I become light in American comics

Chapter 142 The dragon is gone

The moment the fist hit his body, Dicken felt as if he was flying in the clouds. It soared out of control, like a rocket that broke through the black smoky crater and flew high into the sky. Before the kinetic energy was exhausted, the afterimage of the giant chased up from below, and a chokehold strangled its throat. Drag its body to dive diagonally downward at a faster speed!

The earth-shaking fall and strong vibrations caused landslides and ground cracks, stirring up surging waves and dust. The valley fell apart, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the cracking sounds were as continuous as thunder. Mud and dust filled the air like mist from a storm, and the rising smoke increased the pressure on the air, making it suffocating.

Dicken landed firmly on his face, while Shen You performed a series of somersaults after landing, and then followed up with a gorgeous slide tackle to offset the momentum.

Turning around, I saw that the Kryptonian flame dragon got up stupidly even though it was bruised and swollen from the fall. It just looked like it was a little dizzy.

It should be said that it is indeed from Krypton. Everything produced from that place has a high health and high defense. Other attributes may not be good, but being a sandbag is definitely professional.

Dicken's eyes were locked on Shen You, and the flames of anger overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

If the old dragon doesn't show off his power, he thinks I'm that orange cat, right?


Dickon roared, twirling his tail and rushing forward, striking with great force with his claws. Apparently it noticed that the flame blast it was so proud of didn't work well, so it changed its mind and prepared to tear the opponent apart with its claws and fangs.

Then this is just the right step into Shen You’s professional field. He saw clearly where he was coming from, his left shoulder sank, he took the claw from the opponent, and threw it over his shoulder.

The giant dragon's wise brain couldn't even understand what was going on, and the whole dragon had been smashed head and face. Its pitiful forehead hit the bottom again, and the huge impact penetrated the whole body along the cervical spine, causing the valley to be filled with dust.

Dicken shook his head and continued to get up. His eyes, which were double-imaged due to the heavy blow, just barely focused when he saw another silver-white uppercut hitting the side of his face.

Its head tilted, and the exaggerated punch force caused blood to fly everywhere. The huge body slammed into the side of the mountain, causing another landslide and landslide.

Shen You stepped forward and almost cracked the beast's eye socket with his right hook. Dicken wailed and instinctively raised his claws to protect his face, but he didn't want Shen You to take advantage of the situation and change his fist path. When it was protecting the upper plate, the empty door opened under the upper plate and hit his abdomen with a backhand swing punch.

The punch with the halo special effect almost displaced its internal organs. The giant dragon couldn't help opening its mouth and vomiting blood, and the defense lines of its arms were involuntarily loosened under the huge impact. A silver straight fist that turned into a blurry afterimage shot through the gap in its defense almost instantly, cracking the bridge of its nose, and two flames mixed with blood erupted from the nose.

A classic combo of hooks and swings, which made Dicken dizzy in just three punches. It waved its claws wildly, and its right claw instinctively grabbed a tree from the mountain behind it, just like a drowning man grabbing straw. Without thinking, he instinctively uprooted the tree and rowed towards Shen You like a dagger. .

But its thrusts are really messy. Shen You only turned slightly to avoid this muddy "weapon". He reached out with his right hand to grab the arm offered by the opponent, and skillfully twisted the joint. With a click in the dragon's arm, the arm It broke immediately.

Dicken howled in pain, and instinctively opened his mouth and began to brew flames, as if he wanted to spit out flames from close range to force the opponent to withdraw his hands and retreat.

But Shen You didn't retreat at all. He grabbed the tree in the claws of the opponent's severed arm and stabbed it into the dragon's mouth with the classic "Brother Zong Hu" move.

The throat was like being hit by a raptor, and the ancient tree was overwhelmed by the huge force and broke in its mouth. The flame that had not yet brewed was choked and swallowed immediately.

It's so scary. This place called Earth is so scary.

The giant dragon had no intention of fighting at all, and turned around to run away, but suddenly felt that its body seemed to be captured by some invisible force, and it remained in the running posture as if it was suspended and unable to move.

Dickon's eyes widened and he felt incomprehensible again.

What's the weird trick this time?

The derivative usage of ultra telekinesis is similar to the immobilization technique. It was often used as early as the first generation. It was used by the first generation to fix King Red in the light wheel and kill it. It also fixed all the hidden weapons in the sky launched by Geronimon in mid-air, which can achieve the same effect as Magneto. Missile effect.

Shen You opened his fingers and pointed in Dicken's direction. The invisible force field locked the giant beast firmly in place, and lightning radiated out from time to time.

He raised his arms, and Dicken rose into the air irresistibly. His arm fell quickly, and the dragon fell helplessly into the valley.

He swung his arms, causing the dragon to rise and fall. He took off again and again and fell to the ground until he was bruised and swollen. Finally, he lay on the ground with his tongue hanging out, moaning and gasping for air.

The dragon shed tears of humiliation.

Brother, can you please give me a good time?

The test results of the new tricks made Shen You quite satisfied.

He actually didn't like to use telekinesis before if it wasn't necessary. In fact, compared to his scores in other subjects, telekinesis is a subject that he is not that good at. In fact, it's not that the mastery is bad, the main reason is that the mana consumption is too high and it is difficult to use.

But since Grodd showed him the mental assistance of the Speed ​​Force last time in Orangutan City, Shen You has gained relevant inspiration. After coming back, he recently conducted research on the impact of the Speed ​​Force on mental power, and soon was pleasantly surprised to find that it was quite effective.

To put it simply, he is following the method he has figured out before to operate his light in a form that simulates the law of the Speed ​​Force, and then drives Ultra-Psychic Power in a way similar to Grodd's application. The skills and effects used by telekinesis are still the ones he learned in the Kingdom of Light, but under the constraints of the DC universe laws, he can consume less energy to achieve stronger effects.

After the test was completed and the data was recorded, Shen You raised his finger again, and the dragon was lifted up like a string doll again, fixed in mid-air and unable to move.

As Shen You raised his right palm, the light energy gathered into swirling sawtooths, radiating out streaks of lightning.

Dicken was frozen in the air, looking at the whirling light wheel, and instinctively felt a great threat from it.

At this time, the first reaction that came to his mind was not the fear of death, but a tearful feeling of relief.

It's finally over, it's such torture.

The light wheel was thrown and split into two in mid-air. The giant dragon was immediately cut into three parts, ending its sinful and tortured life.

Fort Roz.

Zod, Norn and their remaining Kryptonian masters are meeting to discuss their grand plan for building a new Krypton. At this moment, the door to the conference room opened suddenly, and a Kryptonian rushed in.

"General! General!"

Zod frowned: "Why are you so worried?"

"The dragon is gone!" the Kryptonian reported, "the dragon is gone!"

Continuing with three updates today

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