I Became the Sun God

Chapter 63 The Crisis of Tool Man Mark

At the foot of the towering mountains, a river flows.

Continuous buildings occupy one bank of the river.

In the square adjacent to the river, statues of gods carved from precious stones are filled with scorching firelight.

It was a magnificent firebird, with crystal-like jade eggshells scattered under its feet.

Before the firebird broke out of its shell, humans, who relied on the breath of the firebird to survive, discovered two stone slabs.

The tablets contain the knowledge to become extraordinary.

The still-gestating firebird protects humans with its powerful breath, and humans worship it as a god.

So when the firebird hatched out of its shell, it naturally became a god.

As for the two stone tablets recording extraordinary knowledge?

The humans of the tribe believed that this was a gift from the gods.

As Abu told what he had seen and heard about the Shenyu tribe, this was the picture that came to Qin Ran's mind.

If the other person is born as a god and has so many believers, I'm afraid he won't be a terrifying existence.

I just don't know how long this tribe has existed.

Qin Ran's eyes flashed with solemnity.

The war between the two sides has been destined, and Qin Ran also hopes to defeat the other party.

But the power shown by the other party shocked Qin Ran.

An unknown and mysterious god is inherently difficult to deal with.

Coupled with the Shenyu tribe described by Abu, it is very likely that everyone is practicing secret techniques.

It's just that only those more than a hundred people can be considered as truly practicing.

But that’s an exaggeration, right?

Practicing and not practicing are completely two concepts!

Without considering the extraordinary ones, if the Yanyang tribe is a miscellaneous army, then the Shenyu tribe is a regular army.

How to fight this?

Unless we take the lead in using nuclear weapons!

Qin Ran thought for a while and felt that he still had to rely on resources in the real world, or pills.

Just a false god.

Seeing everyone's solemn look, Qin Ran smiled coldly and arrogantly.

He glanced at Ada and said without any doubt:

Abu will leave it to you.

Although I am not afraid of that false god, the Yanyang tribe's background is too poor.

The Sun God ordered me to help you overcome this difficulty. I believe this difficulty includes all of this.

I need to go back to the sanctuary to get some powerful weapons.

After Qin Ran finished instructing Ada, he turned around and walked towards the altar.

Under the puzzled eyes of countless believers, Qin Ran, standing on the altar, pulled off the pendant from his neck.

The pendant flicked with his finger, and then it glowed brightly in the void, forming a channel entirely composed of light.

Qin Ran walked into the passage, and his whole body, together with the magnificent light, turned into a rainbow in the sky.

real world.

Accompanied by a thick fog, Qin Ran appeared in the logistics warehouse.

After taking a look at the obviously many more cameras and feeling the increase in the number of patrolling security guards, Qin Ran wisely chose to leave here first.

After spending a winter in another world, more than three days have passed in the real world.

Don't think three days is a short time.

Sometimes three days can make the world feel completely different.

If this happened in the past, who would have imagined that Mao Zi would be having sex with someone just after lunch?

Just after finishing his meal and not even walking a hundred steps, Mao Zi directly defeated the opponent's air power.

From this perspective, three days is really not a short time.

Qin Ran was suspended above Alexandria, looking towards Cairo city.

From the perspective of the gods, there are hundreds of faint lines of faith in the void, connected to himself.

Are they all followers of Ra?

The kind of people who believe in the existence of the god Ra and pray for his protection?

Although there are only hundreds of lines of faith, Qin Ran still feels very satisfied.

This feeling of winning by lying down is really good.

I just created a tool man, went to another world to experience a wave of life, and gained hundreds of believers when I came back.

I would like to ask you if such a good thing smells good?

I don't know how Mark is doing now.

Mark's results made Qin Ran very satisfied, and also made him miss his tool man.

Following the thickest line of faith, Qin Ran quickly locked onto Mark's location and roughly knew what had happened recently.

Mark, who became the Sun Knight, is like a player who is bound to the novice village.

Once you leave the Novice Village, you will die suddenly on the spot, and you can only upgrade by fighting monsters within the Novice Village.

And because of the Holy Shroud, Mark's abilities in all aspects have greatly increased, and he has the capital to stay in Cairo.

No matter day or night, Mark is like Spider-Man, wandering among the tall buildings in the city.

In the event of an emergency, he will appear as the Sun Knight.

These emergencies include but are not limited to robberies, accidents, gang fights...

Under such circumstances, the urban legend of mummies quickly spread in Cairo.

And those who were saved or taught a lesson by Mark, without exception, spread the name of Ra God by Mark.

This is how the belief in Ra was born.

Although I haven't gained many believers for the time being.

But as long as the time is ripe, the names of the Sun Knight and the God of Ra will sooner or later shock the whole of Egypt.

At that time... I will receive a massive amount of faith. While my divinity will be enhanced, the authority of the Creator will also be greatly increased.

Qin Ran's eyes were full of reverence.

The accumulation of divinity is crucial before igniting the divine fire.

Only if the divinity is strong enough can a powerful priesthood be condensed after igniting the divine fire.

At that time, he was considered a true god.

Now Qin Ran is essentially a divine being who holds power.

Creation and the Sun...

With my current divinity, I can't even afford a priesthood.

Qin Ran sighed with emotion, and then flew towards Cairo.

It's been a long time since he's seen his tool, and Qin Ran wants to know how he's doing now.

Of course, seeing Mark was just in passing.

Qin Ran's real purpose is to search for what he wants.

The war in another world is imminent, and under the constraints of time proportions, it is better to act as quickly as possible.


Seems interesting?

As soon as Qin Ran arrived at Mark's place of residence, the divine perception made him raise his eyebrows.

In the mixed urban-rural fringe area, a group of men who were not at all dressed in a gregarious manner successfully attracted Qin Ran's attention.

Looking at those people condescendingly, Qin Ran had a good insight into their purpose.

Judging from the way they acted, it was obvious that they were coming for Mark.

This group of people was like an invisible net, surrounding Mark's residence with a tacit cooperation.

Hehe, if you get the secret method of practice, you can turn on the divine transformation mode, right?

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