I become light in American comics

Chapter 140 Are you awake?

Extraterrestrial, Fort Roz.

"It doesn't look that strong."

General Zod stood in front of the console, looking at the Sky Eye Base in a hurry in front of the Kryptonian beast on the screen in front of him, crossing his arms and saying contemptuously.

"Don't be careless." Norn said in a deep voice, "I felt the same way at first. But my elite men have been defeated one after another in this place, so there must be something special about it."

"Yeah." General Zod said quietly and stopped talking.

The two of them watched in silence as the behemoth in the picture pushed horizontally across the base. The Celestial Eyes gathered around it and used missiles to bathe its skin with photon rejuvenation. After a set of output, it was still HP-0.

General Zod looked at Norn without saying a word, with an expression of "you know what I'm going to say."

Noen's face looked a little ugly, but he still said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, they must have a secret weapon!"

After a few minutes, the entire base was razed to the ground by the giant flame beast. The giant beast, which was full of food and drinks, patted its belly with satisfaction, turned around and dug a hole in the ground, got in and disappeared after a moment.

Zod looked at Norn again.

"No, it shouldn't be." Noen was at a loss.

How could this Zhan Wu Zha's strength make them suffer one after another, and even get his wife involved?

Are these people really capable of discovering their plans for a big purge, and can they quietly take down all the base stations?

"In fact, the flame giant Dickon is just the first step of the test." General Zod said expressionlessly, "If they respond well, then there will be shielding pulses, gravity field distortion, and quantum detonation.

But I didn't expect that their combat power would be shattered in front of Dicken, and their subsequent deployment would be completely useless. "

Because Norn kept saying that there was something fishy about the other side, General Zod showed a little bit of his real skills and made layer-by-layer arrangements like a serious battle.

However, in the end, it feels a bit like the king is predicting the bronze's position. In the end, all the predictions about positioning and changing skills have come to nothing. You can't figure out the opponent's skills and rush forward in a straight line.

"Something's wrong, there must be something wrong!" Noen was puzzled.

"Or simply, you don't fully understand your subordinates." Zod said coldly, "It's very likely that your so-called plan does not."

Noen said in a deep voice: "What are you implying?"

"I'm talking about your food."

Norn: "."

"But it doesn't matter." Zod smiled confidently, "I will take over from here. New Krypton will be established here, and Krypton's civilization will be glorious again."

After a pause, his voice became darker.

"But it will be my way."

HISHE Cafe, underground.

A new table was set up in Shen You's laboratory with some experimental equipment on it. That was specially arranged for Kara so that she could study and do research here on weekdays.

However, at this time, the table was filled with all kinds of snacks, and the Kryptonian cat Stritch was floating in the air next to him and taking a nap. The beautiful girl from Krypton who was supposed to be studying was also crossing her long legs, holding the controller and pressing her thumb wildly at the horizontal screen fighting game on the screen in front of her.

On one side of the screen was Superman controlled by Kara, and on the opposite side was Batman controlled by an unknown player on the other side of the network. At this time, the Superman she was controlling was being pinned against the wall by the opponent, and a set of combos couldn't even get off the wall.


The blood bar was emptied, and Kara was so angry that the hair on her forehead stood up: "This is not fair!"

"According to my inference, if you use your super brain to calculate and react, you should be able to win easily." Pal said in her ear.

"But then the game would be boring." Kara pouted and threw the controller away. "Speaking of which, the game design is unscientific. Why can Batman fight my cousin? Isn't he just an ordinary person wearing equipment? "

"I think most people don't know that he is an ordinary person. Besides, this is just a fighting game." Pal said.

"Yes, I know. But it's still outrageous. I think they definitely designed Batman to be too strong and need to be nerfed!"

"Probably because this is a fighting game produced by Wayne Group."

Kara tilted her head and thought, and the dull hair on her head softened again.

"Okay, what you said makes sense. By the way, remember what you promised. Don't tell Shen You that I secretly play games while studying."

Just halfway through speaking, Kara’s little ears moved and her expression suddenly changed.

"Oops! I thought I heard him coming back!"

The girl's super speed was activated immediately, and the afterimage swept through the laboratory like a whirlwind. In a second, her game console, controller, and a table of snacks all disappeared.

When Shen You opened the door and came in, the girl had already sat back in her chair upright, studying and researching seriously while writing calculations in a small book.

It's like a cat with messy golden hair.

"Oh, you're back!" Kara turned her head, smoothed the hair stuck to her head, and said with a smile, "I almost didn't notice it because I was so immersed in it. Oh, you know, it means studying very hard. Being devoted is definitely not about playing games or other weird things."

As soon as I said this, I heard a cabinet door next to me click open. A large handful of snacks that had been stuffed in a mess fell to the ground like a flood.

Shen You raised his eyebrows and glanced at the snacks on the ground.


Kara's face was slightly red, a little embarrassed, and her super brain was working rapidly.

"Stritch hid it!"

Kara pointed to Stritch floating in the sky next to her.

Kryptonian Cat:? ? ?

Stritch, who was taking a nap, suddenly opened his eyes and let out a "meow", as if asking, are you awake?

"So, you have been studying seriously?" Shen You asked.

"of course."

Kara puffed out her chest proudly.

"Then what is the third section of Chapter 182 of the Astrophysics Summary of the Straw Hat Galaxy in Brainiac's database?"


Kara's expression was blank, and her eyes gradually drifted.

"I forgot. Because I read too much content and the knowledge points were many and complicated."

Shen Youxu looked at her.

Why don't you touch your super brain and think about what you are talking about?

"Okay." Kara drooped her head, "I'm actually secretly playing games today."

Shen You smiled.

"Actually, it's not impossible to play games. I'm not a devil, and I never said I wouldn't let you play."

"Really!?" Kara's eyes lit up.

"Of course. And if the project assigned to you can be completed successfully, I will buy you the latest console that Wayne Electronic Entertainment will release next month. What do you think?"

"no problem!"

Kara was suddenly full of energy

Then he went happily.

"Sir, there is abnormal activity in Tris Volcano and an abnormal eruption just occurred. Residents of the small town at the foot of the mountain are being evacuated urgently."


Shen You took the floating screen that popped up from Parr and enlarged it. The relevant content was being broadcast on the news. The reporter was explaining the situation to the camera, with black smoke billowing from the crater behind her. The residents in the footage are being evacuated under arrangements by local authorities.

"Yes, the abnormal magma movement caused the sudden eruption. It seems that something attracted the magma to gather at the bottom of the volcano, accompanied by a strong negative energy wave reaction."

Shen You frowned, wondering where he had heard of this situation?

Could it be that there is also a Golzan buried under the crater?

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