I become light in American comics

Chapter 145 I seem to have seen this face somewhere before

After returning to the store, Shen You finished his meal, took a comfortable hot bath, and then went into the laboratory. He quickly recorded the applicable data of the new skills during this trip, and conducted a review and analysis of his performance in the battle.

The more I study, the more I discover that the mysteries of the Speed ​​Force are endless. If the Speed ​​Field is regarded as the Pacific Ocean, then he is at best playing in the deep water area by the beach, and there is too much content that can be explored and developed.

After staying in the laboratory for another half of the night, he suddenly felt a buzzing vibration near the table.

The blood cultist's stone?

The Sannomiya group of believers usually feel that they are busy with their own affairs. Since they got the stone back, they have only held three meetings in total.

Shen You thought for a while, activated the stone according to the method he had discovered before, and his consciousness sneaked into it.

It was still a dark space, with four vague outlines of black robes appearing in it, occupying the four corners of the darkness.

It's different from the first time I entered. The first time Shen You got the stone, he participated in a higher-level meeting, and the next two were internal meetings of the organization located in Gotham.

From those two meetings, Shen You learned that the Blood Cult has three main branches in Gotham. The vest that Shen You removed and now replaces is the deacon of the southeast branch. There are two other branches in the west and north. The other two people in the space are the deacons of those two branches respectively.

The fourth person who appeared here today is the bishop from a higher level who is responsible for connecting with the three.

"Come to Central City before the day after tomorrow and gather at the pier. I will be waiting for you there." The bishop said concisely and concisely.

Western Deacon asked: “What big organizational moves are there?”

The bishop said coldly: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. You will know what you should know. Remember, you must come alone. Even your right-hand man is not allowed to follow. Anyone who disobeys the instructions will become a sacrifice to the Lord."

"Received." x3

Shen You went upstairs to ask the old wizard if he had any impression of the blood cultists. As a guardian of the magic side who is more than 19,000 years old, he should have some experience in the methods of the believers of the Three Palaces.

When I went upstairs and opened the door, I saw that the old wizard was sitting in front of the computer and staring at the desktop in a daze.

Shen You raised his eyebrows: "Did you just close some interface when I came in?"

"No." The old man said firmly.

Shen You was a little suspicious, but he didn't ask any more questions, and instead brought up the matter of blood cultists straight to the point.

"Oh, these people. It is true that they have footprints all over many dimensions." The old wizard stroked his beard and said, "Although they may obtain the power of the evil god, even if they are clones of the evil god across the dimensional barrier, their ability to give There are even fewer believers.

So there’s nothing to worry about in this aspect, anyway, there’s nothing you can’t handle with your ability.”

As he said this, he glanced at Shen You and thought that it would not be easy to find someone who can't deal with a monster like you.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to break into the inside, there may be ways to identify each other among the believers. You have to pay attention." The old wizard said, "The blood cultists all have the marks of the Three Palaces on their bodies. If they face each other, the marks will be different. Feel each other.

So if you want to impersonate a blood cultist, then your disguise needs to be complete. "

The old wizard paused and said, "If you need it, maybe I can try to help, but I don't think you need it."

"Yes, thanks."

Shen You can solve the imprint problem by himself. In order to activate the stone, he had already found a way to reproduce the magical characteristics of the Three Palaces with the help of Raven. It should not be difficult to deceive others with a fake mark with the same radiation frequency.

Before leaving the house, Shen You vaguely seemed to notice that the old wizard turned around and went to the computer again, opening the web page and wondering what he was doing.

The sneaky look made Shen You curious for a moment.

But the old man who has only recently started to come into contact with human technology obviously still doesn't know that there is a sinful thing called "browsing history" when surfing the Internet.

I went back to the lab and accessed the old wizard's browsing history. After scrolling through it, I found that the old man had been surfing very intensively this week.

The 9,000-year-old man had recently learned how to surf the Internet. Afterwards, he discovered a highly intelligent search engine that incorporated Wayne Group's new natural language processing AI. The old man found it very strange and spent the whole day surfing the Internet asking strange questions to the AI ​​search engine.

[Why does my pot keep exploding? 】

[Which earth pot is better? 】

[Why do young girls now like to post pictures of themselves wearing very little? 】

【The world is declining! Immoral! 】

【Any more? More. 】

Shen You: "."

Well, how should I put it?

It feels like he is worthy of being a 9,000-year-old wizard, and he has strong adaptability. I feel that if this trend continues, it will soon be assimilated by the times.

That night, Shen You arrived at Gotham Port early.

According to the agreement, the three deacons from the Gotham Division need to meet here. Before tomorrow, they will form a group to go to Midtown to meet the bishop who will be responsible for welcoming their superiors.

This port was actually abandoned many years ago and is sparsely populated even during the day. The dark night twisted into oppressive curves, as if it was sucking the remaining life away from the port.

Shen You was dressed in a black robe and a hood, and he also had a different look and face. Because I was too lazy to think of a new image, I just used the face of Agent Michael Williams of the Sky Eye Club.

Walking along the messy dock corridor, the miserable stench of filth fills the gutters. The air was filled with an ominous musty smell, as if the planks of the dock were about to collapse and were shaking under the feet, and every step seemed to sink into the loose diaphragm.

He actually seemed to be the first to arrive, and when he arrived at the designated place, there was still no one around. Rusty containers are neatly arranged on the right hand side, and a thick black fog hangs over the port. The invisible pressure makes people breathless, and the dark and lightless shadow seems to have thousands of demons twisting in it.

And it was in such a shadow that the second believer appeared.

He has the same standard blood cultist look as Shen You, with a hood and black robe, giving him a mysterious look. Most of his face was hidden in the shadow of his hood.

However, Shen You activated his enhanced vision and could clearly see through the shadow of the hood that it was a rather burly bald man. The eyes are long and narrow, the gaze is sinister and sharp, and the jaw line is clear. He is a typical type that is not easy to mess with.

Originally, he just wanted to take a look at his appearance, but when Ultra glanced at him so casually, Shen You unexpectedly found that this face was a little weird.

Looks like a fake face?

Taking another closer look, he was convinced that he had seen it correctly.

Simulated skin, artificial materials, some kind of face mask. Even the bald head was fake, it was a latex bald headgear, just like the ones used in movies. In fact, there is a head of thick black hair under this hood.

The sight penetrated the disguise, and under that fierce face were blue eyes and a chiseled but very handsome face.

Hiss, where have I seen this face before?

Shen You couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Bruce Wayne?

Isn’t this so un-Batman?

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