I Became the Sun God

Chapter 48 One-eyed Stone King

Different world.

Qin Ran's figure appeared on the altar.

There were countless supplies appearing with him.

If Qin Ran hadn't reacted quickly enough and used his divine power to levitate the materials in time, the altar would have been crushed.

As soon as he arrived in another world, Qin Ran felt like a fish in water.

A large amount of faith surrounded Qin Ran, making Qin Ran so comfortable that he couldn't help but moan.

Being surrounded by faith, Qin Ran naturally learned a lot of news.

In the more than a month since I left, a lot of things have happened in the other world.

Sacrifice to the Sun God is still carried out almost every seven days.

Of course, in Qin Ran's opinion, these are all trivial matters.

The real event was when the warriors accomplished a conquest.

Through his own beliefs, Qin Ran could roughly see what was going on.

After the tribe had sufficient food reserves, the warriors of the tribe set out on an expedition under the leadership of Ada.

Although Ada is still the leader of the team, the main force of this expedition is Aru.

After all, Aru is the only extraordinary person in the Yanyang tribe, and his combat power alone exceeds that of the entire tribe.

With Aru, a mad warrior, it took the tribe's warriors nearly ten days to reach the nearest human tribe.

After observing the other party's situation and confirming that there was no extraordinary person in the other party, Ada chose to go in directly.

A group of outsiders invaded the tribe aggressively, which naturally aroused rejection and hostility from the other party.

But with Aru as a trump card, the Yanyang tribe ignored the other party's hostility and directly revealed its origins.

Yes, we are here to conquer.

I've never seen anyone so arrogant.

Facing the arrogant Yanyang tribe, the other side's petulant temper came to the fore, and they would bully the smaller ones even though they had more people.

Needless to say, the result was that after Alu drank tons of two bottles of liquor, he immediately started the beating mode.

The terrifying power of the berserker was there, and even if the opponent's number doubled, it wouldn't be enough for Aru to bully him alone.

Normally, for one barbarian tribe to conquer another barbarian tribe, it only needs to defeat the other party.

But the different world is not a normal world.

The pious faith accumulated over time here can give birth to divinity in those who believe in it.

The reason why this tribe still exists is because they have the protection of God.

Like the Yanyang tribe in the past, this tribe does not regard the ferocious beasts as gods, but has its own totem.

Unlike the Yanyang tribe, which uses the sun as a totem, this tribe's totem is a huge stone pillar.

The stone pillars themselves have no traces of artificial carving, but are formed by the miraculous workmanship of nature.

There are stone pillars more than three meters high, covered with mysterious patterns, and there is a huge one-eye at the top.

The ancestors of the tribe encountered this stone pillar when they were still raw and drinking blood. They were shocked by its greatness and worshiped it as a god.

The birth of the Divine is a miracle.

The ancestors of the tribe settled near the stone pillars, and accidentally entered the safe zone and were able to survive and multiply near the stone pillars.

And the worship of generations of people finally gave birth to divinity in the stone pillar and became the totem of the tribe.

With the protection of the totem, even if ferocious beasts migrate, the tribe will still exist.

This tribe calls the stone pillar the One-eyed Stone King.

The totem exudes a divine aura, which is enough to deter ferocious beasts from approaching.

But for the Yanyang tribe members who were also humans, Totem let them in as if they were defenseless.

It wasn't until this tribe was beaten by the Yanyang tribe that the elders in the tribe hurriedly asked for God's protection.

Belief is a mysterious thing.

As a totem that has protected the tribe for hundreds of years, even if there is no self-consciousness, after feeling the prayers of believers, it still blesses the believers with divine power.

The situation was completely reversed.

One-eyed Stone King?

The ability is quite consistent with the name. It's no wonder that Aru is no match.

After digesting the thoughts in his faith, Qin Ran couldn't help but nod secretly.

Totem gods can bestow strength on believers. This is something that every totem god can do.

It's just that because the totem god is a dead thing, the range of blessings is limited to the range it can affect, which is the range enveloped by the spirit's aura.

But the divine aura is enough to deter ferocious beasts, so this ability of the totem god rarely appears.

Rather than granting power, the power that totem gods more often manifest is related to healing.

Qin Ran, who inherited everything from the totem sun god, clearly knew these secrets about the totem god.

In the history of the Yanyang tribe, there are only a few records of the totem god granting power.

More often than not, it is the totem god’s healing power that makes tribal believers worship him.

If there is a half-dead person, after offering sacrifices to the gods, the person can be placed under the totem pole for the night.

Not to mention being full of energy the next day, most of them can be cured by the totem god.

It is precisely because of this that totem gods can continue to be worshiped by believers.

The one-eyed stone king Qin Ran saw in his faith was in a similar situation.

Different from the ability of the Sun God, the power of the One-eyed Stone King seems simple and crude.

The believers blessed by it are all emitting earthy light, and a mysterious force field envelopes them.

Under the pull of that force field, the earth cracked, and countless stones attached to their bodies, turning into armor made of stone.

The primitive people just started to drive Gundam, and the combat effectiveness was at least a hundred times higher.

The most important thing is that there are not one blessed believer, but three.

These three men were the most pious of the young men in the tribe.

Their young and strong bodies can withstand the weakness that the gods have blessed them with.

Their devout and firm faith can also attract the arrival of divine power.

Although the mad Aru looked like a humanoid ferocious beast, he still felt powerless when facing three enemies covered by rocks.

The violent force hit them. Although it could easily smash large rocks, it could not stop the rocks from continuing to cover them.

The three warriors, who had borrowed the power of the totem, were able to work together to stop Aru, the berserker.

It's enough to stop Aru. The extraordinary warrior who borrowed the power of the One-Eyed Stone King still has long-range means.

Their eyes can emit a cloudy light.

Those rays of light are like the gaze of Medusa, which can easily petrify objects hit by the light.

Aru, who was suppressed by the joint forces, was burning with blood-colored aura and was immune to such petrification.

But the warriors who came with Aru were not as lucky as Aru.

Just by being illuminated by that light, their bodies were covered with gray rocks.

Occupy a moment of reversal.

Seeing the tribesmen turning into statues one by one, Adam, as the hunting captain, felt his eyes tearing apart.

Although he was just an ordinary person, in the moment of life and death crisis, Ada still praised the sun god loudly and shot sharp arrows at the enemy.

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