I Became the Sun God

Chapter 64 Gatling and RPG

Are these people crazy?

Qin Ran looked at the group of people and couldn't help but exclaimed.

There is no way not to be surprised, the configuration of these people is really scary.

In addition to various assault rifles, some people also brought Gatling and rocket launchers. Can you believe this?

Gatlin wouldn't say it anymore, he was firing blue fire, which he called a metal storm.

The rocket launcher is a bit exaggerated, right?

It may be unfamiliar to say a rocket launcher, but its other name is definitely a household name, and that is R-P-G!

In the last century, this thing was known as the king of infantry weapons and could penetrate about 500 mm of rolled homogeneous armor.

In today's 21st century, with the improvement of industrial level, this thing has become extremely cheap, and some small workshops can produce it.

But is this something you can take out with such arrogance?

It turns out it's this group of people, so it's understandable.

However, although Qin Ran observed carefully, a look of surprise soon appeared on his face.

In Qin Ran's gaze, the group of people were not wearing combat uniforms, but were all wearing gray robes.

The simple robe is very disconnected from modern society.

In addition to their robes, each of them also had a trademark beard and their heads were wrapped in turbans.

Seeing how these people were dressed, Qin Ran knew their origins.

Some of these people are absolutely crazy.

They can sacrifice everything for their faith.

And Mark, the Sun Knight?

He is the Sun Knight of Ra God!

If it were in ancient Egypt, he would be worshiped while walking on the street.

But things are different now. In this land, ancient Egyptian mythology has become history.

To these people, Ra is a false god and his apostles are pure heretics.

In this era of prosperous science and technology, only this group of people can do things to destroy heretics.

I just don't know if these people are doing it spontaneously or if there are others pushing behind them.

If it's the latter, that would be interesting.

The corners of Qin Ran's mouth raised slightly.

Whether it's spontaneous or a show, Qin Ran is happy to watch it.

Although this is just an urban-rural fringe area, once a big commotion occurs, it is destined to cause big waves.

By the time…

No matter how the official tried to calm down the incident, he was definitely going to win.

As for Mark the Tool Man?

Qin Ran has now returned from time travel. As long as his head is not blown off by a hammer, he will definitely not die today.

It's just that stable.

It seems like a good day like this?

After a busy day, Mark was still energetic and didn't feel sleepy while lying in bed.

He looked at the ceiling, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said to himself.

We saved a few more people today. We need to share this with Daisy.

Mark took out his mobile phone, glanced at the time on it, and then sent a video to Daisy.

In just ten seconds, the video was connected.

Brother, are you done?

Daisy seemed to have just taken a shower, and her hair was still wet.

But the moment she saw Mark, Daisy's whole body was shaken.

Like a man eating melon seeds, Daisy almost asked Mark to tell the story. ,

Mark smiled.

How could he not know Daisy's character?

My sister is very kind-hearted, and can even be described as pure.

She simply believes that the world needs heroes.

But Mark, who has been a hero for a few days, knows that what the top management needs is order that can be controlled, not heroes who are outside the order.

Unless this hero is used by them.

The main reason for this realization was that during an operation today, I encountered fishing.

Everything is fake, just to attract yourself.

The most important thing is that I still don't know the details of the other party, I only know that they have great energy.

Mark shook his head in his mind, put all these messy things in his mind, and said to Daisy while reporting good news but not bad news:

I can tell what you're thinking by the look on your face.

Well... let me think about what happened today. You know that your brother is very, very busy right now.

Mark and Daisy are siblings after all.

Even if he becomes a Sun Knight, Mark cannot give up this family relationship and has to video chat with Daisy every day.

The content of the conversation every day is basically the experience of the day and plans for the future.

Now the name of Ra is known to many people.

I'm thinking about when Ra will be able to have his own sect. Then I will feel much more relaxed.


Before Mark and Daisy could finish speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

Without any warning, Mark suddenly felt a kind of fear, and the hair on his body stood up.

Following his deep intuition, Mark subconsciously looked towards the window.


With a deafening sound, an armor-piercing bullet with a tail spurting flames instantly shattered his window.


The moment he saw the armor-piercing bullet, Mark's muscles all tensed up.

He knows that thing!

Many terrorists use this thing to sweep through neighborhoods!

That's a fucking shaped armor-piercing projectile that can penetrate even a fucking armored vehicle.

Before he had time to think about where that thing came from, Mark crushed his cell phone and flipped it under the bed like a nimble cheetah.

His arm exploded with terrifying force, and the solid wood single bed was thrown out by him.


The rocket bombarded the flying wooden bed, and the strong collision instantly detonated the rocket bomb.

With a loud bang, the rocket exploded in mid-air, directly blowing the wooden bed into pieces.

It's not over yet!

At the location of the explosion, a blazing fire shot out like the Turtle Style Qigong.

A large number of large pieces were mixed in the firelight and sprayed directly on the wall, leaving large bullet marks on the wall.

This is a shaped armor-piercing projectile!

The energy of the rocket explosion is concentrated in one place, and the terrifying high temperature can melt the target to produce molten sulfur. The ejection of molten sulfur and shrapnel under the action of kinetic energy is the essence of the rocket's lethality.

Only in this way can rockets destroy armored vehicles.

Otherwise, just relying on the large-scale flame explosion in the movie would not be enough to destroy an armored vehicle with one shot.

Who is it?

Mark climbed up in shock, quickly letting the sacred shroud spread all over his body, and immediately turned into a mummy form.

But before Mark could take any further action, the door that was loose due to the explosion was violently kicked open.

Looking towards the door subconsciously, Mark's eyes suddenly widened.


Because he saw the man at the door holding a Gatling in both hands.

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