I become light in American comics

Chapter 138 The only designated threat to the earth

Communications were cut off and the system was locked. The door of another base was ruthlessly opened, followed by an afterimage of steel forcing its way in.

Different location, different base, different Kryptonians, but it's still the same person who met each other instantly.

It is really a lot easier to deal with these Kryptonian fish with krypton energy weapons. Especially when Shen You's own panel is no worse than theirs, as soon as the Kryptonite comes out, the opponent doesn't even have to struggle anymore, and can directly fast forward to GGEZ.

But now there is another unexpected surprise in this base. The soldiers cleared it all the way, and finally a hidden BOSS emerged.

Some kind of huge and twisted individual, like the product of endless darkness. The tentacles stretched out like evil vines, each exuding a fishy smell.

The slimy body exudes a stench, the wriggling tentacles are like devil's fingers, and the deep chill seems to drag everything into the icy abyss.

The old wizard's face changed slightly when he saw this thing: "Be careful, this thing is not simple! It is a visitor from some kind of magic plane. The magic power is powerful and weird. I can sense it is very dangerous."

Before he finished speaking the dangerous words, an eight-point light wheel had already flown out in a silver arc. The whirling sawtooth sliced ​​through all the tentacles blocking the road with great force, and then split the sticky body like a cracked mountain, collapsing one to the left and the other to the right.

Everything in two paragraphs.

Under the stunned gaze of a group of aliens, the light wheel easily chopped into pieces the mutated octopus-like monster, and then continued to spin into the sky and disappeared among the stars, hiding its merits and fame.

Shen You, who completed the instant kill by throwing the light wheel, clapped his hands and turned to look at the old wizard: "Did you just call me?"

"I" the old wizard opened his mouth and was stunned. Then he regained his composure and stroked his beard, "Oh, it's nothing. What should we eat tonight?"

"Oh, we'll talk about this later. I have work now." Shen You said, "It's your turn to work."

So the old wizard stepped forward and continued to arrange the mantra. I have used this spell a lot in the past two days, and it has almost become a muscle instinct.

The first question is still about the deployment of the current cleaning system in the base, dismantling the system and destroying the base station. Then he followed the clues and continued to find the location of the next outpost.

"We have also placed a base station on the surface of the moon." The commander, who was bound by the spell, confessed honestly.

"We've been there before, let's try another one." Shen said.

"Well, actually we have one hidden in Earth's low-Earth orbit, right here."

"It's gone. Change it." Shen You urged.

"Then there is actually another one on Earth. It's right at the equator."

"That one is gone too. Is there any more?"

The commander's mouth opened wide and he was stunned for a long time.

Then he shook his head.

".That's all I know."

After cross-checking the information obtained from other outposts, Shen You was disappointed to find that there were only so many bases to visit.

It's all cleared by him.

"In this way, their plan must have been impossible to implement." The old wizard stroked his beard and nodded slightly, "Another group of invaders' conspiracy has been contained, isn't it true?"

He glanced at Shen You and found strangely that there was no joy of success on the other person's face. Instead, he looked a little depressed?

With a bit of disappointment that is not yet fully understood, it seems to be saying, this is it?

Rozburg, headquarters.

Surrounded by Kryptonians, Norn stood high on the bridge and was giving a pre-war mobilization speech.

"Compatriots, that time has come now! Krypton is destroyed, but our race will not perish just like that!

This planet is the best gift given to us by God Ruiou, and it is the birthplace of New Krypton! "

He paused and turned to look at the man with a firm face and chiseled face standing next to him.

"Also, we are extremely lucky to encounter General Zod, the finest warrior of our few remaining fellow Kryptonians, before this crucial battle.

Working together, a new Krypton will soon be built, better than ever! "

The Kryptonians in the audience cheered loudly.

"Then now is the moment to witness history. The prelude to the war on New Krypton begins at this moment!"

Noen waved his hand and pressed the big red button in front of him.

That is the button for their ultimate weapon, the "Great Purge", and only Norn has the authority to activate it. Once the button is pressed, all outposts receive the signal simultaneously. By then, base stations everywhere will be activated, spiritual signals will cover the world, and every human being will be brainwashed and controlled without knowing it.

If everything goes well, this battle will take place without a single shot. The people on Earth will all become slaves of New Krypton without even a chance to resist.

However, when the button is clicked, nothing happens.

Everyone in the audience stared, including General Zod, who also frowned and looked at Noon, questioning "What kind of plane are you doing?"

Feeling that the atmosphere was getting awkward, Norn coughed and said: "There seems to be a glitch in the system. But don't worry, we have professional personnel working on maintenance and repairs. Please be patient."

As he spoke, the whole person exploded with a sonic boom and flew out, flashing in front of the operating table and staring at the technician.

"what's the situation!?"

"No, I don't know!" The technician was sweating profusely. "All the outposts are not responding."

"Where are the people? Where have they all died!?" Noen was furious.

There are so many outposts and so many branches. Even if one stronghold occasionally fails to respond in time due to some unexpected reasons, can they all have an accident together?

The call is outside the service area, right?

At this time Zod also came over slowly: "You don't look very reliable."

"This is impossible. There are so many outposts, how can there be no movement at all?"

Noen frowned, suddenly thinking of something.

"Could it be...?"

"What, who are you thinking of?" Zod asked.

"No, it shouldn't be possible." Norn still frowned, "How is it possible for such a backward people, a group of primitive people who are trapped on their own planet and can't even get out?"

"Who is it?" Zod asked, "Who might be an obstacle to our rebuilding Krypton?"

Norn showed a helpless expression.

"Okay, although I think it's very unlikely, we have sent spies to Earth before to inquire about the whereabouts of my niece. But several people who went out one after another were lost on Earth.

It was then that this backward solar system planet first came into our eyes. According to the news brought by the spies who came back by chance later, they said that the resistance came from an agency established by humans to deal with extraterrestrial threats.

They collect and study various extraterrestrial civilization technologies and are the main line of defense established by earthlings against extraterrestrial threats. "

"Just like the Deep Space Council of Krypton in the past." General Zod nodded, "If this is true, then they may indeed be the only institution among humans that may be resistant to us.

So, do they have a name? "

Noen nodded and said the word solemnly.

"The Eyes of Heaven will meet."

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