I Became the Sun God

Chapter 55 Come with me to worship the Sun God


Can one look kill me?

How powerful are the Saints?

A flash of awe and yearning flashed in Ada's eyes.


Without any warning, Ada knelt there directly, touching his head to the ground and begging:

Please, Lord Phoenix Saint, teach me how to practice.

Sir, I...I also want to become a Saint of the Sun God.

Ada didn't care about Qin Ran's evaluation of herself.

Because he knew very well that compared to the powerful Phoenix, even if he had been blessed by the gods, he was still weak.

It is precisely because of being weak that Ada desires to be strong.

In the process of conquering the Stone Pillar tribe, Ada experienced life, death and despair, but also saw endless hope.

Light and hope come from the great sun god.

As a redeemed devout believer, Ada also wants to become a Saint and protect the love and peace of the earth for the Sun God.

Ada, what are you doing?

Before Qin Ran could say anything, a figure as tall as a wild bull came over with a curious look on his face.

Compared with Ada who is always serious, Aru always has a simple and honest smile on his face as long as he is not crazy.

Aru came over and touched his head in confusion, with curiosity written on his face.

Ada didn't even look at him and continued to say in a firm voice:

Please teach me how to practice.

No matter how difficult and painful the process is, I will become a Saint.

What? Saint Seiya?

When Aru heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

As a member of the Yanyang Tribe, Aru certainly knows what a Saint is.

If nothing else, the teleported adult in front of me is the Phoenix Saint under the command of the Sun God.

For extraordinary believers like Aru, Saint Seiya represents an unattainable realm and is also the highest glory and goal of being a believer.

Why don't I have such a keen mind?

Aru muttered something in his mind and quickly knelt down as he had done.

The huge body is like a bull, and it has a powerful impact even when it is kneeling there.

I want to become a Saint too!

Please Master Phoenix teach us how to practice!

Aru begged angrily.

Looking at the only extraordinary person in the tribe, Qin Ran's eyes flashed with helplessness.

I want to, but I don’t know how.

But you cannot say this to believers.

Facing the two people who wanted to practice, Qin Ran's body burned with a faint fire, and Vukong raised his hand to help them up.

Under the puzzled looks of Alu and Ada, Qin Ran shook his head calmly:

My cultivation method is not suitable for you.

But... the great Sun God has arranged everything a long time ago. As long as you devoutly believe in the Sun God, your requests will be granted.

I'm curious if I can see you in the sanctuary in the future.

After saying that, Qin Ran stopped talking.

I can't say it any more, I won't be able to hold on anymore.

Alu and Ada looked at Qin Ran leaving, with undisguised admiration on their faces:

Will the great Sun God give us the method of practice?

What kind of place is the Holy Land?

I will definitely become a Saint!

One night passed quickly.

This is a special night for the Yanyang tribe.

All the houses collapsed, and they were exposed to the cold wind, but they never felt the cold.

The eternal phoenix fire releases enough heat to dispel all coldness.

Lord Phoenix, who is said to have come from the Holy Realm, demonstrated what civilization is through the artifact in his hand.

Even with Aru and Ada's constant requests, Lord Phoenix showed them the sanctuary.

Dotted with buildings, suspended twelve temples, towering sun statues...

Compared with the sanctuary, the videos of building houses in the wild look very civilized and not comparable to them.

But the people of Yanyang tribe are very content.

They knew very well that the Holy Land was still out of reach for them. On the contrary, it was a house built by mortal hands, which was more suitable for their current situation.

But no matter what, after learning more about the greatness of the Sun God, believers have a sense of longing in their hearts.

They dream that one day they can enter the sanctuary.

They imagined that one day, the tribe could become a civilized place under the sun god.

As the sun rises in the east, many believers who have stayed up all night finally can no longer hold themselves back.

They quickly divided the work and started collecting materials in the middle of nowhere according to the method in the video.

With the two extraordinary beings Ada and Aru around, even the giant tree surrounded by them could easily be knocked down by them.

A large amount of materials were transferred to the tribe, and Qingzhuang in the tribe began to rebuild their own home based on the memories of last night.

However, the busy construction had not lasted even one morning before they encountered difficulties that were enough to stop the work.

It's too cold. It's really too cold this winter.

When the weather is freezing, it is impossible to make mud using local materials like in the video.

And the weeds used to fill the mud can't be found at all during this season.

Even the ground was so frozen that even extraordinary beings couldn't dig the foundation.

The foundation was too poor. The tribes who were still using bone spears and wooden bows didn't even have decent working tools.

Looking at the helpless believers standing in the cold wind as if they had been splashed with cold water, Qin Ran, who had not participated in the labor, finally spoke:

“There is an old saying in my hometown, which is adapting measures to local conditions.”

The construction method I showed you is really not suitable for use in winter.

But it doesn't matter, I'm here.

I will solve the temperature problem, and I will also pray to the Sun God to give you better materials.

Of course...how to make good use of these materials is the test I will give you.

Qin Ran's voice echoed in the cold wind, making hope appear in everyone's eyes.


Although the winter is long and cruel, we have Lord Phoenix from the Sanctuary, and we also have the great Sun God protecting us.

With the Sun God and his Saints here, what can happen even in the cold winter?

Everyone looked at Qin Ran with burning eyes.

Feeling the strong faith, Qin Ran knew that his PUA was successful.

But what needs to be done still needs to be done.

It is impossible for him to keep burning his divine power here to stay warm.

Believers do need to rebuild their homes to survive this unusually cold winter.

Come with me to worship the great Sun God.

As long as we all worship religiously, the omniscient and omnipotent Sun God will hear us.

Qin Ran looked at the believers and said firmly.

Of course... you can come together too.

The great and benevolent Sun God, who created all things in ancient times, you are all children in his eyes.

As long as you pray sincerely, the Sun God will also protect you.

Qin Ran looked at those people from the Shizhu tribe.

These people had been fearful all night, and they were even more desperate than the Yanyang tribe in the face of the natural disaster.

It's a good time for PUA.

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