I Became the Sun God

Chapter 56 Building a House and Building a Kang

Under the leadership of Qin Ran, everyone came to the altar.

The simple and rough altar has long been turned into a small snow mountain due to the continuous snowstorm.

Qin Ran stood in front of everyone, and behind him were everyone from the Yanyang tribe, including those from the Shizhu tribe.

Above is the sun god who created all things out of nothingness.

The Phoenix Saints under your command pray for your blessing.

Please give the Yanyang tribe enough materials so that they can survive the cold winter.

After all, Qin Ran was not from a major.

Standing under the altar to worship the gods, he is much less professional than the old patriarch.

Especially worshiping himself made Qin Ran feel weird.

Fortunately, the title of Saint Seiya of the Sun God is enough to keep any believer in awe.

After getting started, Qin Ran looked at the old patriarch:

I have communicated with the gods in the name of the Saint Seiya, and now you need to show your piety.

The old patriarch nodded piously.

The old patriarch, whose face was covered with oil paint, was wearing the most gorgeous feather robe and holding a white bone staff that symbolized status.

After receiving Qin Ran's instructions, the old patriarch turned around and looked at all the clan members, opened his arms and said loudly:

People of the Yanyang Tribe, the great Sun God is watching us.

Let us worship our gods in the most solemn and pious way.

The sacrificial ceremony begins now!

Boom, boom, boom!

As soon as the old patriarch finished speaking, the dull animal skin drum was beaten, and the primitive and rough sound echoed in the wind and snow.

Amidst the sound of heavy drums, two extraordinary beings, Ada and Aru, worked together to lift several huge heads to the place directly under the altar.

This is the prey that Ada and Aru found with great difficulty, and it is also the sacrifice this time to the great sun god.

As the sacrifices were placed by the only two extraordinary beings, young men and women from the tribe also swarmed out, braving the snowstorm and dancing an ancient and wild dance.

Qin Ran stood aside and waved his hand towards the open space, and a flame was ignited out of thin air.

Ho ho ho!

Seeing the flames ignited out of thin air, the believers roared excitedly and rhythmically, singing and dancing around the flames.

Everything looks very original.

But Qin Ran felt an inexplicable sense of sacredness in his eyes.

It is a sacred feeling that comes from piety.

Drums, dances, bonfires...but these are the most pious expressions of the entire tribe to the gods.

The old patriarch stood in front of everyone, reciting prayers loudly, leading the believers to pray for the blessings of the gods.

In this ancient and pious atmosphere, even the most staunch atheist will subconsciously respect this atmosphere.

Not to mention that everyone present had unwavering faith in the gods.

Everyone is praying with the old patriarch, and even the survivors of the Shizhu tribe have joined this camp.

about there…

Qin Ran glanced at the entire tribe and nodded secretly in his heart.

As the source of the sacrifice, I can clearly feel the changes on the scene.

My own believers have become extremely united in their beliefs.

And those outsiders also gave birth to shallow beliefs.

At this time, what a god should do is respond.

And it’s the kind of response you’ll never forget.


The spirit within Qin Ran exploded, making a roaring sound at the level of rules.

The majestic divine power enveloped the altar, like a large upside-down bowl, blocking out all wind, snow and light.

It was pitch black between heaven and earth, and all light was blocked by Qin Ran.

Welcome to the arrival of the great Sun God!

Surrounded by boundless darkness, with only the light of the bonfire swaying faintly, the old patriarch seemed extremely excited.

Welcome to the arrival of the great Sun God!

Led by the old patriarch, everyone worshiped enthusiastically towards the altar.


As everyone bowed, light instantly appeared between heaven and earth.

A golden sun was suspended in the center of the sky, with countless stars constantly rotating around it.

The warm and supreme breath fell from the starry sky to the earth, shrouding everyone in it.

Someone looked up subconsciously, and could vaguely see a great figure sitting in the center of the sun.

Sun God!

Just seeing that figure, believers subconsciously thought of the Sun God.

I will bless you.

In the divine radiance, the majestic and gentle voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Then a magnificent light fell from the sky, flooding the entire altar.

Under the cover of the light, Qin Ran used his divine power to move a large amount of materials to the altar.

Bricks, steel bars, cement, quilts, spices, seeds... these are the main materials Qin Ran brought from the real world.

Divine light filled the heaven and earth, and everyone's eyes were filled with golden light.

After the light dissipated, the altar was filled with supplies, but Qin Ran was exhausted.

Feeling the probing eyes of many people, Qin Ran explained calmly:

These are the gifts given to you by the Sun God, and they are also the expectations of the Sun God for you.

Qin Ran walked to the supplies and began to introduce their functions one by one:

This is cement, mixed with sand and gravel. After solidification, it can be as hard as rock.

This is a steel bar, which is a sinew made from smelted steel. It is a very good building material.

This is a brick. It can be built with cement to form any shape you want.

And bricks... are the best materials for building a kang. When you finish building your house, I will teach you how to build a kang.

These are enough to help you resist the cold.

Build a house and build a kang!

This is Qin Ran's next expectation for the tribe.

A sturdy and tidy house can undoubtedly take civilization to a higher level.

And the epoch-making invention of the fire kang will definitely become a black technology in the entire wilderness.

With such black technology, any newcomer who integrates into the tribe can feel the warmth of the Sun God.

Some people may find the word kang offensive.

But Qin Ran doesn't care. He is a saint now, not a superior sun god.

What happened to the Kang?

Is it uncomfortable to sleep on the kang in the winter?

These are quilts, warmer than animal skins.

Qin Ran pointed to the countless quilts, and then he walked towards the altar:

And these...

This is a common spice in the Kingdom of God. It allows you to eat more delicious food and at the same time, it can dispel the cold with spicy food.

As for these seeds... they are the seeds of common foods in the Kingdom of God.

This is the food and hope given to you by the Sun God.

Qin Ran stood on the altar, looked down at the believers, and opened his arms:

Praise be to the great Sun God.

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