I become light in American comics

Chapter 139 Who are these people?

A small town in Darfur.

This is a town that was born in the desert and grew up in the flames of war. Almost from the beginning of recorded history, the air here seems to be filled with the everlasting smell of dust and gunpowder. The dilapidated bell tower is incomplete, and the ancient square has been pockmarked by bombs and rockets.

There were almost no people on the streets, with only the occasional soldier patrolling with guns. Many shops along the street were destroyed, and a crumbling wall was painted with labels such as "freedom" and "justice" in local languages, which looked quite ridiculous in this environment.

Diana Prince is wrapped in a white hood, hiding most of her face in it. She walked slowly amidst the hail of gunfire and bullets as gunfire and stray bullets passed by her.

She came to a bar whose door had been destroyed by a bomb. Several young men wearing vests and flip-flops held submachine guns in their hands and ran around the street shouting while firing random shots.

Diana glanced at it, frowned, and said nothing. She walked through the door and into the bar.

A messy bar. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the pool of blood had spread to the door. The corpses of men and women lay scattered all over the room, broken wine bottles were everywhere, and the wine and blood were mixed together. The bar owner lay half of his body on the bar, his shotgun dropped on the ground. There was a huge hole in his forehead, and blood was flowing down the bar.

The most eye-catching person in the room is a bald old man.

An old man with a big white beard and a body as thin as firewood. Ignoring the dead people and pools of blood in the whole room, he was sitting at the bar and pouring wine into the cup leisurely.

Diana sat next to him expressionlessly. Without raising his head, the old man picked up the cup and motioned to her.

"Want a drink?"

"No need," Diana said dryly.

The old man glanced at her and shrugged: "Don't look at me like that, these have nothing to do with me. This is human cannibalism, because it's their nature and they just love to do it."

"I know how this works, Ares. There is no need to explain anything to me." Diana said coldly, "You are the God of War, and there will be disputes wherever you go. And war in turn makes you stronger. .”

She paused and continued: "But I am not here today for this, but for the prophecy of Olympus. There is an unexpected thing about our father, Zeus."

Ares, the God of War, raised his eyebrows: "What? Do you want to say that he loves us?"

"I said 'accident', not 'shock'." Diana said lightly, "Apollo believed he had been killed."

"Ha, that makes sense." Ares said lightly.


"Oh, it's so cute that you think it's me, little one." Ares leaned forward from behind the counter, reached for the inside of the counter and fumbled around for a while, then took out a new bottle of wine.

"You mean, it wasn't you?"

"Of course. If it were really me, you should have known it a long time ago." Ares shrugged, "You don't think that if I kill Zeus, I will sit here silently and say nothing, do you?"

Diana thought for a while: "It makes sense."

"But this explains a lot of things. It turns out that Zeus is dead. No wonder they said that the Fallen Realm is about to open again."

Ares muttered as he continued to pour wine into the glass.

"what is that?"

"The Fallen Realm contains gadgets made by some old people in the God Realm. But I have to say that they are indeed rare creations."

Ares swirled the wine glass and studied the bubbles in the glass.

"Legend. Of course it's just a legend. Once someone successfully enters the Fallen Realm and gets something sealed in it, that person - even if he is just a mortal, will gain the divine power of Zeus."

Diana frowned: "There is such a powerful thing. What if it falls into the wrong hands?"

"Yeah, I know there are people in Olympus who have always been interested in that stuff. For example, our very hot brother."


Diana pondered.

"Even that is considered good. Apollo may not be very likable, and he has some well-known ambitions, but he is still an Olympian god anyway. All he cares about is divine power and the position of Zeus. .”

Ares continued slowly.

"And if someone outside Olympus obtains something like that, or to extend it a bit, if it is a mortal who is very ambitious and doesn't mind sacrifice."

Diana narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why don't you sound interested in this?"

"Not everyone cares about the power of Zeus." Ares shrugged, "Our destiny is never determined by ourselves, but is in the hands of mortals. It's just that most people in Olympus don't realize it. But eventually One day, the world will be dominated by war. Only war is eternal."

"You want me to get involved." Diana said calmly, "You want me to fight with them - whoever wants to covet this power - and then there will be what you want most - a dispute."

"Yeah." Ares shrugged indifferently, as if he didn't care about his thoughts being exposed, "But even if you knew, you would still go, wouldn't you?"

Diana was silent for a moment, but in the end she didn't refute.

"Tell me how to enter the Fallen Realm."

"The simplest way is that you need a key to help you open the door to the Fallen Realm. As far as I know, the last time that key was seen was in a human museum."

Ares took a long sip of wine.

"In the city that humans call 'metropolis'."

Elsewhere, one of the strongholds of the Sky Eye Society.

A huge explosion without warning pierced the tranquility of the night, and flames burst into flames. The cracked ground seemed to have opened a bloody mouth, and the building was swallowed up by the building.

What emerged from the crack were huge sharp claws.

Scales shining with fiery red light were densely spliced ​​into armor, and a pair of deep and fiery eyes emerged from the ground. The towering brow bones form curved horns, and the flaming mane extends from the top of the head to the back, burning all the way.

A giant flame dragon tens of meters tall.

The base immediately sounded the alarm and the turret immediately greeted them. The artillery fire hit the giant dragon, exploding thick smoke and fire, and shrapnel flew everywhere. But the giant beast's body broke through the smoke screen, raised its head and roared. The intensive artillery fire was like taking a bath on it, not even scratching its skin.

Its claws split open the building with ease, and its kick sent a heavy tank spinning into the control tower like a powerfully volleyed football. The tank rumbled across the control room like a torrent. The roof collapsed and sparks exploded. The operators who were directing and dispatching had no time to react and were crushed to pieces amidst the piercing sirens.

The fighter jet took off, dropping two missiles from its pylon and swooping down. The flames of the missile blast licked the giant beast's sturdy body, but it still had no effect. Those who don’t know what’s going on may think that I’m just leaving it here to use it in a sauna.

On the contrary, the dragon raised its head and opened its mouth. The fire spread along the mane on its back and gathered into the mouth as if it was charged with energy. A ball of high-heat fire shot out, aiming with incredible accuracy. The fighter jet was immediately engulfed by the fire ball and exploded in the air!

The flame beast was unstoppable, and the entire Sky Eye facility collapsed like building blocks in front of it, and all weapons were as powerless as toys.

"Penn Base please answer! Pennsylvania Base please answer!"

At the Sky Eye headquarters, the correspondent called continuously to no avail, and turned around helplessly: "Sir, the communication with the Pennsylvania base has been interrupted. It may have been... Already"

Amanda Waller, a fat dark woman, stood behind with her arms folded, her face ashen.

"How long until reinforcements arrive?"

"Flight formation expected within two minutes"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden "buzz" in the base. All the monitors and lights went out, and everything fell into darkness.

"what's the situation?"

"Don't know. The backup power supply is not responding."

Before he could speak, all the screens turned on again. At first there was chaos like a screen of snowflakes, and then words began to emerge from the chaos.

"You want war."

"You got the war."

Waller's eyes widened and he shouted angrily: "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" an operator said uneasily, "All the equipment has been hijacked, and someone is sending these to us. But this is impossible."

"Some kind of alien technology!"

But in less than a minute, the words on the screen disappeared. The lights come on and everything returns to normal.

Behind me, a programmer was whispering to his colleagues: "Is this the aliens' declaration of war?"

"No, when did we say we wanted war? Why do we think this pot is so big and black?"

"Have you forgotten? The director said before that we are entering an interstellar combat readiness state?"

"Ah? Isn't that the director getting high at home? Damn, the aliens won't hear it, right?"

The two programmers were whispering and were in the middle of a conversation. When they looked up, they saw Chief Waller staring at them with an unkind expression.

The two programmers suffered cardiopulmonary arrest and hurriedly retracted their heads and went about their business.

Waller glared at them, but he didn't understand. Instead, he frowned and thought hard.

here we go again.

Aliens or monsters fall from the sky without warning and catch the Eye of the Sky and do it. After doing it, they say a few harsh words and say that you asked for it.

She seemed to have seen this unfolding somewhere before.

No, who are these people? When did we declare war?

Are you sick?

Today we will continue with three updates and seven thousand words!

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