I become light in American comics

Chapter 143 Do you want to reject me?

The light refocused into the armor, and Shen You, who transformed back into a human form inside the armor, opened his eyes again.

"Pal, has our volcano problem been solved?"

"Perfect solution, sir. The disaster has been brought under control and there have been no casualties." Pal said, "I believe the local people will be very happy."

"Good. Data on our fire-breathing friend today?"

"It has been included."

Parr displayed a series of scan results in front of Shen You.

"Elements that do not exist on Earth were found on the surface of this species. Further scanning of the DNA structure revealed a small number of sequences consistent with the biological characteristics of Krypton.

Comparison of data obtained from known Kryptonian databases, matches marked. "

A giant dragon with fangs and claws breathing out fire appeared in the center of the display screen.

"The Flame Dragon Dickon, an ancient and dangerous Kryptonian creature."

"Let me guess, maybe there are one or two of these things trapped in the Phantom Zone, right?" Shen You pondered, "So it looks like they were thrown down by enthusiastic Kryptonian friends?"

"Looks like it."

As he spoke, Shen You was already flying back. The flight process was handed over to the automatic navigation, and he took advantage of this time to continue reading alien literature and research.

As they neared their return to Gotham, Parr's voice suddenly sounded.

"Unidentified object air strike, sir. Looks like we're going to have company."

Parr spoke in a calm tone, and at the same time marked an enemy attack alert on the armor's built-in display.

"The other party came quite quickly, sir."


Afterimages cut across the ground, and dust curtains rose up. The dust was broken, a heavy punch was thrown out, and the spiral cyclone hit Shen You directly on the back of the head.

Shen You didn't even look back and calmly raised a palm in that direction.


Violent vibrations, the ground beneath his feet cracked with him as the center, the shock wave spread out in a radial pattern, and the gravel flew into the air and was shaken into powder.

Shen You held the punch with one hand and glanced sideways.


The Princess of Almerik maintained her punching posture, and a blush appeared on her face at such a glance.

"Harmful." She blinked.

It’s just that her charming appearance looks a bit weird under the punching posture and the trembling movement of the earth.

"Didn't I tell you to go back to your own planet? Where did this trouble come from?" Shen You frowned.

"Oh, one of my subordinates reminded me that there might have been some misunderstanding when we first met." Maxima said with a smile, "Only in retrospect did I realize that you might think I was just a vase.

I originally wanted to get along with you as a civilian, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was alienation, so now I stop pretending and show my cards.

In fact, there is no civil strife on our planet at all. I am the princess of the great Almeric royal family and the future queen."

"I know." Shen You interrupted ruthlessly.


Maxima blinked twice.

After being stunned for a moment, she quickly adjusted her mood.

"You may think I'm joking, but it's true. I really am a princess, and the most powerful woman in the galaxy."

Maxima put her hands on her hips and proudly raised her chest, showing her tolerance and broad-mindedness.

"And I can give you something that no woman on this planet can give you!" she said proudly.

"Uh what is that?"

"Of course it's a healthy and strong baby!" Maxima was very proud. "When strong people like us are released with joy, ordinary people simply can't bear it. But if it were me, no matter what you want to do to me, I will My body can definitely do it.”

"Stop, stop it." Shen You said with a dark face.

Now I remember that she also deceived Superman in this way in the original work. However, in fact, the process of creating little Kryptonians went smoothly between Dachao and Louise.

"Ha, I knew you wouldn't believe it so easily. Then let me see with your own eyes what the most powerful warrior in the galaxy is!"

As soon as the words fell, Her Royal Highness the Princess shouted loudly and punched with a sound that broke through the air.

Shen You had no choice but to lean back slightly to avoid the punch, and then used his slap defense to block the subsequent two consecutive straight punches. Princess Maxima's punches were still powerful. Although Shen You only slapped from the side of her fists to deflect her attack direction, transparent air waves continued to explode every time her fists and palms met.

Shen You took two diagonal steps to avoid the punch. Maxima threw a series of punches but all failed. She couldn't help but lose her temper, and her attacks became more and more impatient. At the same time, she shouted: "What's the point of dodging!?"

As he spoke, he shouted louder and followed up, his posture giving off a "come at me head-on" aura.

It seems that you can't communicate properly without giving him a good beating.

Shen You, who had recently been obsessed with studying the speed force, had a balanced hexagonal panel and the speed attribute was now particularly prominent. Maxima's punches and all possible backhand variations were clearly seen in his eyes.

He dodged the explosive punch with a slight sidestep, then grabbed his arm and hit the joint hard with his elbow. Maxima's elbow joint was in severe pain, and she couldn't help but groaned and staggered forward in the direction of her arm, and ran into the back elbow of the mobile armor's increased thrust.

The new generation of armor combined with Lao Bu's mechanical technology was already astonishingly powerful. With one elbow, the Princess's mouth twisted, her head tilted, and her entire body flew away with the force.

She shot diagonally into the mountain behind with a bang, and was buried at the bottom by rumbling falling rocks as the ground shook.

"your Highness!"

The big guy from before, Sass, jumped out of nowhere. It seemed that he had been observing secretly before.

He glared at Shen You angrily: "You are in trouble, do you know that? The one you just injured is our great princess of Almeric."

But before Shen You could say anything, he heard an impatient scolding coming from the ruins: "Shut up, Sass."

There was a roar, and a fist punched through the fallen rocks. Maxima crawled out in disgrace, her red hair covered with dust, and she coughed a few times.

Then he raised his head and felt embarrassed again when he looked at Shen You.

"You just played well."

She covered her red face. Yes, it was red from the punch just now.

"That defensive counterattack just now was really amazing! None of the so-called fighters in Almerik could be an idiot like that."

Sass blinked, his big head filled with doubts.

"Cocoa, Your Highness, it was you he hit."

Maxima kicked him away with a flying kick, with a look of displeasure on her face: "Do you want to take care of it?"

"Then let's go back to Almeric now to get married! The people are waiting!"

Maxima pounced, Shen You dodged, and immediately the pounce was in vain.

Maxima pounced again, Shen You reached out with his palm, pressed her head and stopped her at arm's length.

"I'm sorry, but I have no such plans or ideas for the time being."

Maxima's face changed slightly and she frowned: "You mean, you want to reject me, the most powerful woman in the galaxy, the princess of Almeric?"

"Yes." Shen You said without hesitation.

"Okay. If you insist on doing this, then I have no choice."

Maxima's face gradually turned ugly. Shen You frowned slightly, secretly waiting for her to attack.

Then she raised her head with a smile on her face.

".Then I will try to get better."

Shen You: "."

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