I Became the Sun God

Chapter 57: Grassroots level under faith

Praise the great Sun God!

Qin Ran stood on the altar, like an envoy of the gods in the human world, looking at the mountains below and the tsunami.

Stimulated by divine grace, everyone praised the gods in unison.

With the supplies given by God and the help of the Phoenix Saints, the originally stalled project can continue.

The men in the tribe once again started the infrastructure construction mode in full swing.

The dark red flames burned the earth, making the frozen land soft again and melting the ice cubes into water.

The believers quickly mixed the cement and dug the foundation according to their own methods and Qin Ran's guidance.

Once you have the foundation, everything will be easier.

With a large number of bricks and steel bars, combined with epoch-making cement, house construction is no longer a problem.

Although the believers in the tribe still don't understand mechanics and engineering, they can learn from them.

The skills of mortise and tenon joints, the beams of the house, the folding doors...

With the video screen as a reference, the house built according to the gourd painting is many times better than the house built haphazardly before.

A more rational structure, coupled with real-world building materials, makes the newly built house extremely sturdy.

But that's not all.

This winter is so cold that even if there is a house to protect us from the wind and snow, we can't stop the cold wind from blowing in.

Young people may be able to withstand the cold by lighting a fire, but the elderly and children will never be able to withstand the cold.

About twenty days later, when all the tribesmen built new houses, Qin Ran finally stopped using divine fire to keep the believers warm.

Today I'm going to teach you how to build a fire bed.

This is the achievement of another civilization, and it is the guarantee for mortals to face the long cold winter.

Qin Ran took the construction experts in the tribe to find a relatively spacious house, and while instructing them to work, he explained the principles of the fire kang.

To be honest, this thing is much simpler than building a house.

Basically, if you know the principles, anyone can do it.

However, this principle alone normally requires exploration from generation to generation.

Is the lightning rod simple enough?

How long did it take for human civilization to master the technology of lightning rods?

With Qin Ran, a modern man, the first earthen kang in the wilderness was finally built.

There is not much difference between craftsmanship and modern times.

Bricks and soil form the frame of the earthen kang, with a snake-like flue in the middle.

The upper layer is sealed with bricks and smoothed with a layer of soil.

Since there was no such thing as kang leather, the tribe chose to spread animal skins on the kang, and then spread a layer of mattress.

The earthen kang was covered with animal skins, and the kang was filled to the brim.

Just ask who else?

The bandit leaders in the Northeast were not so luxurious back then, right?


The kang is hot!

Ouch! This is so warm!

Not only is the kang hot, but the room is not that cold anymore. Isn't this amazing?

As the leader of the tribe and the elder in the tribe, the old patriarch is naturally the first to experience the Tukang.

As the firewood in the stove burns brightly, the smoke and heat travel inside the Tukang, and the temperature of the Tukang quickly rises.

Even as the earthen kang gets hotter, the temperature in the room also rises.

The old patriarch didn't need anyone to teach him, he just instinctively sat cross-legged on the kang, the animal skin under his buttocks was warm.

As an old man in the tribe, the old patriarch has never been so comfortable in winter.

Good guy!

The old man has lived for such a long time, and this is definitely the most comfortable winter.

Thank you, Lord Phoenix Saint, and praise the supreme Sun God.

The old patriarch was sitting on the kang, with a heartfelt smile on his face. He knew that the good days of the tribe were coming.

In the past, people would freeze to death every winter, but not anymore from today.

All of this is thanks to Lord Phoenix, and of course, even more thanks to the great Sun God.

Master Patriarch, would you like me to get on the kang to warm myself up?

The small room was packed with people. Looking at the old patriarch who looked enjoying himself, the simple clan members had greed written on their faces.

Get out!

Hurry up and take someone to the kang!

When you set up the kang, I won't care about you until next spring.

The old patriarch scolded angrily, but he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

Let's take a ride on the kang!

The men failed to resist the old patriarch, so they could only disperse with smiles on their faces.

Just like the old patriarch said, they have to continue to build kangs for the tribesmen.

As long as the kang is set up, this winter will be fine.

Enough food has been stored for a long time.

Especially the vegetables and spices given by the Sun God made the tribe's believers want to swallow their tongues along with the dried meat.

So delicious!

There is no particular way of cooking in the tribe.

Either roast it over fire or boil it in water.

Originally, when winter came, the tribesmen could only survive on dried meat that had been dried in advance.

But having those vegetables and spices makes all the difference.

Put the dried meat and vegetables in a large pot of boiling water, add a little chili pepper and salt, and the taste will be so delicious in the winter.

It would be even more amazing if the hunting team could hunt fresh prey.

Put the fresh meat into skewers, brush it with animal oil and grill it slowly on the charcoal until it becomes sizzling and oily, then sprinkle with spices.

The taste is wild and authentic.

Such delicious food has made believers develop a habit in just a few days.

But before eating, you must praise the gods.

Thanks to the great sun god for giving me food.

I don’t have to worry about food at all.

Coupled with the countless firewood in the wilderness, this winter is simply paradise.

As a group of men became better and better at their craftsmanship, gradually the entire tribe had a fire kang.

All the believers have moved into their new homes, and with the support of countless firewood, the smoke from the tribe's kang has never stopped.

It's freezing cold, but the believers are naturally happy to have a warm new home.

In addition to enjoying the warmth on the Kang, I would also go to other people’s homes to warm up on the Kang.

And with the magic weapon of the fire kang, the long-lost voice resounded in the tribe.

It feels like pain and joy, and some people seem to be applauding.

On this cold day, clapping for love on the hot bed, isn't that happier than anything else?

House, fire bed, quilt, food...

These materials from the real world allow the belief in the Sun God to penetrate into the daily life of the Yanyang tribe.

The belief in God is at the grassroots level!

Under this grassroots coverage, the people of the Shizhu tribe began to slowly accept the kindness and greatness of the Sun God.

After all, there is no harm without comparison.

The ability of the One-Eyed Stone King is far inferior to that of the Sun God.

Besides, eating people has short mouths and taking people has short hands.

After eating this delicious food and sleeping on the earthen bed, who has the nerve not to believe it?

Human beings in the wilderness are savage and ignorant, but they are also simple enough.

God has given them so much, and they will naturally be grateful.

Feeling that the number of believers is growing every day, Qin Ran feels happy every day. This winter's PUA plan was finally successful.

Thanks to The Demon King is an Orange Cat for the 1,500-coin reward, thanks to Autumn Leaves Ying Yu Han for the 100-coin reward, thanks to Economic Multiple Choice Questions Are Poisonous for the 100-coin reward, and thanks to One Leaf \u0026 Rafting for the 100-coin reward. ! Thank you all, I wish you all can sleep on the hot bed.

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