I Became the Sun God

Chapter 46 Exploring the system

Golden Mirror, Coffin Sutra, A and B Sutra, Yi Jin Jing, Chakra Complete Book...

Just by putting these book titles here, people who didn't know better thought Qin Ran was cultivating immortality.

But only Qin Ran knew that it was impossible.

Although extraordinary power exists in the real world, that is, dark energy as defined by science, ordinary life cannot mobilize it at all.

Under such circumstances, how could there be a secret book for cultivating immortality?

This thing is like a food blogger.

People in the world of immortality have actually eaten it, so they not only know how it tastes, but also know how to cook it.

But you haven't even seen the ingredients, so you wrote a lot of cooking tips and tasting reports. Who are you trying to fool?

This is pretty much what happens in the real world.

Whether it is humans or other life forms, it is basically impossible to mobilize dark energy. It is impossible to use dark energy to step into the transcendent.

Therefore, among all the secrets of cultivation, each one counts, and none of them can make a person extraordinary.

“But there is no denying the wisdom of our predecessors.”

Qin Ran read books for a day, and his head was filled with a lot of knowledge.

His essence is a divine creature, or a sun god from another world, and his brain's ability to process information is abnormal.

Under such circumstances, Qin Ran's learning ability was also terrifying.

Regarding ancient medicine, although Qin Ran cannot be said to be the best in the world, he can be regarded as knowledgeable in both Chinese and Western medicine.

It was precisely because he had learned so much that Qin Ran expressed his affirmation of the wisdom of his ancestors.

These are completely empirical things. Through generations of improvement and progress, they have become infinitely close to the truth about the human body.

Meridians, acupoints, yin and yang, qi and blood...

Qin Ran affirmed the theory of these things.

Of course...the things about cultivating immortals are purely conjecture.

Theoretical knowledge is already very close to the basics. If dark energy is involved, a method of cultivation may really be born.

Qin Ran closed his eyes and visualized the model of the human body's meridians and acupuncture points in his mind.

This is an unusual hodgepodge of models.

There are not only Eastern meridians and acupuncture points, but also Tianzhu chakras.

With the help of the essence of the gods, Qin Ran continued to experiment on the imaginary model, and the divine power flowed in his body.

For gods, their very existence is great, and there is no need to use divine power or anything like that.

Even the ubiquitous dark energy can be mobilized with a single thought as long as it is within his authority.

If God says I can do it, I can do it.

This is the transcendence of God Himself.

But at this moment, Qin Ran wanted to find out a way to practice, so naturally he had to use his own body as a test subject.


After countless attempts, Qin Ran suddenly opened his eyes.

At that moment, he suddenly felt the power of fire running within his body, suddenly absorbing dark energy.

Is this the operating route?

Qin Ran couldn't believe it and tried it again.

As expected, the power in his body moved along that route and was able to absorb dark energy.

Dark energy enters the meridians from the acupuncture points, is refined by the power in the meridians, and finally returns to the Dantian.

Is this practice?

Qin Ran's face showed joy.

He felt that he had already glimpsed the door, although the threshold for this door was relatively high.

First of all, there must be permission from the gods, otherwise the dark energy will lie there motionless like a drunken girl.

No matter how you seduce him, it won't work.

And with the permission of the gods, you have to use the correct method to get the girl to take the initiative in your arms.

As for the correct approach?

That was the right way just now!

Although it was discovered by chance, it was the right approach after all.

Qin Ran's eyes were bright.

He knew that this discovery could be regarded as bringing down the sky-high buildings to the ground.

As long as you continue to study, sooner or later you will create a cultivation system based on the theory of meridians and acupuncture points.

Although I don’t know what the upper limit of this system is, this system is undoubtedly acceptable in the real world.

But this system has a prerequisite.

That is only if dark energy can be absorbed by life.

But the problem now is that the dark energy in the real world cannot be absorbed at all.

Otherwise, even if humans fail to master extraordinary power, countless species will be born with extraordinary powers.

And the reality is there isn't one.

Qin Ran quickly calmed down after getting excited.

Because he knew very well that the meridians and acupoints cultivation system still relied on the environment.

If you figure out a complete cultivation method by yourself, this cultivation system can be promoted in other worlds.

Because the aura of another world is active and can be absorbed by humans.

But the environment in the real world is different.

When Qin Ran was exploring the cultivation method, he had a premise, that is, dark energy could be absorbed.

But the problem is...the dark energy in the real world is extremely inactive and cannot be absorbed at all?

Qin Ran's brows frowned.

If this is the case, does practicing the method have any meaning?

As a god, he is the rule in himself.

If placed in the world of mythology, he would be the object of countless practitioners' visualizations.

Just like in the novel about cultivating immortals, a certain method was created by observing the projection of the Supreme Being and comprehending the Taoist charm in it.

By cultivating such a method, one can undoubtedly develop a power that is close to that of a supreme being, but in the end, it will never be a supreme one.

For example, if you practice certain skills such as the Dragon Transformation Technique, even if you reach the top level, can you compare with the real Nine Heavens Divine Dragon?

The human body is weak and weak, without the tyrannical body of a savage bear or the sharp claws and teeth of a tiger or leopard.

But people have wisdom and are good at pretending to be external things.

Just like in ancient times, humans made sharp stone tools without sharp claws.

Human beings did not have the ability to attack from a distance, so they invented bows and arrows based on local materials.

In the world set in that kind of novel, this is how the original cultivation method of human beings should have come about.

Imitate the innate divine or alien species of heaven and earth, and then gradually gain the power they master.


Qin Ran's eyes lit up.

The word visualization, which is commonly used in novels, was keenly captured by Qin Ran.

if it is like this…

Maybe the real world can be controlled by me?

Qin Ran felt a little excited.

If your sudden idea works, then the real world is really your own backyard.

Even if a powerful person destroys the world and destroys the world, Qin Ran doesn't need to worry at all.

The only problem now is to create a practice system.

It's been a long process.

The experiment I just conducted just verified the wisdom of the ancients and is in line with the actual situation.

But to create different practice systems based on these theories, we need genuine products for reference.

Qin Ran suddenly missed the other world.

Based on the idea that I just had a flash of inspiration, a mere practice system can no longer satisfy me.

But is it so simple to create a practice system?

As a god, if Qin Ran can be patient and take his time, maybe everything will be easier to talk about.

But the problem is that Qin Ran doesn't want to wait that long.

Under such circumstances, how much easier would it be to have a mature practice system as a reference and then set a trap for it yourself?

It should be winter in another world, right?

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