I Became the Sun God

Chapter 47 Phoenix Saint Cloth

I have been in the real world for a day.

Converted to time in another world, it is equivalent to a month passing.

One month is enough time for the cold winter to come to another world.

Qin Ran can probably guess what will happen in winter.

The planning and architecture in the tribe seem to be the product of overthrowing the seedlings and lacking the necessary basic support.

Under such circumstances, if the heavy snow does not stop, problems will definitely occur in these buildings.

Human beings are too fragile.

Without a house that can keep out the cold, there is no way to face the indifference of nature.

However, for believers in other worlds, they can also pray for the protection of gods.

The Sun God will guide you through this.

Qin Ran chuckled and stood up. As soon as he thought about it, the books returned to their original positions.

Then Qin Ran's spiritual thoughts were released like a tide, sensing the situation in this logistics park.

After a while, Qin Ran found his target.

With the power of the gods attributed to himself, Qin Ran came and went freely throughout the logistics park and reached his target easily.

This is the warehouse of a foreign logistics company. There are goods from all over the world waiting for turnover, and some of them have even become bad debts.

But Qin Ran doesn't care whether it is a good debt or a bad debt, as long as it is useful to his followers, he must take it all away.

Pack a small portion of these quilts, which is enough for the believers.

“It’s not enough to have quilts, believers must also build houses.”

There are also salt and sugar that are necessary for the human body, and you can also bring some chili peppers that can ward off the cold.

In the invisible state, Qin Ran walked in the empty warehouse, and a large amount of materials were suspended out of thin air wherever he passed.

As for the surveillance that is always monitored by security guards?

This thing is too simple for Qin Ran. The picture constructed by divine power can keep the warehouse normal.

Even if Qin Ran wanted to, he could let the security guard in the monitoring room see Teacher Bodo through the surveillance.

Yes, but not necessary.

It's a pity that I am not the God of Thunder, and the authority of the Creator is still too weak, otherwise these little suns can be taken away.

Since we are building a house, bricks and cement must be indispensable.

Although I plan to let believers use local materials, they can't all be made of wood.

I remember there were a lot of building materials at the pier.

Fresh vegetables? Are these also shipped by sea?

In a short time, Qin Ran collected a large amount of supplies.

These supplies are enough to make the boss of this logistics company cry.

But all this has nothing to do with Qin Ran.


Just when Qin Ran was almost ready, he suddenly let out a sigh and looked towards the shelves in the warehouse.

There are several wooden boxes neatly placed on the shelves.

However, the wooden box cannot block Qin Ran's perception. He can clearly know what is in the box.

It was precisely because of knowing that Qin Ran was a little surprised.

Holy Cloth?

Is this thing sold all over the world?

Qin Ran is still very affectionate towards the Holy Clothes.

If it hadn't been for that golden holy garment, I probably wouldn't have become a god so smoothly.

Seeing this thing again in a warehouse in a foreign country was enough for Qin Ran to feel emotional.

But think about it, Saint Seiya is really a bestseller.

Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Eastern mythology, biblical mythology, Celtic mythology, Aztec mythology...

Let’s not talk about the animation, the comics are really cruel.

Almost all myths are involved.

As a result, the audience range of Saint Seiya can be imagined.

Not to mention those Saint Seiyas come from all over the world.

Fuso's Stars, Lushan's Purple Dragon, Soviet Union's Stars... these are the leeks that will be harvested by audiences around the world.

The legendary version of the Five Little Strong Saint Cloths?

Not bad.

Qin Ran nodded in disbelief. The workmanship of these holy clothes was really good.

After casually looking at the boxes, Qin Ran continued to look for resources.

But as soon as he took a step, his whole body stopped there.

Holy Cloth...

God will give hope in despair, but it is impossible to teach everything step by step. Maybe I can change the way?

Qin Ran looked at the wooden boxes and had an immature idea in his heart.

The more you think about it, the more reliable it becomes.

You must also bring the bronze holy robe.

After a moment, Qin Ran waved his hand, and the bronze holy clothes also levitated.

Among the wooden boxes containing five holy garments, Qin Ran chose the Phoenix Seat.

The reason is simple. Pegasus is too protagonist, so Qin Ran didn't consider it.

Andromeda is too effeminate, it would be bad if the men in the tribe let her imagination run wild.

Although Draco is very good and powerful, he has no soul if he doesn't explode.

White Bird Seat is also good, but Qin Ran does not have Bing's authority.

The Phoenix Seat is very good. The power of the flame is just within Qin Ran's authority.

The Sanctuary Legend version of the Phoenix Saint Cloth is also cool enough, with purple LEDs in the middle of the four phoenix feathers.

The visual impact is very strong.

After selecting the Phoenix Sacred Cloth, Qin Ran used his divine power to control the supplies and gather them all in the open space of the warehouse.

Then Qin Ran floated above those items, communicating with the fog in his mind.

As the fog filled the air, Qin Ran disappeared into the world together with those materials.

Not long after Qin Ran disappeared, those magical powers that presented false appearances in front of the surveillance cameras also disappeared.

In the monitoring room, the two security guards chatted with each other, occasionally glancing at the surveillance camera.

For them, this is a retirement job.

In such a big warehouse, who would know if something was missing?

It's impossible to have a large-scale theft, right?

If you want to steal items from the warehouse on a large scale, you will first have to deal with Alexandria's security measures, not the warehouse's own security.

Under such circumstances, the position of security guard is actually just a facade.

It’s not very useful, but it’s necessary.

The security guards also know their position and their attitude towards their work is just that.

Dude, I'm going to take a nap.

Just call me before the leader makes his inspection later. Anyway, we won't have any accidents here.

What the hell?

The fat security guard in front of the surveillance screen yawned and finished the last piece of bear biscuit. He was about to ask the clerk to take over for him, so he casually glanced at the surveillance screen.

Just because I looked at you one more time in the crowd.

Just because of one glance, the fat security guard stood there in a daze.

He could swear to God that everything was fine just a minute ago.

But just now, the warehouse was mostly empty.

It's just as bad as being robbed.

Something happened, man.

The obese security guard subconsciously picked up the bag of bear biscuits, but he didn't even take out a single biscuit. Instead, his clothes were instantly wet with sweat.

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