I become light in American comics

Chapter 141 The dragon never retreats!

Tris Volcano.

As if a sleeping dragon was awakening, the earth began to tremble, and hot smoke spewed out from the crater, as if the actual fire of anger was surging and escalating. The hot mineral powder was more like a ghost sweeping around, trees were knocked down, lava rolled restlessly, and orange-red flames bloomed in the dark night.

In an instant, flames burst out. Huge rocks were thrown into the sky by the force of nature, like cannonballs tearing apart the sky. Thick smoke and heat spread, and the smoke was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur. The volcanic ash is like dark snowflakes all over the sky, covering the sky overwhelmingly. The gushing magma spreads roughly and wildly along the mountainside like a blazing dragon, devouring trees, houses and everything else it can devour.

Burning boulders fell from the sky, and people on the streets scattered in panic. A mother exclaimed loudly, instinctively protecting her child with her body, closing her eyes and waiting for the fiery death to come.

But that didn't happen.

When she opened her eyes blankly, she saw Hongyin's body hanging in the air, holding the hot boulder with both hands.

"Ultraman!" The child's eyes widened with surprise.

Shen You used his arms to throw the red-hot boulder aside, turned around and flew towards the volcano.

A large amount of lava has overflowed, marching down the hillside like a scalding army. The gushing volcano is their clarion call.

The mobile armor flew past countless expectant eyes, lasers blazing on the back of its hands. The sharp blade drew a new trajectory along the mountainside. The lava that was originally heading towards the town was pulled onto that new track, drew a winding arc, and rushed into the water outside the town, hissing. White smoke rose from the ground.

Some of the people who were retreating couldn't help but cheer loudly, and there was even a round of applause.

Shen You waved to them while hanging in the air, then turned around and continued flying towards the volcano.

"The underground magma flow rate has accelerated, and the abnormal movement continues."

The armor scanned the underground structure and fed back the result map in front of him, while Pal reported in Shen You's ear at the same time.

"We have just temporarily halted the deterioration of the situation, but we are still treating the symptoms rather than the root cause."

"I noticed."

Shen You said and rushed straight down into the billowing black smoke. Soon he saw a pool full of magma, and the fiery heat distorted the air, like a reservoir about to overflow.

"The freezing energy is ready." Pal marked the charging prompt in the interface.

Use the freezing light to cool down and freeze, converting excess magma into lava to block the water inlet. This is what the victory team that Golzan returned to did.

What did the seniors say?

Another wave of tributes.

The right hand of the armor was deformed and assembled, and the entire forearm turned into the shape of a cannon. The icy blue light that was converted into freezing energy surged and condensed in it, roaring out like an ice dragon.

It worked. The magma that was hit solidified quickly, and the magma water level stopped rising.

"problem solved."

Shen You disarmed the cannon with his arm, but immediately a new alarm logo popped up on the interface, accompanied by a new violent vibration.

"There's something approaching, sir. It's big and fast!"

Dickon, the flame dragon from Krypton, was very angry at this time.

It was dropped to Earth by General Zod with the goal of destroying a human base. After finishing, I dug a hole in the ground and made a comfortable temporary nest.

Anyway, the instructions given to it before the commander's next order came was to hide underground and act in a low profile. So it found such a relatively comfortable environment, and then spent a while digging holes everywhere and putting in a pool of hot water.

Unexpectedly, he had just finished his work and lay down comfortably, and was about to enjoy a rare hot bath during his rest time. Unexpectedly, as soon as I lay down, I suddenly felt a chill that penetrated my bones.

It was so cold that it jumped out of the lava with a reaction like "Why is the charterer running out of water?" as if it was electrocuted, and screamed.

Who is so wicked as to put cold water on you! ?

So the next moment we saw a heat wave surging in the magma, a big red mouth burst out from the bottom of the pool, and bit into Shen You!

Shen You frowned slightly and swayed to the side in mid-air. The giant dragon bit the hole in one bite, and the sharp teeth chewed up a large piece of the mountain rock, and another stream of hot magma rumbled into the pool.

"The volcano is reactive and there is a danger of eruption"

"You go handle it." Shen You interrupted Pal, "Go and change the path of the magma to prevent it from erupting. I'll take care of this thing."

"Okay, sir. Switching to autopilot."

After Shen You finished speaking, the body in the armor began to glow. The bright light pierced Dicken so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. Countless light particles surrounded him and formed the shape of a giant, appearing in front of the giant dragon Dicken in a gigantic posture.

The flame dragon was taken aback.

Oh, it's actually as big as me.

But did you think I would give in? ?

The Kryptonian dragon will never be a slave!

Dicken roared, and all the heat in his body was mobilized. The flames were transmitted along the mane on its back to its mouth, and the fireballs were tumbling in the mouth, and the heat in the entire sealed space seemed to be converging towards the abyss-like mouth.

The bursting flames were like a red rainbow, and the tornado stirred the air. The crimson impact was more chaotic and violent than the lava, dancing in the air like burning thunder, making a rumbling roar.

It is a dragon that harnesses fire and can absorb and harness the heat of its surroundings. The current space is its perfect home ground, and the power it can exert here is even more powerful than usual.

Even steel bars and iron bones can be melted into molten iron!

The air was torn into countless tiny ripples by the hot air currents, and the heat wave swept across like a stormy wave. Facing the flames, the giant of light in front of him did not dodge, but only raised his right hand and waved lightly.

The light energy acts as if leaving an invisible trail. The powerful flames immediately followed the path of the light involuntarily and went in the direction he crossed.

Following Shen You's finger hook, he turned half a circle lightly. The flames immediately swirled along the light path and turned into a vortex, all of which was absorbed into his fingertips.

Dicken maintained the fire-breathing posture, but no more flames came out of his mouth, and his expression remained frozen in place with his mouth open.

It's flame, and it's also a flame with increased environmental attribute effects.

Got eaten! ?

Ah this

At this time, the Kryptonian dragon's not-so-excessive wisdom began to think of a terrifying possibility.

I can't beat this shiny thing, right?

Seeing that the situation might be bad, Dicken immediately wanted to turn around, jump into the lava and dig a hole to escape.

The dragon will never be a slave.

Unless the beating was too severe.

But it was already too late to run away now. The next moment, electric current radiated in the space. The red and silver afterimage shot through the air, and before the dragon had time to react, the glowing body had already touched its face, and the silver punch from bottom to top had almost touched its jaw.



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