I Became the Sun God

Chapter 65 The group is destroyed

The moment he saw Gatlin, Mark was completely confused.

Although he has the Holy Shroud, Mark doesn't think he can resist Gatlin.

After all, in the vision Mark saw that day, the Holy Shroud was a core item rather than a defensive item.

Where did this madman come from?

Being pointed at a black gun, Mark felt his eyebrows pounding.

Without enough time to think about any further actions, Mark raised his hands decisively.

The power of the Holy Shroud was activated, and two white bandages shot out from his hands. One rolled fiercely towards the opponent, and the other shot directly towards the chandelier.

At this moment, Mark had no choice but to retreat.

The only two places that can leave the room are the door and the window.

But outside the window, someone was taking aim with a rocket, and there was someone at the door carrying Gatling.

Faced with this situation of being attacked from both sides, Mark could only find a way to solve one problem first.

Poof~! ! ! !

Before the bandage could hit the opponent, Gatlin's gun muzzle began to rotate violently with a harsh sound.

Almost in an instant, the gun barrels turned fiery red, and countless hot eggshells popped out of the sides of the gun.

Metal storm begins!

The sound when Gatlin fired was not the legendary clicking sound, but a fart-like sound.

As soon as the barrel rotates, the popping sound will continue until the rotation is completed.

As the flames spewed out, the large-caliber bullets passed by like a strong wind, easily tearing Mark's bandage apart.

The white bandage turned into light and dissipated, and Mark took advantage of this opportunity to fly into the air.

The bandage pulled his body and quickly made him stand upside down on the ceiling.

Looking at the enemy who was struggling to lift Gatling, Mark suddenly had a strong light in his eyes.

Holy heat vision!

Two rays of sacred light shot out from his eyes, extremely hot and carrying a powerful impact.

How fast does light travel?

Anyway, it’s faster than lifting Gatling!

This thing itself is very heavy, and coupled with the recoil during shooting, it is still very laborious to lift it.

But Mark's heat vision is different. He can hit wherever he can see.


Following Mark's gaze, the sacred heat vision directly hit the opponent's chest, causing him to fly backwards.

Just stay still!

When Mark saw this scene, he kicked his legs on the ceiling and rushed towards the enemy.

Before he could land on the ground, a bandage flew out and wrapped the opponent into a rice dumpling.


Who on earth sent you?

Mark grabbed the other person's neck, his eyes so gloomy that water could drip from his eyes.

Anyone who was almost shot to death would not be in a good mood.

But the man just smiled ferociously and did not answer Mark's question.

You won't tell me, right?

I'll make you talk!

Mark's mind moved, and the bandage wrapped around the other person's body suddenly shrank.

As if being strangled by a python, the bearded man suddenly let out a painful wail.

Da da da!

At this moment, rapid gunshots rang out again.

The moment he heard the gunshot, Mark made evasive movements without thinking, and bullets passed him by.


Terrorists in the desert?

While Mark was dodging bullets, he also spotted someone shooting with a gun.

Before combining the Gatling and bazooka, Mark had already vaguely had such a guess in his mind.

For Allah!

Amidst the intensive gunfire, someone shouted fanatically.


It's really these crazy people!

Mark cursed.

Being targeted by such a group of lunatics, I was destined to no longer be able to hide my clumsiness and had no choice but to leave here as soon as possible.

God knows what kind of weapons these madmen have. If many people die because of them, they may not be able to survive in Cairo.

Realizing this, Mark held back no more.

He looked at the man holding the AK, and his heat vision instantly shot out.


With a muffled sound, the heat vision hit the man, causing him to hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, Mark was like a rampaging Spider-Man, using the power of the Holy Shroud to quickly shuttle back and forth in the corridor.

The terrifying speed made Mark like a white ghost, easily knocking down opponents one after another.

The sound of gunshots and wailing shook the entire apartment, and someone quickly called the police.

But there were also those who were brave enough to quietly open the door a crack, and suddenly saw a scene that seemed like a myth.

In a dark and cramped corridor, a mummy covered in bandages was fighting a group of enemies under the flickering lights.

His enemies were all armed with guns, but under the powerful power of the mummy, they were defeated one after another like a mixed army.

By God, am I awake?

The mummy came back to life?

Am I hallucinating?

Can anyone tell me if this is a movie?

As the gunfire became less intensive, more and more people began to open the door to check, and then couldn't help but scream in surprise.

The entire corridor was in a mess, unconscious humans were everywhere on the ground, and the smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

And in the corridor, a figure covered in bandages was leaning against the wall as if he was helpless.

His body was riddled with bullet holes, and blood had stained the bandages red.

Ding ding ding…

Everyone held their breath and looked at Mark in disbelief.

They saw with their own eyes that Mark's wounds were glowing, and the bullets were forcefully squeezed out and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

No one dared to make any sound.

Because they don't know whether the mummy that seems to have stepped out of a myth will hurt them.

Mark couldn't care less about being watched now. Even those who were secretly filming videos, Mark didn't have the energy to stop them.

A bunch of damn lunatics!

When I can leave Cairo, I will make you disappear.

Mark gasped and kept talking to himself to divert his attention.

It hurts so much!

The weapons carried by these madmen are all large-caliber firearms.

He can ignore small-caliber firearms, but he cannot ignore this type of weapon.

Although it is not fatal, the feeling of tearing flesh and blood, or even breaking bones, is really not something ordinary people can bear.

Even Mark, as a Sun Knight, was pale with pain at this moment, and cold sweat had covered his body.

In Qin Ran's setting, the Sun Knight is more powerful during the day.

This is a small setting to force Mark to show up more.

But just because he's more powerful during the day, doesn't mean he's not extraordinary at night.

Mark, who cannot bask in the sun, is not as powerful as he is during the day, but he is still a Sun Knight.

Under the power of the Sun Knight, Mark recovered roughly in about fifteen minutes.

It's almost time to go.

Looking at the pairs of eyes and cameras in the crack of the door, Mark's eyes flashed with helplessness.

I originally planned to be a masked hero and slowly spread the faith of Ra.

Well now, I might be on fire.

Even though the government may control public opinion, it will eventually come into the eyes of many people.

It’s different from the small fights before.

We can only take one step at a time.

Mark took a deep breath, ignored the fearful and curious eyes, and walked towards the window at the end of the corridor.

He had to get out of here before the authorities arrived.

At this moment, with the door creaking, a ball rolled over.

Thanks to Cowardly Dragon for the 102-coin reward, and thanks to Tang Family Seventeen for the 1,500-coin reward. Thank you all.

Let me talk about the current progress. Once we get the original method as a reference, we will start to operate it in the real world.

I have also thought about how to operate it in detail.

But I still want to hear everyone’s thoughts, let’s talk about which god to use.

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