a while, and suddenly had an inexplicable intuition that staying there to investigate might not be a good idea.

Tianyan has been feeling a bit dark recently, and his teeth have been clogged when he was forced to drink cold water while walking. If I can't stay there, there will be some strange cause and effect.

"The dragon is gone too?" Norn couldn't sit still and asked loudly, "Why not!?"

"It's unclear." The correspondent said helplessly, "Dicken was lurking underground after completing the raid mission. But the signal was suddenly interrupted not long ago, and our monitoring was blocked by unknown means.

When we reacquired the signal, we found that Dickon’s vital signs had disappeared and he had been wiped out.”

"That's unreasonable." Noen frowned.

The towers he set up around the earth are gone, and now the dragons he sent down are gone.

So what's the next step? Ready to push for the high ground?

"Don't worry." General Zod was still calm, "Get the location where Dickon's vital signs last appeared and give me the image."

"Yes, sir."

The link was quickly established, and the real-time picture of Tris Volcano appeared on the display of the Fort Roth control console.

After watching for a moment, Zod suddenly stretched out his hand: "At the foot of the mountain, that area, zoom in."

The soldier did as he was told.

The screen zoomed in, and soon everyone could clearly see a series of tents and equipment temporarily set up at the foot of the mountain, with armored vehicles and heavily armed soldiers shuttling between the camps.

There is a logo clearly painted on the tent and a series of large characters printed on it.


Noen narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.

"Eye of the sky."

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