I Became the Sun God

Chapter 54 Is this an artifact? (Brothers please support)

It has to be said that the Holy Cloth is advancing with the times.

Even in an era of advanced technology, the changes in the Saint Clothes in the Legend of Sanctuary version are enough to shock any audience.

Although the holy clothes Qin Ran wears are just for COS.

But Qin Ran had magical power and could easily make the holy clothes move. The changing process of the holy clothes was the same as the real one.

Modern people are shocked by this, let alone these believers.

Whether it was Qin Ran's powerful power or the mysterious coolness of the holy clothes, all believers turned their attention to Qin Ran.

After a while, Qin Ran put on his military coat, and the old patriarch finally realized what he was doing.

The old patriarch was a little afraid, but more hopeful:

Are you...Phoenix Saint?

Has the great sun god heard our prayers?

Qin Ran turned to look at the old patriarch.

For the tribe's faith to be so united, the old patriarch must have contributed a lot.

However, Qin Ran is not the Sun God now, but a Saint under the Sun God.

Facing the old patriarch's question, Qin Ran nodded lightly:

Yes, I am the Phoenix Saint.

One of the Saints under the great Sun God.

The supreme Sun God has heard your prayers, so I came here.

Speaking of this, Qin Ran glanced at everyone, and then looked up at the sky, where the ice and snow were still howling.

You need to know that there are countless beings in this world who believe in the Sun God.

Although our Lord is all-knowing and all-powerful, it is impossible for him to keep his eyes on your backward place.

So this time I'm here to help you.

Just to introduce you, my name is Ikki, and I am a Phoenix Saint under the command of the Sun God.

Under the awe and curiosity of all the believers, Qin Ran revealed his identity as a saint.

Then he ignored the reactions of the believers and frowned as he looked at the already embarrassed tribe.

What you have here...is really far from civilization.

Qin Ran's comments made many people look shy.


From the day Qin Ran constructed the illusion, many people have yearned for civilization in their hearts.

Only when you have seen it can you realize how behind you are now.

These believers of Qin Ran are all yellow-skinned humans, not those Nicos.

These believers have excellent virtues, rather than being like Nico who has seen civilization but is too lazy to work hard.

The changes in the architecture of the tribe are the believers' efforts towards civilization.

But it is a pity that the foundation of believers is too poor.

They have no systematic knowledge as a basis.

But it doesn't matter, Qin Ran ended up personally.

Feeling the emotions of everyone through the connection of faith, Qin Ran waved his hand and said:

I'll help you get through the winter.

But I will not use my power, but give you the fire of civilization.

What should we do!

As soon as Qin Ran finished speaking, the old patriarch spoke quickly, his muddy eyes full of brilliance.

Qin Ran chuckled lightly, looking at the believers shivering in the cold wind, his voice drowned out the storm:

It's simple, just get through the night.

While I'm getting through the night, I'll show you how to build a house properly.

With that said, Qin Ran took out his mobile phone without hesitation.

After a few clicks on the phone, a video of building a house in the wild started playing.

At the same time, Qin Ran used his magical power to refract the light and shadow on the screen into the air.

Suddenly, the screen of the mobile phone was directly projected into the air.

It's incredible.

From a scientific point of view, projection cannot exist without a medium.

Projections like those in Iron Man are denied by current science anyway.

But... I can't stand that Qin Ran is a god, and god itself is the most unscientific existence.

The sun god, who holds the power, can command light to do anything.

Everyone's attention was subconsciously attracted by the picture in the air.

Ah...is this a divine weapon?

I just saw it. The things in Lord Phoenix's hands will glow.

Not only is it glowing, but people seem to be moving inside.

Some people were whispering in the cold wind, but everyone was looking at the projected picture intently.

Especially those in the tribe who are good at construction are eager to stick up and take a closer look.

The video of building a house in the wild is actually very simple.

It is nothing more than taking local materials, and then using reasonable layout and mechanical knowledge to build a strong and useful house.

If it's a bit exaggerated, it can even create an indoor swimming pool for you.

Although it is only made from local materials in the wild, many of the details have traces of earth civilization.

For example, introducing water into the house, such as a flushable toilet, such as a joint made of wood...

These are all traces of civilization.

Qin Ran didn't know how many people could notice this.

He didn't expect many people to notice.

As long as they can learn from others, sooner or later this knowledge will be imperceptible and become part of their civilization.

Just when everyone was intoxicated, a rolling heat wave suddenly enveloped them, dispelling the biting cold.

Subconsciously looking towards the source of the heat, I saw an eternal flame burning brightly.

Even the biting cold wind could not extinguish the flame.

Feeling the inquiring eyes of some people, Qin Ran showed a smile on his face:

This is the immortal phoenix fire.

Similar to rebirth from the ashes, it is a unique ability of the Phoenix Saint.

The blazing flames drove away the darkness and cold, finally allowing everyone to relax completely.

With the help of the Saints under the Sun God, we will definitely be able to survive this winter safely.

Not only that, but we will also accept help from adults to learn what civilization should be like.

The old patriarch stared at the flame, and there was also a flame burning in his heart.

What do you want to ask?

At this moment, Qin Ran noticed Ada beside him, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Ada was asked by Qin Ran and hesitated before asking:

I...I want to know how to become a Saint.

Qin Ran glanced at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this devout believer still has such a dream in his heart.

It’s good to have dreams.

Only by having dreams can you better serve the gods.

Facing such believers, the expression on Qin Ran's face couldn't help but soften a lot, and he said meaningfully:


When you gain powerful power through practice, you can participate in the competition for the Holy Clothes.

The holy clothes were made by the Sun God, and each piece of holy clothes has a unique ability.

When you possess the Holy Cloth, you can understand this power and become a true Saint Seiya.

But... you are too weak now. I can kill you with just one look.

Qin Ran evaluated Ada's strength mercilessly.

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